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Displaying the sum


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I have an HTML form.This form contains three fields:First numberSecond number SumFirst number and Second number are text box fields, and currently sum also.I have included the addition equation of sum, such that sum = first_number + second_cumberBut, what I want is "Display" the result of sum, and don't want sum to be a text box field, just a field where I can get the result show automatically once filling first_number and second_number.How can I do that?Thanks.

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This sounds like a job for JavaScript. You can set behaviours to happen when certain events occur, such as when the user hits a button to perform the addition or when the field where they input the second number loses focus.Here is the general idea:<html><head><title>Addition</title><script type="text/javascript">function add_em() {first = document.getElementById("first");second = document.getElementById("second");output = document.getElementById("output");output.value = parseInt(first.value)+parseInt(second.value);}</script></head><body><input type="text" size="5" id="first" value="" /><input type="text" size="5" id="second" value=""/><input type="button" value="add" onclick="add_em()" /><input type="text" size="10" id="output" value="" /></body></html>

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If you wanted it to fire when the user enters the numbers (without pressing a button) just add the function to the onchange or onblur events of the input boxes.BTW, to make is so your output is not a text box you can use a div or a span and then instead of changing the value you'd change the innerHTML.output = document.getElementById("output");output.innerHTML = parseInt(first.value)+parseInt(second.value);...<span id='output'></span>

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Instead of putting the onchange handler in the output field, you want to put it in the field #second.

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ShadowMage, what do you mean by "Company Policy". Aren't you able to access http://pastie.org?
I mean that I'm at work and my company's policy only allows me to go certain places. (This forum, oddly enough, being one them) So no, I cannot visit that site.Edit: Unless of course it has anything to do with programming or troubleshooting computers or other information technology stuff. :)
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Well, it sort of works, but not as expected: the output field is updated when the second field loses focus, which I could have called onblur and not onchange. Final thing to try: change the event to onkeyup. I've tried it and this works as you want.

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Can you post relevant portions of your code? I'm unable to visit your site (company policy).
Here is where I reached so far:
<html><head><title>Addition</title><script type="text/javascript">function add_em() {first = document.getElementById("first");second = document.getElementById("second");output = document.getElementById("output"); output.innerHTML = parseInt(first.value) + parseInt(second.value);}</script></head><body><input type="text" size="5" id="first" value="" /><input type="text" size="5" id="second" value="" onchange="add_em();"/><input type="text" size="10" id="output"/></body></html>

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Well, it sort of works, but not as expected: the output field is updated when the second field loses focus, which I could have called onblur and not onchange. Final thing to try: change the event to onkeyup. I've tried it and this works as you want.
Thanks a lot chibineku, will try that soon.
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Well, I see one problem. You use innerHTML in your javascript function but the output is an input. Input's do not have an innerHTML property. You need to use output.value instead. Or if you don't want to use a text box for the output you could change the output to a div or a span. So your HTML would then look something like this:<input type="text" size="5" id="first" value="" /><input type="text" size="5" id="second" value="" onchange="add_em();"/><span id='output'></span>You wouldn't have to change anything with your JavaScript function.

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