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Table/cell width problem


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I have trouble adjusting the width of of a cell of a table . I have tried many things, cellspacing, cellpading, in line css(style:width) but i have not managed to reduce the width of the cell. I have enclosed the table in a div tag.I do not know what is going on.The code is the following

<div id="contact"> <table id="contact" cellspacing="15" align="left" width="1%" cellpadding="2"> <tr><th style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype', 'Book Antiqua', Palatino, serif" > Eπικοινωνία</th></tr> <tr><td style=" width:15px"><img src="/korakeiko/templates/themza_j15_21/images/Mail-2.png" width="31" height="31" /></td><td><a href="mailto:pap56@ath.forthnet.gr">Korakotaxidromio</a></td></tr> <tr> <td><img src="/korakeiko/templates/themza_j15_21/images/Mobile.png" width="31" height="31" /></td><td>6973999099</td></tr> </table></div>
You can see the inline width style set to 15px. This does not have any effect at all to the width of the cell i wish to alter.Thanks for your time.
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I'm not quite understanding what you are trying to accomplish, but if it is the cells with images you are trying to make smaller, put colspan="2" in the first <th>
You were right, with colspan i managed to solve the issue, thanks.
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