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Store multiple usernames in the same field as a String?


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How can i store multiple usernames in the same field as a string?Each user has a field for freinds and when they click 'add as friend' on someones profile, id like it to add to their friends field so i can use it when it comes to sending message.

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You might store the list of friends as a string of delimited values. A comma, tab, or newline character would work as a delimiter, sort of like:b00bcatMan,e66He4dz,harry123If your server-side platform is PHP, you can separate the list using explode(). This does not allow for convenient joining of tables, however.

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You're not actually supposed to store multiple values in one field - the proper way to do it would be to create a new table that associated two users as friends, e.g.

CREATE TABLE friendship (    requester INT NOT NULL, -- being the ID of the user that requested the friendship    responder INT NOT NULL, -- being the ID of the user that responded to the friendship    PRIMARY KEY (user1, user2));

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