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pass a variable from JScript to ASP function


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Is it possible to pass a variable in Javascript to a ASP function?I want to do something like this.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------<%sub check(temp) Response.Write(temp&"<br>")end sub%><script>var varJS=123document.write("<%call check(varJS)%>")</script>----------------------------------------------------------------------------------I don't know how to pass a varJS to ASP subThxJoe

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When I do this, ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------<%sub check(temp) dim varASP varASP="abc" Response.Write(temp=varASP)end sub%><script> var varJS="abc" document.write('<%call check("'+varJS+'")%>')</script>----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Why it returns false when I compare varJS and varASP?Both of them are they string?ThxJoe

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You could do this in an asp page or html or something else:

<html><head><script language="vbscript"><!--  sub check(temp)    document.write("vbscript: "&temp)  end sub--></script></head><body><script language="javascript"><!--  var javaVar = 10;  document.write("javascript: "+javaVar+"<br />");  check(javaVar);//--></script></body></html>

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Thank you for your help.I tried to run your code and I got false. When I used the "len" function to verify, I got different length. It's weird!<%sub check(temp)dim varASPvarASP="abc"Response.Write(len(temp)&" "&len(varASP))end sub%><script>var varJS="abc"document.write('<%call check("'&varJS&'")%>')</script>

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