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weird variable output


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Take a look at the code below:

$_REQUEST["month"] = date("n");$_REQUEST["year"]  = date("Y");$cMonth = $_REQUEST["month"];  $cYear  = $_REQUEST["year"];$timestamp = mktime(0, 0, 0, $cMonth, 1, $cYear);$thismonth = getdate($timestamp);$startday = $thismonth['wday'];

The strange with the above is that $startday outputs 0 to the browser while it should output 3-as it is Wednesday today. What do you think? Does the answer lie somewhere here:

$timestamp = mktime(0, 0, 0, $cMonth, 1, $cYear);

In the 1 appearing in the mktime function appearing above?

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$timestamp = mktime(0, 0, 0, $cMonth, 1, $cYear);1 is refering the day of this month. which is not today's date.http://php.net/mktime

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SO, it is referring to the first day of the month, correct?

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yes if you put todays day 25 will show you tthe correct one$timestamp = mktime(0, 0, 0, $cMonth, 25, $cYear);

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And sth else. About [wday] of getdate() function. Is Sunday denoted by 0-meaning the first of the week?Is that correct? Thanks again.

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Thank you very much. :good: I do not need sth else(for now).

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