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problem with the variable


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When someone clisks the link below:

echo '<a href="'.$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]. "?month= ". $prev_month ." &year= " .$prev_year. '">		    <img src="Images/prevmont_arrow.png" width="12" height="14" alt="previous month" /></a>'; 		  		   echo  '<div class="monthname">'.$monthNames[$cMonth - 1].''. $cYear.'</div>';

The month variable($cMonth) contained in div monthname gets reduced by one-here is the code which makes that possible($monthnames is just the array that contains the names of the month):

$prev_month = $cMonth-1;

Take a look at this code also:

 <a href="'.$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]. "?day= ". $prev_day ."&monthcol=".$prevc_month."&yearcol=".$cprevyear.'">Previous day</a> <li>'.$cDay.'  '.$monthNames1[$cMonthcol- 1].'  '.$cYearcol.'</li>

I want-also-when the above link clicked-which diminishes the days-when a certain day is reached(for example 4), the month to be diminished also. that means, $prev_day accessing $cMonth-1($cMonth equals $_REQUEST["month"] = date("n")). I have tried numerous times to achieve the above but with no results. For example: if($cDay==4) {$cMonth-1;} What are my options?All variables listed are in global scope. The strange is, that, for example, the below code works:

if($cDay==4)  {echo $cMonth;}

IF you think the details i provide are not sufficient i can provide more.

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I am not sure about the purpose of the ccode?. What is the main objetive there? show us the relevant code please

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