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facebook messenger pane


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facebook, on the right, has the messenger pane-I suppose you know that. I want to make sth similar on my site. My feeling is that I will do this using javascript and I want to ask if my logic to implement this sounds ok. Probably it is an if statement that upon clicking an element, the pane appears and at the same time div maincontainer(this is the element's name of Facebook's central column) becomes smaller-by altering some css. What do you think about the above logic?

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JS interaction happends on events. you have to listen to events and when it occurs you have to act upon them. in this case you have to listen to onclick event on that container and make it slide and do other things. sliding the container could be done in two ways with JS gradually decreas/increasing the height of the container or more efficiently and easily using css3 animation (though it is not supported in older browser.resource:https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/CSS/Using_CSS_animationshttps://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/DOM/DOM_event_reference

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