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Fantasy Football Webiste Help


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Hi, I have recently started to learn HTML as i want to create a fantasy football website. If anyone doesn't know a fantasy football site is a 'game' where players make a team out of real life football players, and the get points based on ho they perform in real life. I have got to the grips of the basics thanks to the good tutorials on here. There are just 2 things i am unsure how to do. If anyone could help me or point me in the direction of help i would really appreciate it. The things i am unsure of is how to make it so somone can log on and have their own team, therefore the each person has a different page. And also, how can i make it so people can pick players from their list to add to the team (if they have enough money) and then save it, linking in with problem 2. Thanks for any help Snowy

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That's quite a big project. You'd definitely need a server-side language for that, such as PHP and SQL. If you've just got HTML skills, then you've got a long way to go before you can make your project a reality. I'd recommend practicing on some simpler projects, you can get ideas from http://codecademy.com. Good luck!

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Thanks alot, ill defiantly check that out. what skills do you think ill need to learn to be able to make the site. Is it Javascript? Because at the moment i don't have a clue how it works and what i need to learn to be able to do it.

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