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Article submitting form?


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Hi guys, I'm making a website and on that website people can register and submit various things, such as articles. But I figured it would be a real pain in the ###### if I had a HTML page with all the articles and people send their articles to me and I keep adding them in the HTML page. So I was wondering, does anyone know how I can make a page where you have a field in which people can write articles and then click submit? Basically here's an overview - MAIN PAGE

- Articles Overview (All the articles listed on different pages and sorted by submission date from newest to oldest)
- Submit Article button
- Article submission field (A field for the article title, and a big field for the article text)
Also the articles should have the author's name which links to their profile page. And in the Articles Overview, there should be a row of leters (A to Z) which if you click on a letter, it shows all the articles that have a title that starts with that letter. On a side note, does anyone know if it's difficult to integrate a registration and log-in system for users? Complete with User CP and profile page?
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All this stuff is possible. It's also difficult. You need to know a server-side scripting environment like PHP. You need to know a database like MySql. I would learn how to do some very simple things with those before taking on the project you have described.

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The tutorials here will get you started on both. Then you can work on some small projects of your own. Learn how to send form data to your server and echo it back to a browser. Learn how to save it in a database, then how to search for it. Then make a simple login system. Keep the HTML to the barebones, just enough of a framework to make stuff go. If you do go with PHP, php.net is the greatest online manual on the Internet for any purpose. Once you have the basics, you'll just sort of live there for a few weeks.

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It depends on your goals. You can communicate with your server quite effectively without knowing any JavaScript. But if your long-term goals include serious web development, then I recommend mastering JavaScript. The good news is that PHP and JavaScript have similar syntax, so knowing one helps you know the other.

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