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Hi guys and gals. I need some expertise knowledge and understanding with converting my Microsoft Worded CV to be viewed primarily in IE. Due to employers requiring CV to be emailed these days. I have found that when they print my CV off the page settings have printed the text all over the place. So far I have converted things exactly as it looked in word but much better. I have a few problems to complete it as I would like. Firstly, I tried to add a message box to come up on load. The problem the security content in IE browser blocks the Java script. I am sure any prospective employer would not risk trying to open it and would be deleted without viewing. Everything works in Firefox but not in IE. I need IE to be default browser as it is installed on machines generally, so this makes sense.

Secondly, I am 45 years old and my CV is getting quite long but to keep within 2 pages is impossible to include everything. As seen on Facebook some posts have a "read more" or show more" text. I would like my CV work history to work in the same way. So only a few lines show on load of each job. Having the option to click or hover to continue reading the job detail, to enable me to include much more detail without over facing them.

Lastly, and more importantly I am very new to HTML, CSS, PP and Java script. Can it all be done? I have loaded my code in this attachment option not sure how it works but just in case it helps. Not sure why some of my previous employer names are not lining up properly as the others, so annoying!! Thanks for taking the time to read me!!

Online help w3.html

Edited by TinMan
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I have also noticed that IE is paranoid about running my Javascript. I don't quite understand that because it must run other Javascript. If Javascript is ruled out then you are left with css to hide and unhide things.




Looking at your file I don't see an example of show/hide that demonstrates what you want to do.

Edited by davej
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What do you need the message alert for?


What if you paginated your online HTML/CSS CV and then just offer a PDF download link as well?

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Thanks for replies chaps. The CV is paginated now if u mean page width of a browser. Have given out PDF versions before but they no like format as there is no manipulation like read pane (at a guess). The Message box is unnecessary, was just trying to do something bit different with it having power of browser platform. It the show hide of 3rd line of a paragraph and downwards to be hidden with an OBVIOUS user friendly "READ MORE" click link to continue reading, thought it would be cool and show them I got brains (more like somebody elses). I have looked and tried working with the CSS show/hid, being as I am trying to display only a portion of a paragraph in each class there is no other example of this for me to work through. could I make the 1st portion a <h6> heading as is unused in my CV and then hide the <p> element on load with blue text at end of each <h6> and try to do a on click event for the blue text. Is that feasible? I have not got any hide or show Dave coz I don't know how I can show a small portion of the element.

Many thanks for help lads I appreciate it.

Edited by TinMan
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I mean actual pagination. Where you would have a link to see "page 1" and a link to see "page 2" above the actual CV markup itself. Using Javascript it would essentially just show/hide parts of your CV, so a user doesn't have a really long page of content.



1 | 2


CV "page 1" content here




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I have not really had anybody help me on this so far so I did some research myself on hiding and unhiding text and found this on Microsoft. It works fine in Firefox but in IE it reports restricted script or activeX content. Can anybody help me trick IE or remove the code that causes this to happen. Being as I am trying to produce an electronic CV using IE as every office computer has it installed by default.


<html><head><title>DHTML Test</title><style> .visi1 { visibility:"visible" } .visi2 { visibility:"hidden" } .disp1 { display:"block" } .disp2 { display:"none" }</style></head><body><h3 align="center">Displaying and hiding text</h3><p align="center">The following two examples show two methodsto show and hide text dynamically.</p><div align="center"><center><table border="1"><tr> <th>Changing Stylesheet</th> <th>Changing inline style</th></tr><tr> <td valign="top"> <p onMouseOver="HideMe1.className='visi2'" onMouseOut="HideMe1.className='visi1'"> Move the mouse over this text to make the following text disappear. </p> <div id="HideMe1"> <p>DHTML using VISIBILITY</p> </div> <p onMouseOver="HideMe2.className='disp2'" onMouseOut="HideMe2.className='disp1'"> Move the mouse over this text to make the following text disappear. </p> <div id="HideMe2"> <p>DHTML using DISPLAY</p> </div> <p>When the DISPLAY text disappears, this text moves up.</p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p onMouseOver="HideMe3.style.visibility='hidden'" onMouseOut="HideMe3.style.visibility='visible'"> Move the mouse over this text to make the following text disappear. </p> <div id="HideMe3"> <p>DHTML using VISIBILITY</p> </div> <p onMouseOver="HideMe4.style.display='none'" onMouseOut="HideMe4.style.display='block'"> Move the mouse over this text to make the following text disappear. </p> <div id="HideMe4"> <p>DHTML using DISPLAY</p> </div> <p>When the DISPLAY text disappears, this text moves up.</p> </td></tr></table></center></div></body></html>

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I have noticed IE complain about Javascript when I am working on a page in a folder on my machine but later when I upload the page to a web host then IE does not complain about the Javascript.

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