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load some images to a div


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i want to load some images using new image() object method.i can do the same thing using normal array indexing.but i want to do it in this way only for learning purpose.can anyone tell me where the mistakes here

<!doctype html><html><head><meta charset="utf-8"><title>Untitled Document</title><style>#this{	width:500px;	height:100px;	border:1px solid blue;}#this img{	width:100px;	height:100px;}</style></head><body><div id="this"></div><script>load();</script><script>	var imag = new array(4);	imag[0] = new image();	imag[0].src = "image1.jpg";	imag[1] = new image();	imag[1].src = "image2.jpg";	imag[2] = new image();	imag[2].src="image3.jpg";	imag[3] = new image();	imag[3].src ="image4.jpg";	imag[4] =new image();	imag[4].src="image5.jpg";function load(){	var m=document.getElementById("this");	var i;	for(i=0;i<imag.length;i++){		m.innerHTML += '<img src="'+imag[i].src+'" id="'+i+'" onClick="show(this.id);" />';	}}	</script></body></html>
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<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="utf-8"><title>title</title><style>#imgdiv{width:500px;height:100px;border:1px solid blue;}#imgdiv img{width:100px;height:100px;}</style><script>window.onerror = function(m, u, l){alert('Javascript Error: '+m+'nURL: '+u+'nLine Number: '+l);return true;}</script><script>var imag = [];window.onload = init;function init(){imag[0] = new Image();imag[0].src = "image1.jpg";imag[1] = new Image();imag[1].src = "image2.jpg";imag[2] = new Image();imag[2].src= "image3.jpg";imag[3] = new Image();imag[3].src = "image4.jpg";imag[4] = new Image();imag[4].src= "image5.jpg";// the above assignments preload the image files. // you could also assign an onload event handler // to the above images to see when they finish// loading.// you need to put the image elements on the screen...loadimg();}function loadimg(){var m = document.getElementById("imgdiv"); //don't use 'this' as an idfor(var i=0 ; i<imag.length ; i++){var e = document.createElement('IMG');e.src = imag[i].src;e.alt = imag[i].src;e.id = 'img_id'+i;e.onclick = show;m.appendChild(e);}}function show(){alert('image id = '+ this.id);}</script></head><body><div id="imgdiv"></div></body></html>
Edited by davej
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