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Not really sure how to phrase this


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I have a webpage that is larger in width and height than most browsers can fit into their maximum windows. This is done on purpose, as i want my viewers to be scrolling left, right, up, down, etc through the page. The page itself is simply a canvas for a large piece of artwork, but I don't want that artwork to be readily fully visible.


So this I have accomplished. But theres a problem.


Anyone who visits my page on a typical browser software like mozilla or explorer or whatever will, by default, start out in the top left corner of the page. This seems to be the standard for every webpage. Always, when you click the link, or in whatever way access the new page, you automatically begin at the top of the page and, if there is room to scroll right, all the way to the left of the page.


This is annoying because there is nothing spectacular in the upper left corner of this artwork.


What I want to do, if it is possible, is to code or by-whatever-means-make-it-so that when one visits my page, they immediately are brought to a specific coordinate on that page. In other words, I want to move the default origin and have, lets say 1500px to the right and 1500px from the top be at the very center of one's screen when they visit this page.


For me, it is a little harder to express succinctly but I hope you understand what I mean. I'm not sure if this is something that can be done in html or css or what or at all. But if you have any help to offer I will be most grateful.

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<script type="text/javascript">  window.scrollBy(1500,1500);</script>

place that inside the <head> tag, preferbly right after the link to your stylesheet with the window's dimensions. If I'm right you want that to run immediately before the page even fully loads so you don't want it in an onload event.

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