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Need help writing in drop downs


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I am making a header/nav bar for a website and I have all of the basics done and it works. Now what I need to do is add drop downs below some of the menu items, for ex. Roster>raid Roster and a guild roster option that leads to different pages. I have tried with no success, help would be appreciated.


I wrote this by using this site and learning the different aspects of it but i just can't get a drop down to work.


This is the Htlm I have written and the second is my css file.

<!doctype html><html lang="en"><head>    <meta charset="utf-8" />	<title>Moment Of Reckoning</title>	<link rel="stylesheet" href=main.css>	<link href='http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans+Condensed:300' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'></head><body>   <div id="big_wrapper">      <header id="top_header">	     <h1><a href="http://www.momentofreckoning.enjin.com"><img src="http://files.enjin.com/283393/Logo%20MOR/coollogo_com-89272111.png" /></a><h1>	 </header>		  <nav id="top_menu">	    <ul class="kwicks kwicks-horizontal">		<li class="pan1"><a href="http://momentofreckoning.enjin.com/about">About</a><div class="navtext">		<li class="pan1"><a href="http://momentofreckoning.enjin.com/forum">Forums</a><br /><div class="navtext">        <li class="pan2"><a href="http://momentofreckoning.enjin.com/events">Events</a><div class="navtext">        <li class="pan3"><a href="http://momentofreckoning.enjin.com/activity">Rosters</a><div class="navtext">        <li class="pan4"><a href="http://momentofreckoning.enjin.com/recruitment">Applications</a><div class="navtext">        <li class="pan1"><a href="http://momentofreckoning.enjin.com/media">Media</a><div class="navtext">        <li class="pan2"><a href="http://momentofreckoning.enjin.com/guildpolicy">Policies</a><div class="navtext">        <li class="pan3"><a href="http://us.battle.net/wow/en/guild/area-52/Moment_of_Reckoning/">Armory</a><div class="navtext">        <li class="pan4"><a href="http://momentofreckoning.enjin.com/admin/contact">Contact Us</a><div class="navtext">		</ul>		<div class="clear"></div>	  </nav><i></i><Body></html>
a:link {color:#c97d0c;}      /* unvisited link */a:visited {color:#c97d0c;}  /* visited link */a:hover {color:#c97d0c;}  /* mouse over link */a:active {color:#c97d0c;}  /* selected link */a:link {text-decoration:none;} h1{    position: absolute;	top: 10px;	left: 200px;}#big_wrapper{position: relative;	width: 1040px;	height: 198px;	margin: 10px auto -10px;  }#top_header{  background:transparent;  padding: 20px;   }#top_menu{ border-top: 2px solid #c97d0c; /*color and size of line*/	width: 1040px; /*How long line is*/	margin: 80px auto; /*How far from top line is*/	background: transparent; /*color of box under line*/	padding: 0;}#top_menu li{  display:inline-block;  list-style:none;  padding: 5px; font-size: 20px;  font-weight:bold;  font-family: 'Open Sans Condensed', 'sans-serif'; }.kwicks > li a {	width: 100%;	padding: 25px 25px 20px 20px;	position: relative;}#enjin-bar a {color: #777 !important;}#enjin-bar a:hover {color: #ffe00b !important;}#enjin-tray {opacity: 0.9;}        

Thanks in advance!

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