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Hello there , i'd like to ask a question.

When there is


<input type="text" Id="GG" name="topic" value ="hi">


it is the same when i write


var x=document.getElementById("GG");                x.value






Thanks for answers

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Well can you please explain why this doesnt work http://jsfiddle.net/35fQG/1/ (couldnt use forms)

and this does


    function nastav(typ) {        if (typ.value == "Zeleninový speciál") {            document.forms["pizzaFormular"].druh.value = "zelenina";        } else if (typ.value == "Masový speciál") {            document.forms["pizzaFormular"].druh.value = "maso";        } else if (typ.value == "Hawaii") {            document.forms["pizzaFormular"].druh.value = "sunkaAnanas";        }    }  <body><form id="pizzaFormular" action="#" onsubmit="return false;"><p> <input type="button" onclick="nastav(zelenSpecial)" name="zelenSpecial"    value="Zeleninový speciál"/><input type="button" onclick="nastav(masoSpecial)" name="masoSpecial"   value="Masový speciál" /><input type="button" onclick="nastav(hawaii)" name="hawaii"   value="Hawaii" />  </p><p>Druh pizzy: <select name="druh"><option value="syr" selected="selected">Sýrová</option><option value="zelenina">Zeleninová</option><option value="maso">S masem</option><option value="sunkaAnanas">Se šunkou a ananasem</option></select></p></form></body>  
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