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Media queries specific?


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Ok, so i could not find this anyways, i don't know maybe i did not loot hard enought but seems faster to just ask here instead since i think this one u all might know except me hehe :P.


I'm trying to expand my knowledge inside CSS Mobile websites, but not only mobile also bigger screens like TV for screens (like mine etc) and so on.


I was thinking, does it really "NEED" to be specific numbers before the mobile or screen reacts to the browser?




We know that ipads (portrait) uses 768px as a minimum and maximum as 1024px...


this is what i have so far:

@media only screen and (min-device-width : 768px) and (max-device-width : 1024px) and (orientation : portrait) {		#wrapper {		margin: 0 auto;		min-width: 768px;		max-width: 1024px;		background-color: #485778;	}	}

And i'm very surten that i got this one right (tell me if i'm wrong)... however, what if i were to build my "own" design? A screen that has something that is between that number or just 1px "above" the 1024px.. do i just add in another pixel like this 1025px and then it will react as normal?


My bottom line question is this, does the media query only react on specific numbers related to devices OR is it also possible to related this to custom build devices and screens? :)


Hope someone can answer as always, thanks! :P

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