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Submitting a form makes a thread.


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Hello everyone, I am kind of new to HTML and I am using this website to make it and I think I am doing well. I have had some help with CSS because I find that really hard. Anyway on to my original point...


I am using XenForo as my forums and I am attempting to make a form on one of the pages. I have got the form sorted I just need a place to submit it to. I was hoping to make a thread on a certain category. So if someone fills in the form it will be:





That will be on a thread. ^


I want to know how to do this using html. If anyone can help please do so! :D

Thanks for your help.


*I know XenForo has addons for this type of thing but I won't pay $30 for something I can do with a bit of help.


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I am not familiar with XenForo.


A forum is more than just HTML. It is a combination of HTML, Javascript, and server-side code which must access tables in a database and then assemble and display the messages.


You can create an HTML form, but I would have no idea how to use a form to create a new XenForo message.


I would suggest you try their user forums for related questions...



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