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anyone starting html certificate?


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Im starting to study for the html certificate.Is anyone starting too? Figure we could study together if anyone interested. :) Put me on the shelf so to speak.

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Hello,My advice to you would be to work with yourself and try things out. In the end, you do not need a certificate saying that you have completed some test. Most people do not have it (including some of the best designers I know).Good Luck with whatever you decide! :)- Moridin

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no offense moridin. though you are right to an extent if you have the certificate they know you know what your talking about. especially if you get 95% or higher then you also get the certificate of appreciation. which would really make them trust you. just my opinion

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Consider this. W3schools is a great tutorial site. However, do employers recognize the HTML certificate? What job can you get if you are only certified in HTML?A great portfolio goes a lot further with an employer than a piece of paper saying you can write HTML. Let's face it lots of people can write HTML but that doesn't mean they can make good websites.If you really want some credentials then look to a local trade college or look for some night or online classes with a recognized institution. If you are going to spend your money, get the most you can for it.To build up a portoflio you can offer free websites to friends, family, and local businesses. That will give you good references when you apply for a job and it will give you experience and something to put in your portfolio.

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