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Correct Use of xsl:template and xsl:for-each

Alex Zanutto

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I am not a developer, but I have to deal with xslt to format xml and generate pdfs occasionally for work.

below you can see the XML and the XSL I am trying to format it with. It all worked fine until I tried to insert the second template. Obviously I am doing something wrong. I am trying to use template and for-each to add a row in the table for each <order_line_item> nested under <order_line_items> and in each of the four cells there should be the four values nested under <order_line_item> Could you help? Thanks!

I was told that you cannot nest templates, so obviously that needs correction. Could someone provide a worked out solution please?



    <order_line_items type="array">
                <document_currency_unit_price_after_discount_value amount="300.0" code="GBP">£300.00</document_currency_unit_price_after_discount_value>
                <document_currency_net_after_main_discount amount="300.0" code="GBP">£300.00</document_currency_net_after_main_discount>
                <unit_quantity type="decimal">1.0</unit_quantity>
            <document_currency_unit_price_after_discount_value amount="300.0" code="GBP">£200.00</document_currency_unit_price_after_discount_value>
                <document_currency_net_after_main_discount amount="300.0" code="GBP">£200.00</document_currency_net_after_main_discount>
                <description>Additional Services</description>
                <unit_quantity type="decimal">1.0</unit_quantity>
            <document_currency_unit_price_after_discount_value amount="300.0" code="GBP">£-50.00</document_currency_unit_price_after_discount_value>
                <document_currency_net_after_main_discount amount="300.0" code="GBP">£-50.00</document_currency_net_after_main_discount>
                <unit_quantity type="decimal">1.0</unit_quantity>



<fo:table margin-bottom="5mm">
                <fo:table-column column-width="25%"/>
                <fo:table-column column-width="25%"/>
                <fo:table-column column-width="25%"/>
                <fo:table-column column-width="25%"/>
                                Unit Price
                                Net Amount
                    <xsl:template match="hash/order_line_items">
                     <xsl:for-each select="order_line_item"> 
                                <xsl:value-of select="description">
                                <xsl:value-of select="document_currency_unit_price_after_discount_value">
                                <xsl:value-of select="document_currency_net_after_main_discount">
                                <xsl:value-of select="unit_quantity">


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