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choosing asc or desc


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i know this can be done by creating many pages and sneakily changing the link's variable (causing the user to alternate between two almost similar pages), but i can't cause this will cause me to create a lot of pages i was just wondering if there was any way to use allow user to choose how to sort a series of records in accending order or descending order using a querystring. For example, the records originally display in no particular order but by clicking a link, the records are arranged in accending order, clicking it again makes the records sort in descending order, a further click makes it sort in accending order and so on

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You will need to create a sort function to accept the array to be sorted and whether it is asc or desc.

Sub DoSort(arr, order)  If order = "asc" Then	'sort asc  Else	'sort desc  End If  DoSort = arrEnd Sub

Then you would call the function like this

dim sortedArray = DoSort(arrayToSort, Request.QueryString("order"))

assuming the querystring you are passing is called order and you use the values asc or desc.

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