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if i do a form and put this

<form method="get" action="http://tgoc.atspace.com/calculators/melee.asp">Weapons Attack Value:<input type="text" name="wdamage" /><br />Blade skill:<input type="text" name="bladeskill" /><br />Luck Level:<input type="text" name="lucklevel" /><br />Strength Level:<input type="text" name="strengthlevel"v /><br /><input type="submit" value="Submit" /></form>

will using it as numbers work instead of actual text cause i need to do this

ModifiedSkill = Bladeskill + ( .04 * (Luck - 50) )

also i have this just like in the tutorial and its not displaying right it just displays that code and its saved as a .asp file

Your weapons damage is:Response.Write(request.form("wdamage"))Your Blade Skill is:Response.Write(request.form("bladeskill"))Your Luck Level is:Response.Write(request.form("lucklevel"))Your Strength Level is:Response.Write(request.form("strengthlevel"))

and if its anything like java u cant use regular text as a number.... wat im trying to say is if i use that will the text submitted be used as an number instead of letters

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