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Subscript out of range: 'UBound'


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Well, im probable doing some basic mistake but the weird thing is that it worked before and I havent altered the code so here goes, I get the following error

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0009' Subscript out of range: 'UBound' /dev_anj/NIR_search.asp, line 577
on row 577
for i = 0 to ubound(arrItems,2)

arrItems is defined as:

dim arrItems()

Depending on if I have one of 2 radiobuttons selected he redims it to either

ReDim Preserve arrItems(5, ArrIndex)


ReDim Preserve arrItems(4, ArrIndex)

now i'm guessing here that it redims the array to 5 although that selection isn't valid, because I didn't get the error with only

ReDim Preserve arrItems(4, ArrIndex)

Is a good solution to make it 2 different arrays even though I don't populate one of them?

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I would set a boolean variable based on the ddl selection and populate the correct array based on the boolean.I never liked using redim.
Problem is that it's a search function from different tables in a database and depending on where you search a different number of items should be shown (hence 5 or 4 in size and increasing on the dimension for each hit).
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Ok I totally separated the 2 now so the problem seems to be arritems alone and that I get out of bound for any lbound or ubound function towards it. Even though it says true on a Isarray. I am all out of ideas now because this code worked before I added the second picec of code and now it just decides not to work as an array anymore...

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Hmm Ill post all code that affects the 2 cases and see if someone can see what might be wrong.

dim arrItems(), arrEleItems()

elseif request.form("nirselection") = "ele" then		 ...(generating of the sqlquery)		 set SQLele = anslut.execute("" & SQLQuery & "")		 		 ArrEleIndex = 0		 if SQLele.eof then			ErrorCode = 2		 else			do while not SQLele.eof			   ReDim Preserve arrEleItems(5, ArrEleIndex)			   arrEleItems(0, ArrEleIndex) = SQLele("reqpro_ref")			   			   arrEleItems(1, ArrEleIndex) = SQLele("title")			   set SQLBuildName = anslut.execute("SELECT prod_ver FROM builds INNER JOIN nir_in_builds ON nir_in_builds.build_id = builds.build_id WHERE nir_element_id='" & SQLele("id") & "'")			   if not SQLBuildName.eof then				  strBuild = SQLBuildName("prod_ver")				  SQLBuildName.movenext				  do while not SQLBuildName.eof					 strBuild = strBuild & ", " & SQLBuildName("prod_ver")					 SQLBuildName.movenext				  LOOP			   else				  strBuild = "-"			   end if			   arrEleItems(2, ArrEleIndex) = strBuild			   set SQLInfoclassName = anslut.execute("SELECT type_name FROM nir_infoclass WHERE id='" & SQLele("infoclass_id") & "'")			   if not SQLInfoclassName.eof then				  arrEleItems(3, ArrEleIndex) = SQLInfoclassName("type_name")			   else				  arrEleItems(3, ArrEleIndex) = "-"			   end if			   if not SQLele("changed_by") = "" then				  arrEleItems(4, ArrEleIndex) = SQLele("changed_by")			   else				  arrEleItems(4, ArrEleIndex) = SQLele("created_by")			   end if   			   arrEleItems(5, ArrEleIndex) = "<a href=NIR_element.asp?selection=edit&id=" & SQLele("id") & " target=_blank><img src=bilder/edit.gif border=0></a><a href=NIR_element.asp?selection=delete&id=" & SQLele("id") & " target=_blank><img src=bilder/delete.gif border=0></a>"			   ArrEleIndex = ArrEleIndex + 1			   SQLele.movenext			LOOP		 end if   	  end if	  ...(some things that don't affect the code)			for i = 0 to ubound(arrEleItems,2)			... (printing it out to page etc no errors here)			next

This part works flawless.

	  elseif request.form("nirselection") = "not" then		 ...(making of sqlquery)   		 set SQLnot = anslut.execute("" & SQLQuery & "")		 		 ArrIndex = 0		 if SQLnot.eof then			ErrorCode = 2		 else			do while not SQLnot.eof			   ReDim Preserve arrItems(4, ArrIndex)			   arrItems(0, ArrIndex) = SQLnot("tag")			   set SQLBuildName = anslut.execute("SELECT prod_ver FROM builds where build_id='" & SQLnot("build_id") & "'")						   arrItems(1, ArrIndex) = SQLnot("name")			   arrItems(2, ArrIndex) = SQLBuildName("prod_ver")			   if not request.form("infoclass") = "dog_aae" then				  arrItems(3, ArrIndex) = SQLnot("valid_for")			   else				  arrItems(3, ArrIndex) = "-"			   end if			   arrItems(4, ArrIndex) = "<a href=NIR_element.asp?selection=new&reqpro_ref=" & SQLnot("tag") & "&infoclass=" & request.form("infoclass") & "&title=" & SQLnot("name") & "&user=" & inloggad & " target=_blank><img src=bilder/new.gif border=0></a>"			   ArrIndex = ArrIndex + 1			   SQLnot.movenext			LOOP		 end if	  end if			...(some general info not intresting to the cause)			for i = 0 to ubound(arrItems,2) <- HERE be tha error >_<			...(writing out items from the array)			next

This part worked flawless before I added the code above and now gives me a

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0009' Subscript out of range: 'UBound' /dev_anj/NIR_search.asp, line 606
error and line 606 is the for i = 0 to ubound(arrItems,2)I had arrItems for both in the start and then the top one worked then I added one for each but still gives ubound or lbound error.
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