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divs + ie

Old Pizza

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I dont want the link because the rules say "No direct or indirect advertising or websites, forums, products, services". I think linking to my site might be indirect advertising (even though its only a graphics showcase of mine :) ). So Ill just show the code, if Im allowed to post the link I will.My Problem - The problem is the code <div></div> not working in IE. At least I think thats what it is. It seems that the code </div> puts a return after it. Which is annoying. :s Heres an image of the problem, it shows the site in FF and the site in IE.http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b345/OldPizza/untitled.pngMy Code -This is the code Im using. If you want I can post the code for nav.php and gfx.php. Theyre just coded the same as the news content area, though. :s

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"   "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en"><head><title>Steve's Graphics</title><link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /></head><body><center><div class="bgtop"></div><div id="banner"></div><div id="content">					<!-- NAVI --><?phpinclude('nav.php');?>					<!-- CONTENT --><div id="news"><img src="img/line.png" width="525" height="1" align="top" alt="" /><br /><div class="right2"><center><img src="img/spacer.gif" width="520" height="1" align="top" alt="" /><div class="maintitleright"><span class="titlea">Website Updates</span></div><img src="img/spacer.gif" width="520" height="1" alt="" /><div class="secondtitleright"><span class="titleb">Pages Updated, 10/1/06</span></div><img src="img/spacer.gif" width="520" height="1" alt="" /><div class="newscont"><img src="img/spacer.gif" width="1" height="1" alt="" /><br /><span class="text">Today I played around with a guestbook, trying to get it integrated with the skin. It ended up having an error with whatever I tried, I might look into it again tomorrow. Maybe not. Ive got tons of homework this weekend.<br /><br />Im posting this update because Ive finally made every page and put content into them. Which is pretty cool.  All pages are XHTML and CSS verified, and they all have content. The contact page still is lacking a contact form. Im pretty sure the reason they arent working is my host doesn't support it. Which is  fine, Ill just give out my email in an image. So bots dont spam it. A script I had up yesterday gave bots my email, and Ive now gotten about 25 emails in the past 24 hours in my spam folder. Plus 6 or 7 in my inbox, which I put filters on so I shouldnt get anymore in my inbox anymore.<br /><br />Note: As of the time this is posted, only Layouts and Other Graphics have been updated. Im still working on all the other pages.<br /><br />Update: All pages are working. Contact does not include a contact form right now, though I have added my email address.</span><br /><img src="img/spacer.gif" width="1" height="1" alt="" /></div><img src="img/spacer.gif" width="520" height="1" alt="" /><div class="secondtitleright"><span class="titleb">XHTML and Links, 9/30/06</span></div><img src="img/spacer.gif" width="520" height="1" alt="" /><div class="newscont"><img src="img/spacer.gif" width="1" height="1" alt="" /><br /><span class="text">First, Ive completely converted this page into XHTML. And validated it. Ill add the link things at the bottom later (for XHTML and CSS), when I add the copyright. Also, the links had underlines. Removed them. Thanks Toungy! =P</span><br /><img src="img/spacer.gif" width="1" height="1" alt="" /></div><img src="img/spacer.gif" width="520" height="1" alt="" /><div class="secondtitleright"><span class="titleb">Validated CSS and HTML, 9/30/06</span></div><img src="img/spacer.gif" width="520" height="1" alt="" /><div class="newscont"><img src="img/spacer.gif" width="1" height="1" alt="" /><br /><span class="text">I have validated the CSS and HTML on this page.. almost. CSS should be validated on every page.  However the HTML isnt. Only the index page is partially varified, and even it has some problems. It has only "Tenatively passed validation". If you know anything about validating HTML, please help me! Use the contact page to contact me with the fix.<br /><br />On a completely different note, I am hoping to get the contact thing working today. All the scripts that I have tried have failed. I know of one script that works, but the creator suggests that I dont use it because if I do Ill get 6000 emails a minute.  Any email scripts that youve got that I can use would be a great help. Contact me with any info you've got.</span><br /><img src="img/spacer.gif" width="1" height="1" alt="" /></div><img src="img/spacer.gif" width="520" height="1" alt="" /><div class="secondtitleright"><span class="titleb">Pages Partially Made, 9/27/06</span></div><img src="img/spacer.gif" width="520" height="1" alt="" /><div class="newscont"><img src="img/spacer.gif" width="1" height="1" alt="" /><br /><span class="text">The page all work, and all have some content on them. I dont want to put all my content on the site yet because I know the site doesnt work in IE, and I really want to have it work before I put everything in. Its a pain to copy and paste all those URLs. =(</span><br /><img src="img/spacer.gif" width="1" height="1" alt="" /></div><img src="img/spacer.gif" width="520" height="1" alt="" /><div class="secondtitleright"><span class="titleb">Using PHP, 9/27/06</span></div><img src="img/spacer.gif" width="520" height="1" alt="" /><div class="newscont"><img src="img/spacer.gif" width="1" height="1" alt="" /><br /><span class="text">Im using PHP now to make updating the navigation and graphics panels much easier. Im also adding in all the links, though the pages wont have content.</span><br /><img src="img/spacer.gif" width="1" height="1" alt="" /></div><img src="img/spacer.gif" width="520" height="1" alt="" /><div class="secondtitleright"><span class="titleb">More Coding, 9/25/06</span></div><img src="img/spacer.gif" width="520" height="1" alt="" /><div class="newscont"><img src="img/spacer.gif" width="1" height="1" alt="" /><br /><span class="text">Well I definitly made a nice bit of progress today. Ive got the links on the main page working, though they do go to any more pages (in case I need to edit the HTML, I dont want to have to do that on every page). I put content in the Graphics area, added a bottom to the page, etc. So yeah, its coming along pretty well. The only problem is it doesn't work in IE. The divs put returns after them, which screws up everything. So it looks like ###### in IE. =(</span><br /><img src="img/spacer.gif" width="1" height="1" alt="" /></div><img src="img/spacer.gif" width="520" height="1" alt="" /><div class="secondtitleright"><span class="titleb">Template Coding Begins, 9/23/06</span></div><img src="img/spacer.gif" width="520" height="1" alt="" /><div class="newscont"><img src="img/spacer.gif" width="1" height="1" alt="" /><br /><span class="text">I finally coded this template. Tough at first, but after I figured out the graphics section I basically was able to copy and paste the code (and edit a bit) for the other parts. Now I just need to make the links work, make the other pages, get a good banner, etc... Im hoping Ill be able to keep this site a low file size (except for the sigs, lps, layouts, etc). Just so itll load quickly. </span><br /><img src="img/spacer.gif" width="1" height="1" alt="" /></div><img src="img/spacer.gif" width="520" height="1" alt="" /></center><div id="bottomright"></div><img src="img/spacer.gif" width="520" height="1" alt="" align="bottom" /></div><img src="img/line.png" width="525" height="1" alt="" align="bottom" /></div>					<!-- GFX --><?phpinclude('gfx.php');?><img src="img/bgbot.png" id="bottomthing"><div id="bottomtext"><a href="http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=referer">XHTML</a>  <a href="http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/check/referer">CSS</a><br />This website and its contents are copyright ©2006 by Steve.</div></div></center></body></html>

Im willing to recode the site if that will make it work in IE. I just need help with it, I have no clue what I should do. Ive tried converting all the divs to <p> instead, also I tried span (which doesnt support having a specific size, so it didnt work at all), nothing worked. :( Any help would be greatly appreciated. :blink: Thanks. :angry:EDIT: If this is possibly a problem with my CSS, I can post that aswell. Or you could move this to the CSS forum if youre sure the problem is there. :)

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I cant use <span> and have it be a set size. The way my site is set up it needs to be a specific number of pixels wide (and in some places height, though more often then not the height is defined by the content.EDIT: Would using tables be my best bet? If yes, how would I have a border on the table? Heres what the sections of my site look like:untitledsj4.pngIm sure I could do the text areas and stuff very easilly, but the border would be difficult I think.. Any suggestions?

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