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Sending information ti ME


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You need a server side scripting language for that if you want to hide your email (for the sake of not being so much spammed). Read the PHP tutorial or the ASP tutorial for details.

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Or you could use mailto, but as I have been reminded many times before it is not very reliable, but as it is the only way I have got for processing data it suits my needs.The problem is that it needs to use the users email to send the data that they input, so if you have access to server side scripts, that is definately your way forward......This is the mailto code that I use:<FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="mailto:your email?subject=your subject" ENCTYPE="text/plain">Obviously you replace the "your email" with your email funnily enough and then the "your subject" is for if you want to have a subject for all of the posts that are sent. I just use this because I have created rules in my inbox to redirect certain emails with the subject of whatever. If you don't want to use the subject then just delete the bit that is highlighted in bold.

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Thank you very much. The problem with a sidescript though is that I have used FormMail but I dont get a thing. Its a long code that I am supposed to enter into to the codearea in dreamweaver and then what? Do I make my form object and they are automaticly connected to the code?

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...This is the mailto code that I use:<FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="mailto:your email?subject=your subject" ENCTYPE="text/plain">
Its not working for me though. Heres the code I used.
</head><html><body><form><FORM METHOD=POST ACTION= "mailto:dsads@asdasd.com" ENCTYPE="text/plain">  First Name:  <input type="text" name="firstname" />  <br />Last Name:<input type="text" name="lastname" /><input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit" /></form></body></html>

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I've made a ASP file but it is not loaded why.Heres the code:

</head><html><body bgcolor="#C6D1FB"><body><title> <h2><b>Cadeaux</b></h2> </title><form><form method="get" action="valkommen.asp" >  First Name:  <input type="text" name="namn" />  <input type="submit" name="submit">  </form></body></html>

When I click the submit it is suppose to execute valkommen.asp yet nothing happens.

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Right, I m not quite sure why it isn't working, I will copy and pase the exact code that I use for my guestbook, its just a name box and a box for text input...

<FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="mailto:Your Email?subject=Your Subject" ENCTYPE="text/plain"><table border="0" width="100%"><tr><td height="40"><font size="2">Name / Nickname:</td></tr><tr><td height="40"><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="Guests Name" SIZE="30"></td></tr><tr><td height="40"><font size="2">Post:</td></tr><tr><td><TEXTAREA NAME="Guests Post" ROWS="10" COLS="120" style="font-family: arial;" onfocus="if (this.value=='Add Your Message Here.') {this.value='';}" onblur="if (this.value=='') {this.value='Add Your Message Here.';}">Add Your Message Here.</TEXTAREA></td></tr><tr><td height="40"><center><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Submit Post" onclick="window.location='thankyou.html';">   <INPUT TYPE="reset" VALUE="Clear Post"></center></td></tr></form></table>
Edit: There are a few things you may need to look at as well, at the bottom, the submit button, will take you to a thankyou page called thankyou.html, you can delete the onclick bit if you like and also there is a thing in italic that makes text appear and dissappear from the input depending wether the user is clicked on it or not. Just change the italic bit to whatever you like, but they must all be the same and don't use '
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