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Hello,I just need a small thing from you people.Actually i am looking for a code for HTML page where the design expands accourding to the monitor resolution.For reference visit : http://www.neemahost.comIf you change your monitor resolution to 1024 then design expands and if it is 800 then the design reduces automatically.How does it happen? What is the code for it?Can anyone help me in this matter.Thanks

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as long as your design can accommodate the stretch, then traditionally, it was as simple as laying your site out in a <table wdith=100%">. All your <td> would then be defined as percentages - that is what the site you mentioned is doing.just understand that somewhere in their design they have a column that is specifically design to jus tbe a place holder - it is the one that absorbs all the empty space - typically a 1 pixel wide image that also doubles as teh bacgounrd image for that table cell.Here is a site that (once you view the source) you might make heads-n-tails of its rather simple (but crude) constuction:http://www.sdiweb.com/

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