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<noscript> tag in XHTML Strict


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I have a JavaScript <script> that generates plain text output, and which I want to include in the middle of a paragraph. W3's XHTML validator has no problem with that. However, it tells me the <noscript> block that comes after it cannot be directly inside a <p>. But it validates fine if I enclose it in an <ins> or <del> block.Can anyone explain the logic behind that? :) The code looks more or less like this:

<p>Hello<script type="text/javascript"> <!-- print_user_name(); // --></script><noscript>dear user,</noscript>and welcome to our site.</p>

Sure, I can move all the text into the JavaScript function, but what kind of sense does it make to allow a <script> block inside a paragraph but not a <noscript> block...? Is this a bug in the validator?RMN~~~

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It could be. Try to report it in the mailing list. If it turns out it's not, then what you can do as a workaround is to replace the noscript element with another one (like span for example) and apply a replace of it's text with JS.

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what you can do as a workaround is to replace the noscript element with another one (like span for example) and apply a replace of it's text with JS.
Hm... :) Somehow I think that trying to use JavaScript to edit the contents of a <noscript> element would be a bit pointless. If JS is active, the element won't be shown at all. If JS is not active, then the code that was supposed to modify it would never run. :)I just enclosed it inside an <ins> element (which makes the validator happy) and set the CSS properties of the <ins> to prevent it from actually changing the look of what's inside it.RMN~~~
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I said

replace the noscript element with another one (like span for example)
Oh, for crying out loud:
<p>Hello<script type="text/javascript"><!--print_user_name();// --></script><span>dear user,</span>and welcome to our site.</p>

If you hide the span's content with JS, then this content won't be hidden when JS is off.

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Apparently the validator is working correctly. The XHTML 1.0 DTD treats <script> and <noscript> in very different ways, and won't allow a <noscript> inside a paragraph, even though it will allow a <script>.The good news is that, in XHTML 1.1, <noscript> can be inside a <p> and doesn't trigger any errors.RMN~~~

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