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effect with baseline-shift


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I'm trying to archive a certain effect with baseline-shift, but I can't get it right!Description: By the side of a certain text, I want smaller sized text (parametrized), aligned to the bottom, top or middle of the previous text limits.It works exactly as reducing the font size, in this case it's the 'bottom' alignment... this one is trivial. But for 'middle' and 'top' alignments, I couldn't get the same effect.Let's try some ascii art to draw it...

BOTTOM:|  ||--||  | HMIDDLE:|  ||--| H|  |TOP:|  | H|--||  |

I guess it's nice enough to understand... =PThe smaller text cannot be below/above the bottom/top of the previous text.Up to now, I was trying to get this using baseline-shift, but looking at the effect that different values of it produce, I think I'm using the wrong tag. Just now I was also trying vertical-alignment, but no success.Can anyone point me out how to do it?Many thanks in advance!

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Ok... what I really need is vertical-align: http://www.ibloomstudios.com/article6/The effects that I need are those of 'middle' and 'text-top' alignments... but it will not be simple as that.I discovered that the parser implementation I'm using is quite limited, with some non-implemented functions, like "vertical-align", including some other involved ones that I tried based on the specs: "alignment-adjust", "alignment-baseline" and "dominant-baseline".So I need to implement the vertical-align in a manual way for 'middle' and 'text-top' with probably very basic functions... :) If you have read this up to here, I hope you can help me!thanks!

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