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Css will not load, until refresh

Guest Leoncoeur

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Guest Leoncoeur

Hi.I'm working on an asp.net page that let u browse the content on a public folder on the web server. I'm at work now so I don't have the code here, but basicly the program calls itself with a new path depending on what folder/file the user klicks on.The problem is that when i first klick on the button to take u to the browse page. The css loads fine and everything looks good. But when u klick on a folder the css dosen't load. But when i hit refresh or manually write the link and hit enter, it works fine. The page also works fine when i put the css classes in the aspx file.Anyone seen anything like this?, what should I do?

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Ummm, loading problem... hmm I've not yet to run into this sort of problem. (I'm pretty new)It's possible that the organization of the code needs a bit work.If there is no organization problem then try using some javascript (or w\e language) to automatically refresh the page onLoad. I'll try to get some code for ya brb.EDIT:Here, maybe this can help you.

<html><head><script type="text/javascript"><!--function delayer(){	window.location = "URL"}//--></script></head><body bgcolor="#000000" onLoad="setTimeout('delayer()', ####)"></body>

KEY:URL- Put the URL that this page is to have it redirect to itself (refresh)####- The number in milliseconds you want the delay to occur. ex.(5000 = 5seconds in milliseconds)

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