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Random name from MySQL database to alertbox (ASP)


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Hi, i want to do a function which gets a random name from my MySQL database and then delivers it in a javascript alertbox. If i got this right, i have to use AJAX or something like that, and I REALLY ###### at AJAX, so now i wonder if you can help me with this small function?Sorry for my bad english.Thanks!

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No i'm using ASP. I tried to use Javascript which called for an ASP function, this didn't work.

<!-- #include file="connect.asp" --><%function databas()call baseopen(connect)SQL = "Select namn from namntips order by rand() Limit 1"set recset = connect.execute(SQL)end function%><script type=text/JavaScript><!--function namntips(){<%call databas()%>alert('<%=recset("namn")%>');}//--></SCRIPT><a href="java script: namntips()">Namntips</a>

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