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Should i jump into JS...


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Hellos: I haven't jumped into JS yet and am very close. Before, i do that, i am questioning myselfwhy and wondering if I should. Perhaps i am ignorant of things and you can give me youradvice. Last few months, i have studied xhtml/css and it has been going well.I don't seem to have a prob understanding this markup and moreso enjoying it. I am more of an artistic type so Flash/Graphics, etc is my emphasis. Front-end.Since, i'm also into 3D/drawing, i am covering alot of ground and wonder if JS or maybe evenAjax after that, is going down the wrong road...Seems from what i see that JS is alot of code for 'little' output. Ex, a photo gallery can be easily done in Photoshop and converted to html. Also, fairly basic behaviors are already built into DW. I can grab snippits of code on dynamic drive, etc.Anyway, this may be a premature outlook ormaybe realisitc....i can't say since i don't know the details of JS. Am i trying to cover too much and should just focus on the more graphic/artisticside of programming or would learning the raw js code be more of a 'need' and requirementas a web programmer. ThankYou.

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JavaScript is a client side programming language that ultimately spits out HTML. It is mostly for making sites more interactive (i.e TreeViews, Drag and Drop, etc) and flashy.Chances are if you are more interested in the "front-end" design then JS might not interest you but it will help you desaign more impressive layouts.

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