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XML not well formed error message


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Hello,Please help me, I am new to this forum and also a beginner for XML support.I am receiving a "XML not well formed" error when trying to load a XML document in my parser. Below is the request:<?xml version="1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?><RegistrationRequest xml:lang="en-US"> <RegistrationInformation> <UserName>Mark Valé</UserName> <Title>Mr</Title> <Address> <AddressLine1>5255 Main St. </AddressLine1> <City>Montréal</City> <StateProvinceCode>QC</StateProvinceCode> <PostalCode>H4R2M6</PostalCode> <CountryCode>CA</CountryCode> </Address> <PhoneNumber>5143339292</PhoneNumber> <EMailAddress>martin.vallee@rvbs.com</EMailAddress> </RegistrationInformation></RegistrationRequest>What is causing this to fail?********************************************ThanksNew Kid on the Block

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I'm no XML expert, but it may be the és in your XML.When I save your XML as a file on my computer and then open it in Firefox, the és turn into ?s:<UserName>Mark Val�</UserName>However, when I view it in IE, I'm returned with this message:

An invalid character was found in text content. Error processing resource 'test.xml'<UserName>Mark Val
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I'm no XML expert, but it may be the és in your XML.When I save your XML as a file on my computer and then open it in Firefox, the és turn into ?s:<UserName>Mark Val�</UserName>However, when I view it in IE, I'm returned with this message:
Thanks for the update. The special acute character above the e's is the problem. I have to change the text editor preference to recognize special characters.Thanks Again.
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