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  1. So i'm not still really familiar with regex and how does it work, but i have issue with my code. I have ¤ in my text and it gets replace with unicode ? block. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Specials_(Unicode_block) for me and I don't get why. Here is the code I'm using. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <style> #kool { width:800px; border:groove; margin:0 auto; padding:25px; } </style> </head> <body> <?php /* Test preg_replace function */ $preg_pattern = "/[^A-Za-z0-9!\"#%£&()=@\s]/"; if (isset($_GET['preg'])) { echo "<div id='kool'>"; echo "<b>Original string: </b> " . $_GET['preg']; echo "<hr>"; echo "<b>Preg pattern: </b> " . $preg_pattern; echo "<hr>"; echo "<b>Result: </b> " . preg_replace($preg_pattern,"",$_GET['preg']); echo "</div>"; } ?> <form method="get" action="preg_test.php"> <input type="text" name="preg" <?php if (isset($_GET['preg'])) { echo " value='" . $_GET['preg'] . "'"; } ?>> <input type="submit"> </form> </body> </html> And here is the string I'm trying to use. Test 0-9, Specialcharacters: !"#¤%&/()=? Result image below Any guides / help appreciated.
  2. Hi ! On of the tutorial pages https://www.w3schools.com/js/js_json_html.asp is missing code of php file. As I understand the code should be the same as on previous page of chapter, like: <?php $myObj->name = "John"; $myObj->age = 30; $myObj->city = "New York"; $myJSON = json_encode($myObj); echo $myJSON; ?> Sincerely, Alejandro.
  3. I have 3 fields that are the same name as corresponding column in MySQL database. First field is a dynamic dropdown list called "eventname". Second field called "eventdate" is an input field that gets populated via choice made from "eventname" dropdown list / First field. Third field called "venuename" is an input field that gets populated via choice made from "eventname" dropdown list / First field. What this dynamic dropdown list does is select the eventname from database then there is an onchange function that pulls out corresponding data from same line for the eventdate and venuename and sets them in the corresponding input field. All works as they should and data gets entered to the MySQL database. Only one issue: "eventname" choice from dropdown list should be submitted as "eventname" the displayed choice, what happens is my code enters data in MySQL as "eventdate | venuename" and my desired result should only be "eventname" The PHP <select id="eventname" onchange="eventFunction(eventname)"> <option selected="selected"></option> <?php foreach ($event as $event) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $event['eventdate'] .'|'. $event['venuename']?>"><?php echo $event['eventname'] ?></option> <?php } ?> </select> Date: <input id="eventdate"> Venue: <input id="venuename"> and the JavaScript <script> function eventFunction(eventname){ var eventDetails = eventname.options[eventname.selectedIndex].value.split("|"); document.getElementById("eventdate").value=eventDetails[0]; document.getElementById("venuename").value=eventDetails[1]; } </script> NOTE: If I touch the value attribute ie value="<?php echo $event['eventdate'] .'|'. $event['venuename']?>" the javascript wont work. I am a begginer with coding using JavaScript, can someone help me solve this please with examples. Thanx.
  4. CAN ANYONE HELP? I just upgraded Joomla to the newest version. When I tried to login to the admin i cannot get to anything except this error message: Error: Unknown column 'a.client_id' in 'where clause': Unknown column 'a.client_id' in 'where clause' Can anyone tell me where to start to fix this? Thanks
  5. Hello All, I'm trying to create a table of images in which each image would be a different link to a product on our website. I'm just learning how to code so I appreciate any help you can give! Attached is pdf showing the general layout of what I'm trying to do. Thanks! Line Card 10-16-18.pdf
  6. BACKGROUND: Many moons ago it was suggested that I create a CRON job that would read into a MySQL table the results of a method call to a Matomo API call and thereby speed up the rendering of data for visitors to the Grammar Captive website. I have since come to learn that this technique is called data translation. The following code creates a class object that when inserted into a foreach loop is suppose to fill the properties of the object for further manipulation. Unfortunately it does perform the intended task. THE CLASS class TranslateMatomoAction { public $mysqli_obj; public $visitID; public $type; public $serverTimePretty; public $timestamp; public $url; public $generationTime; public $pageTitle; public $pageID; public $pageView_ID; public $pageID_Action; public $timeSpent; public $eventCategory; public $eventAction; public $eventName; public function __construct($property, $value) { if ($property === 'type') { $this->type = $value; } else if ($property === 'serverTimePretty') { $this->serverTimePretty = $value; } else if ($property === 'timestamp') { $this->timestamp = $value; } else if ($property === 'url') { $this->url = $value; } else if ($property === 'generationTimeMilliseconds') { $this->generationTime = $value; } else if ($property === 'pageTitle') { $this->pageTitle = $value; } else if ($property === 'pageId') { $this->pageID = $value; } else if ($property === 'idpageview') { $this->pageView_ID = $value; } else if ($property === 'pageIdAction') { $this->pageID_Action = $value; } else if ($property === 'timeSpent') { $this->timeSpent = $value; } else if ($property === 'eventCategory') { $this->eventCategory = $value; } else if ($property === 'eventAction') { $this->eventAction = $value; } else if ($property === 'eventName') { $this->eventName = $value; } } public function set_visitID($visitID) { $this->visitID = $visitID; } public function set_mysqli_obj($mysqli_obj) { $this->visitID = $visitID; } } THE INSERTED CLASS AND ASSOCIATED CODE if (is_array($value1) && ($key1 === 'actionDetails')) { foreach($value1 as $key2 => $value2) { //LEVEL 2 - This foreach statement traverses the set of indexed arrays whose elements are a key-value pair of indices and arrays. Each array is a value of the actionDetails element of a visit. if (is_array($value2)) { $matomo_action = new TranslateMatomoAction($key3,$value3); foreach($value2 as $key3 => $value3) { //LEVEL 3 - This foreach statement traverses the elements of the associative array corresponding to the value of $key2. $matomo_action($key3, $value); } } } } DILEMMA: Unfortunately, the above procedure fails to fill the values of the object's property as expected. QUESTION: Where have I gone wrong? Roddy
  7. Hi there, I went into a problem, might be simple for you but I am sitting here and try it out for many many many hours... Here is the thing, at the top is my header, the header is seperated with php in another file/folder and with a php code it is displaying in the index home file. I would like to have the background video fully covered under my content body and under my header. But whenever I put it, then it is under my content only and the header is disappearing for some reason. Also, when I put it for header only, then I will get it at the top only and the body will be empty with my normal content but without the background video. Here is the code I am using: #CSS * { box-sizing: border-box; } body { margin: 0; font-family: Arial; font-size: 17px; } #myVideo { position: fixed; right: 0; bottom: 0; min-width: 100%; min-height: 100%; } HTML <video autoplay muted loop id="myVideo"> <source src="https://www.belloo.date/upgrade/themes/landing2/images/bg.mp4" type="video/mp4"> Your browser does not support HTML5 video. </video> I put the CSS at the top in the header section and the other stuff in front of my body content. Any suggestions? :(
  8. hello all. i was just wondering between these two versions of PHP - 5 & 7. right now i'm practicing on if PHP 5. and now i'm thinking of upgrading to PHP 7. and i want to know if my current code works with the new version or not. if i upgraded my PHP to 7, should i need to change all or some parts of the codes? thank you in advance.
  9. No keywords are highlight. for what reason behind that. please help me Here is my HTML code and at the bottom PHP. HTML CODE: <form id="nbc-searchblue1" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" autocomplete="off"> <input type="text" id="wc-searchblueinput1" class="nbc-searchblue1" value="<?php echo $search; ?>" placeholder="Search Iconic..." name="search" type="search" autofocus> <br> <input id='nbc-searchbluesubmit1' value="Search" type="submit" name="button"> </form> PHP CODE: <?php // We need to use sessions, so you should always start sessions using the below code. session_start(); // If the user is not logged in redirect to the login page... if (!isset($_SESSION['loggedin'])) { header('Location: ../index.php'); exit(); } include 'connect.php'; $search = $sql = ''; if (isset($_POST['button'])){ $numRows = 0; if (!empty($_POST['search'])){ $search = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $_POST['search']); $sql = "select * from iconic19 where student_id like '%{$search}%' || name_bangla like '%{$search}%' || name like '%{$search}%' || phone like '%{$search}%' || blood like '%{$search}%' || district like '%{$search}%'"; $result = $conn->query($sql); $numRows = (int) mysqli_num_rows($result); } if ($numRows > 0) { echo "<table> <thead> <tr> <th><b>Photo</th> <th><b>Student ID</th> <th style='font-weight: 700;'><b>নাম</th> <th><b>Name</th> <th><b>Mobile No.</th> <th><b>Blood Group</th> <th><b>Email</th> <th style=' font-weight: 700;'><b>ঠিকানা</th></tr></thead>"; while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()){ $student_id = !empty($search)?highlightWords($row['student_id'], $search):$row['student_id']; $name = !empty($search)?highlightWords($row['name'], $search):$row['name']; $district = !empty($search)?highlightWords($row['district'], $search):$row['district']; echo "<tbody>"; echo "<tr>"; echo "<td>" . "<div class='avatar'><a class='fb_id' target='_blank' href='https://www.facebook.com/" . $row['fb_id'] . "'><img src='" . $row['photo'] . "'><img class='img-top' src='fb.png'></a>" . "</td>"; echo "<td data-label='Student ID'>" . $row['student_id'] . "</td>"; echo "<td data-label='নাম' style=' font-weight: 700;'>" . $row['name_bangla'] . "</td>"; echo "<td data-label='Name' style='font-weight:bold;' >" . $row['name'] . "</td>"; echo "<td data-label='Mobile No'>" . "<a href='tel:" . $row['phone'] . "'>" . $row['phone'] . "</a>" . "</td>"; echo "<td data-label='Blood' style='color:red; font-weight:bold;' >" . $row['blood'] . "</td>"; echo "<td data-label='Email'>" . "<a href='mailto:" . $row['email'] . "'>" . $row['email'] . "</a>" . "</td>"; echo "<td data-label='ঠিকানা' style='font-weight: 700;'>" . $row['address_bangla'] . "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; echo "</tbody>"; } } else { echo "<div class='error-text' style='font-weight: 700;'>No Result</div><br /><br />"; } } $result = $conn->query("SELECT * FROM iconic19 $sql ORDER BY id DESC"); function highlightWords($text, $word){ $text = preg_replace('#'. preg_quote($word) .'#i', '<span style="background-color: #F9F902;">\\0</span>', $text); return $text; } $conn->close(); ?>
  10. Hello, I am trying to upload images with php...I followed the instructions step by step and it just not working...The following error code is Warning: getimagesize(): Filename cannot be empty in: ..............I copied the code from here.
  11. Hi, I am having a very hard time debugging & running the following query from a cell on php or pma. $sql = "UPDATE crypto SET crypto_openssl_recommendation = 1 WHERE (\"%ECB%\" OR \"%RC2%\" OR \"%RC4%\" OR \"%DES%\" OR \"%3DES%\" OR \"%MD5%\") LIKE UPPER(crypto_descr);"; The table is meant to keep track of OpenSSL encryption methods, and their availability and recommendation over CryptoJS wether used in Javascript, or JScript. This query is meant to update the recommendation, but the quality of my MySQL querying has wilted a bit in the past four years.
  12. Hi, the error log says that the executing document has an unexpected quotation mark in line 32, however - the lines following the http 500 error from the php error_log - come from crypto_methods.php and are printed below... (all sensitive information has been replaced with *****) [05-Feb-2019 19:20:58 UTC] PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '"' in /home/*****/public_html/crypto_methods.php on line 32 31. foreach ($ciphers as $key => $value) { 32. $sql = "INSERT INTO crypto (crypto_no, crypto_descr) VALUES (" . $key . ", /"" . $value . "/");"; 33. $result = $conn->query($sql); 34. }
  13. Hi again, moved the topic to a new one because it no longer uses PCRE. I have the physical problem of having lost my dev pc and 24" screens, now having to make do with android on a 3.5" touchscreen. So the issue i have encountered is again a likeness of this time a bit more physically - "not being able to see the forest for the trees", as my viewing area has been greatly diminished. The code is below, with the php error_log thereafter. <?php $t = intval($_GET["t"]); switch ($t) { case 1: header('Content-Type: Text/XML'); break; case 2: header('Content-Type: Text/JavaScript'); break; case else: header('Content-Type: Text/HTML5'); ?><!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en-za"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>*** Test Page</title> </head> <body> <p><a href="http://***.com/default.php?t=0&u=Sof00207&f=c&r=45">*** Test Page</a></p><br /> <p> <pre><? /* Initiate Variables for URL: http://***.com/default.php?t=0&u=Sof00207&f=c&r=45 1. Key Field: C 2. Key Row: 45 3. Account Number: Sof00207 4. Month: G 5. Number Of Licenses: 5 6. Active: Y/N: J 7. Licences Used: 3 8. Year: J 9. Module 1: A 10. Module 2: 1 11. Module 3: B 12. Module 4: 0 */ $f = strtoupper($_GET["f"]); $r = intval($_GET["r"]); $f = dirname(__FILE__) . "/RegUploads/" . $_GET["u"] . "#" . $f . $r . ".xml"; print $f . "\r\n\r\n"; if (file_exists($f)) { $ret = file_get_contents($f); print htmlentities($ret); } $servername = "localhost"; $username = "***"; $password = "***"; $dbname = "***"; // Create connection $conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname); // Check connection if ($conn->connect_error) { die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error); } // echo "Connected successfully"; $q = intval($_GET["q"]); switch ($q) { case 0: // Return Encryption Key by Field A/B/C/D & Row ID // Define SQL String $sql = "SELECT * FROM `Sleutels` WHERE `ID` = " . $r . ";"; $result = $conn->query($sql); if ($result->num_rows > 0) { print "\"" . $sql . "\"<br />\r\n"; // output data of each row while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { print "Key: " . htmlencode($row[$f]). "<br />\r\n"; }; } else { print "\"" . $sql . "\"<br />\r\n"; print "0 results<br />\r\n"; }; break; case 1: echo "q equals 1"; break; case 2: echo "q equals 2"; break; }; ?></pre> </p> </body> </html><? }; $conn->close(); ?> [30-Jan-2019 19:42:33 UTC] PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'else' (T_ELSE) in /home/dwtnfwfv/public_html/default.php on line 11
  14. khan.sikki

    Seating Layout

    Hello Friends, Can anyone help in designing seating layout and linking the rows and columns with Database table Regards, Sikandar
  15. Greywacke

    pcre query

    hi all, long time no see... i have a php document which needs to test the entire querystring such as follows: http://verifyreg.com/?c0078#Sof00207#G5J3!J@A1B0 now to process this querystring without variables... i have the following code: // Initiate Variables 1. Key Field 2. Key Row $p = `|(A-Da-d1-4)0*(1-100)#(^#)#(^@)@(*)|U`; $q = $_GET; $m = new Array(); $ret = preg_match_all($p,$q,$m); if ($ret !== false && $ret > 0) { print_r($m.$ret); } however the part after the first # will all be encoded eventually... the first part is to define the field to select the key from, the second part is the row, for the current session. the key will be used on the serverside to encrypt the rest of the querystring after the first #.
  16. I'm making a simple contact form which works and I would like to have the user add in either their phone number OR their email. Both are fine, but at least one is required. I don't want to require both. Anyway, I created an if statement in my php code which works but when I have it return to the form, of course the form has been cleared of the user input. I then decided to create a javascript statement that does the same thing, but it clears the form as well. I personally hate it when that happens to me, so I want to make sure that whoever is filling out the form doesn't lose their information if they forget to input their phone number or email. I'm just learning to code, so I'm not sure what I should do to fix this problem. Is there some sort of HTML code I could use so that one of the two is required before the user hits the submit button? As I said before, I don't want to use the required function for either input. I appreciate any response! 😊
  17. I had an array with duplicates. I removed the duplicates using PHP array_unique function. Then, I loop through the unique array using for loop (Sample Code below) and , I got an Undefined offset error. $even_numbers = array(22,66,24,22,36); $unique_even_numbers = array_unique($even_numbers); for($i=0; $i<count($unique_even_numbers); $i++){ echo $unique_even_numbers[$i].'<br>'; } The interesting thing is that I forgot I removed duplicates from the array somewhere (and therefore, an index). It took me something to figure out what was happening. I then used foreach. If I'm not missing something then I think it will be helpful if this is mentioned somewhere in the w3schools tutorial. It may help especially beginners.
  18. Currently I am working on a project and I faced this problem i want to hide the parameters from URL that are passed. I am working on a site http://letsfindcourse.com and I want to hide the parameters from URL so how can I do that ?
  19. I have been chasing this issue now for a week. I am new to PHP but have been programming in ASP.NET /VB for over 10 years. I have taken the time to document my issue with PHP connecting to a Localhost database and will try to provide a brief explanation of where I am at. First some environment information. OS - Windows 10 - 64bit. DB - Both SQL Server Manager and MySQL Community. Both running on my development machine. PHP - Version 7.2.12 Development Server running Localhost. From my PHP.INI file here are the extensions I am running. extension=mysqli extension=odbc extension=pdo_mysql Under the ;Paths and Directories I made the following changes. Uncommented include_path = ".;c:\php\includes" Uncommented and edited extension_dir = "c:\PHP\EXT" Note: I also had a number of PHP drivers for MSSQL but have abandoned that attempt and moved to MyPHP // MY TEST CODE \\ <?php $link = mysql__construct("localhost", "mikea", "!QAZ2wsx"); mysql_select_db("database", $link); $result = mysql__construct("SELECT * FROM actor", $link); $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result); echo "$num_rows Rows\n"; ?> // HERE IS THE ERROR \\ Note I got the same error when trying to use PHP and MSSQL. And the same error with a number of different coding attempts. Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mysql__construct() in C:\PHP\www\site.php:3 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in C:\PHP\www\site.php on line 3 From the error syntax, it appears that the PHP is attempting to call a function out of the driver and it is not being found. This could indicate that there is a compatibility issue the driver is not being called. I have conducted a great deal of research and there is a lot about this problem but most are a few years old. I have downloaded and installed the most current versions of PHP and the MySQL drivers. I want to progress with PHP but need to be able to make connections to mySQL or MSSQL database. I would prefer now to use MySQL as it is more popular on hosting sites.
  20. 0 down vote favorite BACKGROUND: I have built a custom search engine that works fine in English, but fails in Japanese, this despite confirmation from my host server that I have performed the installation of the Japanese mecab parser correctly. My own checks reveal the following: 1) SHOW CREATE TABLE: FULLTEXT KEY search_newsletter (letter_title, letter_abstract, letter_body) /*!50100 WITH PARSER mecab */ ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=5 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 2) SHOW PLUGINS: ngram | ACTIVE | FTPARSER | NULL | GPL | mecab | ACTIVE | FTPARSER | libpluginmecab.so | GPL IMPLEMENTATION 1) MYSQL Statement: $sql ="SELECT letter_no, letter_lang, letter_title, letter_abstract, submission_date, revision_date, MATCH (letter_title, letter_abstract, letter_body) AGAINST (? IN NATURAL LANGUAGE MODE) AS letter_score FROM sevengates_letter WHERE MATCH (letter_title, letter_abstract, letter_body) AGAINST (? IN NATURAL LANGUAGE MODE) ORDER BY letter_score DESC"; 2) CUSTOM SEARCH ENGINE: See under Local Search / Newsletters at https://www.grammarcaptive.com/overview.html 3) DOCUMENT SEARCHED: See under Regular Updates / Newsletter / Archives / Japanese at https://www.grammarcaptive.com/overview.html COMMENT: Neither PHP, nor MySQL complains. Simply any Japanese word search that needs to be parsed is not returned. For example, the word 日本語 can be search and found, but does not require any parsing to be retrieved. The search for any other Japanese word in the newsletter fails. REQUEST: Any troubleshooting tips would be greatly appreciated. Roddy
  21. Hi everyone, I want to make clear again. I am trying to get data from "name" by PHP in HTML, but problem is "name" is used up by Javascript, but I need "name" for PHP's $_POST to get data from input from html, but can I use this "name" by JavaScript and PHP in same time? I need to get data from that word to post in database, but I think I'm stuck now...Anyone can tell me what is alternative keyword to get data from "name" in HTML? If you don't understand what I said, I will display and show you Thanks, Gary
  22. Hello people, Im stuck for a long time, I have an what older login system on my site but it had mysql but now i wanted to upgrade it to mysqli. I've came litlle by litlle bit of searcing this far but it still got error's. I really want it to work again beacause i use it on all my sites. Code: <?php // Een beveiliging om te voorkomen dat men in je header.php probeert te openen. if(basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) == "header.php") { header("Location: index.php"); } // Configuratie laden include_once('config.php'); // We maken eerst een classe aan class login { // Variabelen private $loginsessie = false; public $fouten = ""; private $gebruikers_info = array(); public $database_velden = array(); private $recheck = 0; // Deze functie wordt aangeroepen bij het laden van de classe public function __construct() { // maak verbinding met de database, als het niet lukt breek het af $con = mysqli_connect(mysql_host, mysql_user, mysql_password, mysql_database) or die(mysqli_error($con)); // mysqli_select_db(mysql_database, $verbinding) or die (mysqli_error($con)); // Controlleren op een login sessie $this->check_session(); // De loguit actie koppelen aan de end_session functie if(isset($_GET['actie']) && $_GET['actie'] == 'uitloggen' && $this->loginsessie === true) { $this->end_session(); } } // Init functie public function init() { // Controlleren op een POST request, wanneer er nog geen loginsessie is if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { /* was eerst if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && $this->loginsessie===false) {*/ if(isset($_POST['actie'])) { switch($_POST['actie']) { case 'login': $this->controleer_gegevens(); break; case 'registreer_gebruiker': $this->registreer_gebruiker(); break; } } } } // Functie om het ip adres op te vragen public function get_ip() { if (isSet($_SERVER)) { if (isSet($_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"])) { $realip = $_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"]; } elseif (isSet($_SERVER["HTTP_CLIENT_IP"])) { $realip = $_SERVER["HTTP_CLIENT_IP"]; } else { $realip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; } } else { if ( getenv( 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR' ) ) { $realip = getenv( 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR' ); } elseif ( getenv( 'HTTP_CLIENT_IP' ) ) { $realip = getenv( 'HTTP_CLIENT_IP' ); } else { $realip = getenv( 'REMOTE_ADDR' ); } } return $realip; } private function registreer_gebruiker() { if(isset($_POST['actie']) && $_POST['actie'] == 'registreer_gebruiker') { $velden = array(); if(!is_array($this->database_velden) || !count($this->database_velden)) { die("FOUT: Geen velden opgegeven."); } // Alle velden uit de array doorlopen foreach($this->database_velden as $veld) { $veld = split(':', $veld); // Veldnaam $veld_naam = $veld[0]; $velden[$veld_naam] = $_POST[$veld_naam]; // Veld instellingen $veld_instellingen = split('\|', $veld[1]); foreach($veld_instellingen as $instelling) { if($instelling == 'verplicht' && empty($velden[$veld_naam])) { // Controlleer of het veld is ingevuld $this->fouten .= "- Het veld '". $veld_naam ."' is verplicht<br />"; } elseif($instelling == 'md5') { // Codeer naar md5 $velden[$veld_naam] = md5($velden[$veld_naam]); } elseif(substr($instelling, 0, 3) == 'min') { // Controlleer minimum stringlengte if(strlen($velden[$veld_naam]) < (int) substr($instelling, 4)) { $this->fouten .= "- Het veld '". $veld_naam ."' is te kort.<br />"; } } elseif(substr($instelling, 0, 3) == 'max') { // Controleer maximum stringlengte if(strlen($velden[$veld_naam]) > (int) substr($instelling, 4)) { $this->fouten .= "- Het veld '". $veld_naam ."' is te lang.<br />"; } } elseif(substr($instelling, 0, 2) == "==") { if($velden[$veld_naam] != $_POST[substr($instelling, 2)]) { $this->fouten .= '- De velden '. $veld_naam .' en '. substr($instelling, 2) .' komen niet overeen.<br />'; } } elseif($instelling == "avatar") { $velden[$veld_naam] = ('http://habmoon.org/status/habbie?habbie='.$_POST["gebruikersnaam"].'&direction=4&head_direction=3&action=wlk&gesture=sml&size=b'); } elseif($instelling == 'uniek') { $q = mysqli_query($this->con,"SELECT ". $veld_naam ." FROM gebruikers WHERE ". $veld_naam ." = '". mysqli_real_escape_string($this->con, $velden[$veld_naam]) ."' "); if(!$q) { $this->fouten .= '- Er is een MySQL fout opgetreden <br />'; } else { if(mysqli_num_rows($q)) { $this->fouten .= 'De inhoud van veld '. $veld_naam .' bestaat al<br />'; } } } elseif($instelling == 'email') { // Controleer email if(!eregi("^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,3})$", $velden[$veld_naam])) { $this->fouten .= "- Het email is incorrect.<br />"; } } } } if(!$this->fouten) { // SQL genereren $SQL = "INSERT INTO gebruikers "; $SQL_TMP = ""; foreach($velden as $key=>$value) { $SQL_TMP .= ", ". $key ." = '". mysqli_real_escape_string($this->con, $value) ."' "; } // Eerste komma weghalen $SQL .= "SET ".preg_replace("#^,{0,1}#", '', $SQL_TMP); if($SQL_TMP && mysqli_query($this->con,$SQL)) { header("Location: ../index.php"); } else { $this->fouten = "Er is een MySQL fout opgetreden."; /* om te debuggen gebruik: die(mysqli_error($con)); */ } } } } // Functie om gegevens te controleren private function controleer_gegevens() { // Kijken of we het juiste formulier gebruiken if(isset($_POST['actie']) && $_POST['actie'] == 'login') { // Gegevens van formulier opvragen en escapen tegen mysql injectie $gebruiker = mysqli_real_escape_string($this->con, $_POST['gebruikersnaam']); $wachtwoord = mysqli_real_escape_string($this->con, $_POST['wachtwoord']); // Kijken of we MD5 moeten gebruiken (zie configuratie bestand) if(login_password_md5===true) { $wachtwoord = md5($wachtwoord); } // Kijken of de gegevens correct zijn $query = mysqli_query($this->con,"SELECT * FROM gebruikers WHERE gebruikersnaam = '". $gebruiker ."' AND wachtwoord = '". $wachtwoord ."'"); if(mysqli_num_rows($query)) { // Array gebruikersinfo maken $this->gebruikersinfo = array(); $this->gebruikersinfo['info'] = mysqli_fetch_array($query); // Start sessie return $this->start_session(); } else { // Kijken wat er mis ging: if(mysqli_error($this->con)) { $this->fouten = "Er is een mysql fout opgetreden."; } else { $this->fouten = "Gebruiksnaam en/of wachtwoord is incorrect."; } } } } // Functie om de sessie te controlleren private function check_session() { // Controleren op cookie if($this->recheck>=3) { $this->fouten = "Er is een ongeldige cookie sleutel gevonden die niet kon worden verwijderd."; return false; } if(isset($_COOKIE['sid']) && !empty($_COOKIE['sid'])) { // Er is een niet-lege cookie $sid = mysqli_real_escape_string($this->con, $_COOKIE['sid']); // Controleren of sleutel en ip aanwezig zijn in database $query = mysqli_query($this->con,"SELECT * FROM logins WHERE sid = '". $sid ."' AND ip = '". $this->get_ip() ."'") or die("Er is een fout opgetreden."); if(mysqli_num_rows($query)) { $f = mysqli_fetch_array($query); // Gegevens uit database ophalen $query = mysqli_query($this->con,"SELECT * FROM gebruikers WHERE id = '". $f['uid'] ."' "); if(mysqli_num_rows($query)) { $this->loginsessie = true; $this->gebruikersinfo = array(); $this->gebruikersinfo['info'] = mysqli_fetch_array($query); } } } else { // Er is een ongeldige sleutel gevonden, laten we die eens verwijderen $secondes = login_session_time * 3600; setcookie("sid", "", time()-$secondes, "/"); $this->recheck = $this->recheck + 1; } } // De functie om de login sessie te starten private function start_session() { // Unieke sleutel maken $this->gebruikersinfo['sleutel'] = md5(rand(0,99999999999).date("dmyhis")); // Informatie invoegen in database $info = $this->gebruikersinfo['info']; $SQL = "INSERT INTO logins "; $SQL .= "SET uid = '". mysqli_real_escape_string($this->con, $info['id']) ."' "; $SQL .= ", sid = '". mysqli_real_escape_string($this->con, $this->gebruikersinfo['sleutel']) ."' "; $SQL .= ", ip = '". mysqli_real_escape_string($this->con, $this->get_ip()) ."' "; $SQL .= ", datum = NOW() "; mysqli_query($this->con,$SQL) or die("Error: kon niet inloggen."); // Secondes maken van uren, zie configuratie bestand $secondes = login_session_time * 3600; setcookie("sid", $this->gebruikersinfo['sleutel'], time()+$secondes, "/"); // Verversing header("Location: ".$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); } private function end_session() { // index.php?actie=uitloggen // Verwijder sessie mysqli_query($this->con,"DELETE FROM logins WHERE sid = '". $_COOKIE['sid'] ."' AND ip = '". $this->get_ip() ."'") or die("Er is een fout opgetreden."); // verwijder cookie $secondes = login_session_time * 3600; setcookie("sid", "", time()-$secondes, "/"); // Redirect $url = str_replace("actie=uitloggen", "", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); // haal de actie weg header("Location: ".$url); } // Functie om gegevens op te vragen public function get_login_info($wat=false) { // Is er iets aanwezig? if(!$this->loginsessie || !count($this->gebruikersinfo)) { return false; } else { if($wat==='alles') { return $this->gebruikersinfo['info']; } elseif(isset($this->gebruikersinfo['info'][$wat])) { return $this->gebruikersinfo['info'][$wat]; } else { return true; } } } } // Class starten $login = new login(); $login->database_velden = array( /* Velden waarvan de value in de database komt. Plaats die in de database en formulier. Syntax: veldnaam:instellingen Instellingen scheiden met '|'. Instellingen: 'verplicht': [string] Verplicht veld. 'min=int': [int] Minimum aantal karakters dat is vereist. 'max=int': [int] Maximum aantal karakters dat is vereist. '==veldnaam': [string] waarde van dit veld moet overeenkomen met 'veldnaam'. 'md5': [string] Codeer met md5. MOET als laatste. */ 'gebruikersnaam:verplicht|uniek|min=3|max=15|', 'rank:max=15|', 'email:max=100|email|', 'avatar:max=100|avatar|', 'wachtwoord:verplicht|min=3|max=16|==wachtwoord2|md5|' /* was eerst 'wachtwoord:verplicht|min=3|max=16|==wachtwoord2'*/ ); $login->init(); ?> Error: Notice: Undefined property: login::$con in C:\xampp\htdocs\Admin\header.php on line 157 Warning: mysqli_real_escape_string() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, null given in C:\xampp\htdocs\Admin\header.php on line 157 Notice: Undefined property: login::$con in C:\xampp\htdocs\Admin\header.php on line 158 Warning: mysqli_real_escape_string() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, null given in C:\xampp\htdocs\Admin\header.php on line 158 Notice: Undefined property: login::$con in C:\xampp\htdocs\Admin\header.php on line 166 Warning: mysqli_query() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, null given in C:\xampp\htdocs\Admin\header.php on line 166 Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, null given in C:\xampp\htdocs\Admin\header.php on line 167 Notice: Undefined property: login::$con in C:\xampp\htdocs\Admin\header.php on line 176 Warning: mysqli_error() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, null given in C:\xampp\htdocs\Admin\header.php on line 176
  23. BACKGROUND: While implementing Peppe Occhi's CRON Scheduler I have come across several lines of code that I am not entirely familiar. In particular I am concerned with the following: $scheduler->php('script.php')->hourly(); found under the heading Schedules execution time. It appears to be of this format $some_instance->some_methodA(arguments)->method_B(arguments); QUESTION: Is the above expression equivalent to the following: $some_instance->some_methodA(arguments); $some_instance->method_B(arguments); In other words, the following is correct: $scheduler->php( 'path_to_folder/script.php', 'path_to_php_version/ea-php72', ['-c' => 'ignore','--merge' => null,], 'file_name' ); $scheduler->hourly(); Please advise. Roddy
  24. Hi everyone, is it possible to collect data such as checkbox and radio inside iframe when push button outside of iframe? or require to method of post inside iframe?
  25. Hi everyone, I'm trying to create the look like "paginate data page", but it is not. I set up the file to insert in website by iframe, but I need to find a way to make clicked data like click the checkbox, then click on next, go to next file in iframe, then come back, stay checked in checkbox. Do you understand what I mean? I'm not fluent in English, my prime is American Sign Language.
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