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Volume Calculator Script -- Please Help


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Hi guys,,,, I am into developing something like the following:http://www.flexistore.co.uk/vault-estimator/ this page contains volume calculator at this page its developed using flash,,, but I want it Jquery.. I do the following as a test,, but is this logical work or are there any ideas,,,,

html><head><script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.5.js"></script><style></style></head><body><div id="cont1"><img id="chair" src="chair.gif"><img id="bed" src="bed.gif"></div><br><span id="value">0</span><span id="box"></span><br>what you select:<br><span id="type"></span><script>//desclaring global variables// n = the value of volum.//then perform jquery action on click on the image invoke update function with 2 paramaters value of volum and type of objectvar chairCount=0;var bedCount=0;var c='';$("img#chair").click(function () {update($("span#value"),"chair");});$("img#bed").click(function () {update($("span#value"),"bed");});//update function for effect after user click on an image(parasing value span, check object type, assign the value, update the spans).function update(j,c) {var n = parseInt(j.text(), 10);if(c=="chair"){j.text(n + 50);chairCount=chairCount+1;if(chairCount==1){$("span#type").after("<span id='ch'>"+chairCount+c+" "+"<a href='#' onclick='a(1);'>Decrease 1</a>"+"</span>"+"<br>");}else{$("span#ch").html(chairCount+c+" "+"<a href='#'>Decrease 1</a>");}}if(c=="bed"){j.text(n + 25);bedCount=bedCount+1;if(bedCount==1){$("span#type").after("<span id='b'>"+bedCount+c+" "+"<a href='#'>Decrease 1</a>"+"</span>"+"<br>");}else{$("span#b").html(bedCount+c+" "+"<a href='#'>Decrease 1</a>");}}if((n)>=150){$("span#box").html("You need 2 boxes");}if((n)>=300){$("span#box").html("You need 3 boxes");}}function a(c){var j=$('span#value');var n = parseInt(j.text(), 10);j.text(n - 50);chairCount=chairCount-1;$("span#type").after("<span id='ch'>"+chairCount+c+" "+"</span>"+"<br>");}</script>

Best Wishes

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what's the result of your efforts? Does it work? Are there errors? What exactly are you having problems with?

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what's the result of your efforts? Does it work? Are there errors? What exactly are you having problems with?
the code I post is working as a demo for 2 images,, in my case there are over 50 image, so I will write a huge amount of code !!!! I think my code is solution but this is a bad solution and I believe there is a better way to enhance my code and reduce the amount of hard coded,,,In more depth if I have 50 image I will repeat this part of code 50 times$("img#chair").click(function () {update($("span#value"),"chair");});and not less 60-70 if statement is this logical?????? I was thinking about using class for html selector,,, but the image not completed in my mind cause I will send a different parameter with each selector?this is my problem.and thanks a lot for you time and consideration.Best Wisthes
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You could give all of those images a certain class and do something like

$("img.theClass").click(function()  {	update($("span#value"), $(this).attr("id"));  });

Disclaimer: I just whipped that up. Hopefully is gets the point across, but I don't know if it'll actually work for your case.

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