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invoke phone keyboard on autofocus


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Hi again,   I would like to see if there is a way to have the phone's keyboard popup as soon as a page with a form loads.  I was hoping that using autofocus might bring up the keyboard, but you still have to tap the input box to get it to show, so what's the point of autofocus.  I figured if you have a certain input box with the focus you naturally would want the keyboard to show.  Is there any way to have the phone's keyboard popup when you enter a page?  Thanx


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From what I can tell, it looks like at least some phones require some sort of user interaction to show the keyboard.  So, if you set focus from inside a button's click handler, that would show the keyboard, but setting focus inside the page's load handler does not because the user didn't interact with the page.

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I really thought it would be nice to save a 'keystroke' or 'tap' - if you have to do it with another click event what is the sense; they might as well click the input box.  Thanx for your answer.   I hope that a new method might come out to make this possible - I don't see that it is an invasion of privacy just to have your keyboard pop up when your going to do it anyway when an input box comes up.....

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