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A Matomo Bulk HTTP Request


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REQUEST:  Please compare the following PHP code with the intended result, and if possible, say why only the last urls[ ] parameter is being read.

BACKGROUND:  The following code is part of a successfully received and partially processed HTTP POST Bulk Request to the Matomo application.  Both of the called methods -- namely,  Events.getCategory and Events.getAction -- have been tested separately and are perfectly functional.  Further, the Matomo application reports no dysfunction, and there are no warning, notices or other indicated sources of foul coding in the PHP log file.

$result = '';
$query_str = '';
$i = 0;
$token_auth = '...';			
function set_url_request($method, $params) {					
    $request = "method=$method";
    foreach ($params as $param) {
        $request .= "&" . $param;
    return rawurlencode($request);
$url = "https:/.../index.php";
$url .= "?module=API";
$url .= "&method=API.getBulkRequest";
$url .= "&format=json";
$url .= "&token_auth=$token_auth";
foreach ($_POST['methodName'] as $method) {
    $method = filter_var($method, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING, FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_HIGH);
    if ($method == '_getCategory') {
        $method = "Events." . substr($method, 1);			
        $params = array("idSite=1","period=year","date=today","format=json");
        $query_str = set_url_request($method, $params);
        $url .= "&urls[$i++]=" . $query_str;
    if ($method == '_getAction') {
        $method = "Events." . substr($method, 1);			
        $params = array("idSite=1","period=year","date=today","format=json");
        $query_str = set_url_request($method, $params);
        $url .= "&urls[$i++]=" . $query_str;

The above is suppose to yield code formatted in a manner similar to the following HTTP request.  Obviously, I have modified it in important ways,  Important, however, is that the &urls[0] request appears to be ignored.



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Print $url to see what you're actually setting it to, it does not look like your example output.  You should probably also encode those square brackets, they are defined as reserved characters which may be used as delimiters.

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Hooray!  Hooray!  I can now make Matomo bulk requests.
I fixed the problem by separating out the index variable ($i).

$url .= "&urls[" . $i++ . "]=" . $query_str;


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