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  1. Hi Guys! I have a xls file ex: 9015000000 I france I FRANCE I would like to automatically generates a txt file for each set of lines xls to have a line like this: <option value = "901500000001"> france - FRANCE </ option> Be done with xml or possible way Thanks!
  2. Thanks for looking into this issue. I am not sure, whether this is the right forum to post this thread. If not, let me know the right forum to post this thread. I have wellformed XML message. I want to produce a list/report as 1) All Xpath of XML message 2) Xpath , data content for this XPATH Here is an example (Input XML Message) <?xml version="1.0"?><PARTS><TITLE>Computer Parts</TITLE><PART><ITEM>Motherboard</ITEM><MANUFACTURER>ASUS</MANUFACTURER><MODEL>P3B-F</MODEL><COST> 123.00</COST></PART><PART><ITEM>Video Card</ITEM><MANUFACTURER>ATI</MANUFACTURER><MODEL>All-in-Wonder Pro</MODEL><COST> 160.00</COST></PART><PART><ITEM>Sound Card</ITEM><MANUFACTURER>Creative Labs</MANUFACTURER><MODEL>Sound Blaster Live</MODEL><COST> 80.00</COST></PART><PART><ITEM>inch Monitor</ITEM><MANUFACTURER>LG Electronics</MANUFACTURER><MODEL> 995E</MODEL><COST> 290.00</COST></PART></PARTS> The desired output --> I created the following XML list manually /PARTS/TITLE Computer Parts/PARTS/PART[1]/ITEM Motherboard/PARTS/PART[1]/MANUFACTURER ASUS/PARTS/PART[1]/MODEL P3B-F/PARTS/PART[1]/COST 123.00/PARTS/PART[2]/ITEM Video Card/PARTS/PART[2]/MANUFACTURER ATI............................................................... I have XMLSPY, and I do not have additional tools kit associated with XMLSPY. I tried with xml_grep in linux. It need the XPATH as input to get me the data content. I am not able to use xml_grep to extract attributes of XML message. Are there any open source product to produce such report for XML Message? What are the ways to extract XPATHs/XPATH, data content? Thanks for helping.
  3. I'm sorry for this very prosaic topic: What does exactly mean: 'scalable vector graphics'? 1 - It means that when you reduce browser's window into a smaller size, the graphic (a circle for example) reduces itself keeping its shape, avoid the overlapping of the browser's window? 2 - Or it means that the created shape on screen is gonna have a different size, relatively to the window's size? 3 - Or it's relative to the computation's value of the script that will make the shape? Sorry again (...blushing), thanks to anyone who'll reply to this unbelievable topic...
  4. I have a xml document that I would like to display **Number** from <CrossReferenceNumber> elemen. In my xslt the **Number** is inside <ext:SupersededProtectionOrderID> element. Desired output <ext:SupersededProtectionOrderID>OFP System Number</ext:SupersededProtectionOrderID> Here are the conditions: Condition one If ProtectionOrder/CrossReferenceNumbers/CrossReferenceNumber/Type = ‘OFP System Number’ and ProtectionOrders/ProtectionOrder/Statuses/Status/Type = Signed By Judicial Officer has an Op = “A” Condition two If ProtectionOrder/CrossReferenceNumbers/CrossReferenceNumber/Type = ‘OFP System Number’ and ProtectionOrders/ProtectionOrder/Statuses/Status/Type = ‘Signed By Judicial Officer – Corrected’ and has Op = ‘A’ display ProtectionOrder/CrossReferenceNumbers/CrossReferenceNumber/Number My xml <Integration xmlns:msxsl="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xslt" xmlns:tsg="http://tsgweb.com" xmlns:IXML="http://tsgweb.com" xmlns:CMCodeQueryHelper="urn:CMCodeQueryHelper" PackageID="BCA PO Notification" MessageID="67177928" xmlns=""> <ProtectionOrders> <ProtectionOrder Op="E" InternalProtectionOrderID="932"> <ProtectionOrderNumber>201500845</ProtectionOrderNumber> <Type Word="OFP">Order for Protection</Type> <Statuses> <Status Op="A"> <Current>true</Current> <Active>Yes</Active> <Date Op="A">09/01/2015</Date> <Type Op="A" Word="SBJO">Signed By Judicial Officer</Type> <TimestampCreate Op="A">09/01/2015 12:39:49:763</TimestampCreate> </Status> <Status> <Current>false</Current> <Active>No</Active> <Date>09/01/2015</Date> <Type Word="DRAFT">Draft</Type> <TimestampCreate>09/01/2015 12:39:43:207</TimestampCreate> </Status> </Statuses> <CrossReferenceNumbers> <CrossReferenceNumber> <Type Word="NCICNUM">NCIC Number</Type> <Number>Testing123</Number> </CrossReferenceNumber> </CrossReferenceNumbers> <TimestampCreate>09/01/2015 12:39:43:140</TimestampCreate> <TimestampChange>09/01/2015 12:39:49:750</TimestampChange> </ProtectionOrder> </ProtectionOrders> </Case> <ProtectionOrder Op="E" InternalProtectionOrderID="932" xmlns:user="http://tylertechnologies.com"> <ProtectionOrderNumber>201500845</ProtectionOrderNumber> <Type Word="OFP">Order for Protection</Type> <Statuses> <Status Op="A"> <Current>true</Current> <Active>Yes</Active> <Date Op="A">09/01/2015</Date> <Type Op="A" Word="SBJO">Signed By Judicial Officer</Type> <TimestampCreate Op="A">09/01/2015 12:39:49:763</TimestampCreate> </Status> <Status> <Current>false</Current> <Active>No</Active> <Date>09/01/2015</Date> <Type Word="DRAFT">Draft</Type> <TimestampCreate>09/01/2015 12:39:43:207</TimestampCreate> </Status> </Statuses> <CrossReferenceNumbers> <CrossReferenceNumber> <Type Word="NCICNUM">OFP System Number</Type> <Number>Testing123</Number> </CrossReferenceNumber> </CrossReferenceNumbers> </ProtectionOrder> My xslt code <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <xsl:stylesheet version="3.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fn="http://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functions" xmlns:exc="http://www.courts.state.mn.us/ProtectionOrderServiceExchange/1.0" xmlns:ext="http://www.courts.state.mn.us/ProtectionOrderExtension/1.0"> <xsl:output method="xml" version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" indent="yes"/> <xsl:template name="ProtectionOrder"> <!--SupersededProtectionOrderID--> <ext:SupersededProtectionOrderID> <xsl:choose> <xsl:when test="(Statuses/Status/Type/@Op='A') and count(CrossReferenceNumbers/CrossReferenceNumber/Type='OFP System Number')>0"> <xsl:value-of select="Number"/> </xsl:when> <xsl:otherwise> <xsl:value-of select="/Integration/ProtectionOrder[@InternalProtectionOrderID=current()/MNProtectionOrderAdditional/@SupersededProtectionOrderID]/ProtectionOrderNumber"/> </xsl:otherwise> </xsl:choose> </ext:SupersededProtectionOrderID> </xsl:template> </xsl:stylesheet>
  5. Why should i learn xml? What it is features and where it is used? What is the roll of xml in web developing?
  6. how to read xml nodes with same name in c#? I have XML file with a users, and their personal informations(name, surname, age, photos...). I'm displaying this infos in gridview, and everything is ok. Just cannot select one photo to display in the gridview, one photo for every user, like profile photo. I cannot do this cause there is not a tag . There are more tags with same name like in example below. So i'm trying to select all infos, put in datatable, and display in gridview control with Eval("Foto") functioon. But photos cannot be displayd because in evel function cannot be inserted more photos in same time. This is the structure of the photos in the XML document: <User><Name>User name</Name><Surname>User surname</Surname><Foto>http://website.com/images/image1.jpg</Foto><Foto>http://website.com/images/image2.jpg</Foto><Foto>http://website.com/images/image3.jpg</Foto><Foto>http://website.com/images/image4.jpg</Foto></User> This is the gridview control which i use <asp:GridView ID="GridView1" ShowFooter="false" ShowHeader="false" CssClass="tablepress-id-N" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="false" AllowPaging="true" OnPageIndexChanging="OnPageIndexChanging" onrowdatabound="GridView1_RowDataBound"><Columns><asp:TemplateField><ItemTemplate><li class="objectListItem"><div style="float:left;width:12%;margin-right:5%;"><asp:Image ID="Image1" runat="server" ImageUrl='<%# Eval("Foto")%>'></asp:Image></div></ItemTemplate></asp:TemplateField></Columns><pagerstyle cssclass="gridviewPager"></pagerstyle></asp:GridView> Where i make a mistake?
  7. Can any one tell me that what is XML parsers. I read it from here: Empty HTML ElementsHTML elements with no content are called empty elements. <br> is an empty element without a closing tag (the <br> tag defines a line break). Empty elements can be "closed" in the opening tag like this: <br />. HTML5 does not require empty elements to be closed. But if you want stricter validation, or you need to make your document readable by XML parsers, you should close all HTML elements. Thank You
  8. I would like to count how many Stage=Disposition are there and also how many Stage=Case Filing are there in order to accomplish what the following requirements states. I am not sure how to do this. For each unique ChargeID evaluate the ChargeHistory records. If, Stage=”Disposition Event” is found verify the number of DispositionEventSequence. If only “1” populate Charge Information, otherwise use the highest DispositionEventSequence to populate. If no Stage=”Disposition Event” is found look for Stage=”Case Filing” to populate. If only “1” populate Charge information, otherwise use the highest Case Filing Filing Sequence to populate. XML <Integration xmlns:msxsl="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xslt" xmlns:tsg="http://tsgweb.com" xmlns:IXML="http://tsgweb.com" xmlns:CMCodeQueryHelper="urn:CMCodeQueryHelper" PackageID="IXML Case Notification Test" MessageID="67078058" xmlns=""> <Case InternalID="1616807927" ID="11747370" xmlns:user="http://tylertechnologies.com"> <Charge ID="10547226" PartyID="16580814" CurrSentenceID="155092098" InternalChargeID="1616447618" InternalPartyID="1614482843" xmlns:reslib="urn:reslib"> <ChargeOffenseDate>03/26/2014</ChargeOffenseDate> <ChargeHistory ChargeHistoryID="41490828" Stage="Case Filing" FilingSequence="1" InternalOffenseHistoryID="1635954993"> <ChargeNumber>1</ChargeNumber> <ChargeOffenseDate deprecated="true">03/26/2014</ChargeOffenseDate> <Statute> <StatuteDescription>Traffic Regulations - Failure to obey traffic control device</StatuteDescription> <StatuteCode Word="169064a" InternalCodeID="66247">Traffic Regulations - Failure to obey traffic control device</StatuteCode> <Degree Word="PMD">Petty Misdemeanor</Degree> </Statute> <Additional> <LocationOfViolation>Hwy 15 & Century Ave</LocationOfViolation> </Additional> </ChargeHistory> <ChargeHistory ChargeHistoryID="41490828" Stage="Case Filing" FilingSequence="2" InternalOffenseHistoryID="1635954993"> <ChargeNumber>2</ChargeNumber> <ChargeOffenseDate deprecated="true">03/26/2014</ChargeOffenseDate> <Statute> <StatuteDescription>Testing Case Filling 2</StatuteDescription> <StatuteCode Word="169064a" InternalCodeID="66247">Testing Case Filing 2</StatuteCode> <Degree Word="PMD">Petty Misdemeanor</Degree> </Statute> <Additional> <LocationOfViolation>Hwy 15 & Century Ave</LocationOfViolation> </Additional> </ChargeHistory> <ChargeHistory ChargeHistoryID="41858685" Stage="Disposition Event" DispositionEventSequence="1" CurrentCharge="true" InternalOffenseHistoryID="1636250409"> <ChargeNumber>1</ChargeNumber> <ChargeOffenseDate deprecated="true">03/26/2014</ChargeOffenseDate> <Statute> <StatuteDescription>Traffic Regulations - Failure to obey traffic control device</StatuteDescription> <StatuteCode Word="169064a" InternalCodeID="66247">Traffic Regulations - Failure to obey traffic control device</StatuteCode> <Degree Word="PMD">Petty Misdemeanor</Degree> </Statute> <Additional> <LocationOfViolation>Hwy 15 & Century Ave</LocationOfViolation> </Additional> </ChargeHistory> <ChargeHistory ChargeHistoryID="41858685" Stage="Disposition Event" DispositionEventSequence="2" CurrentCharge="true" InternalOffenseHistoryID="1636250409"> <ChargeNumber>2</ChargeNumber> <ChargeOffenseDate deprecated="true">03/26/2014</ChargeOffenseDate> <Statute> <StatuteDescription>Testing second disposition number 2</StatuteDescription> <Degree Word="PMD">Petty Misdemeanor</Degree> </Statute> <Additional> <LocationOfViolation>Hwy 15 & Century Ave</LocationOfViolation> </Additional> </ChargeHistory> </Charge> </Case></Integration> Xslt <xsl:template name="Charge"> <ext:Charge> <xsl:choose> <xsl:when test="(count(ChargeHistory[@Stage='Disposition Event']))>0"> <j:ChargeSequenceID> <xsl:value-of select="ChargeNumber"/> </j:ChargeSequenceID> <j:ChargeStatute> <j:StatuteDescriptionText> <xsl:value-of select="Statute/StatuteCode"/> </j:StatuteDescriptionText> <j:StatuteText> <xsl:value-of select="Statute/StatuteCode/@Word"/> </j:StatuteText> </j:ChargeStatute> <j:ChargeSeverityDescriptionText> <xsl:value-of select="Statute/Degree"/> </j:ChargeSeverityDescriptionText> </xsl:when> <xsl:otherwise></xsl:otherwise> </xsl:choose> </ext:Charge></xsl:template>
  9. I would like to show address in one line. How do I do this? My code is only showing this: <nc:StreetFullText>607 Main St W</nc:StreetFullText> I know I need to add 'City', 'State', 'Zip' to the end of my line of code so that the City, State and Zip is added but I do not know how to do it. AssociatedValue[@type='Street1']/Text Desired output <nc:StreetFullText>607 Main St W, New York, DC 77777</nc:StreetFullText> My xml <EnumerationValue code="DC042015J"><AssociatedValue type="Street1"><Text>607 Main St W</Text></AssociatedValue><AssociatedValue type="City"><Text>New York</Text></AssociatedValue><AssociatedValue type="State"><Text>MN</Text></AssociatedValue><AssociatedValue type="Zip"><Text>77777</Text></AssociatedValue></EnumerationValue><EnumerationValue code="DC046015J"> Xslt code <nc:StreetFullText><xsl:variable name="vCourtORI"><xsl:value-of select="/Integration/Case/Court/CourtNCIC"/></xsl:variable><xsl:value-of select="document(concat($gEnvPath,'SchemasCourtXMLSimpleTypesCourtLocationTextType.xml'))/SimpleTypeCompanion/EnumerationValue[@code=$vCourtORI]/AssociatedValue[@type='Street1']/Text"/></nc:StreetFullText>
  10. Hi, I am fairly new to javascript and still finding my feet so if i am not been clear in my question let me know. I am using the chart.js to build graphs in my docuemnts and it works great, I am now trying to expand this by linking to an xml file I have set up. If I use the following code I can retrieve the data fine: xmlDoc=loadXMLDoc("rego.xml");var nSubOrg = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('SubOrg');var nRev = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('Revenue');var nCol = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('Colour');var nHL = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('HLight'); //chart data for Chart.JS var dData = [ { value: (nRev[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue), color: (nCol[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue), highlight: (nHL[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue), label: (nSubOrg[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue) }, { value: (nRev[1].childNodes[0].nodeValue), color: (nCol[1].childNodes[0].nodeValue), highlight: (nHL[1].childNodes[0].nodeValue), label: (nSubOrg[1].childNodes[0].nodeValue) }, { value: (nRev[2].childNodes[0].nodeValue), color: (nCol[2].childNodes[0].nodeValue), highlight: (nHL[2].childNodes[0].nodeValue), label: (nSubOrg[2].childNodes[0].nodeValue) }]; However I am trying to make this a bit more functional so want to loop through to create the multidimension array. I have found other snippets which gve me an idea about how to do this but I just can't get it work. I think something like this should but can't get my head round the exact syntax: xmlDoc=loadXMLDoc("rego.xml");var nSubOrg = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('SubOrg');var nRev = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('Revenue');var nCol = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('Colour');var nHL = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('HLight');//try and build arrayvar dData=new array[()]for (i=0; i<nRev.length; i++) { dData[i].push( value: (nRev[i].childNodes[0].nodeValue), color: (nCol[i].childNodes[0].nodeValue), highlight: (nHL[i].childNodes[0].nodeValue), label: (nSubOrg[i].childNodes[0].nodeValue) ); }; Any help would be appreciated. Cheers Soggy
  11. Hello, Trying to design and configure structure of the Web service that needs to be used in remote client ( thin or thick clients ) systems. Three Web services server suppose to provide full funcionality: 1. extracting from the client local system the data according to the predefined scheme from the central remote point. 2. validating just produced XML by taking it from the queue. 2.1 validation against schema 2.2 validation against the remote ( central ) database - references against registers/catalogues - used codes against other domains - validations on bulks/chunks of data in the XML ( all values of some field/column or two or many of them ) - some special validating procedures that 3. returning validation status through XML list of errors and apropriate logs or in case of passing all controls only notice on success 4. if the validation succeeded the XML is sent to central place in the status ready for unpackaging the data from XML and putting data into relational stables ( same that were used as valid Grateful for references, experiences and suggestion,
  12. I am analyzing an XML-DSIG file in order to know how to write my piece of software code that generates XML-DSIGnatures. I am having this trouble and desperately need help... This is a bit I am trying to understand from an attached signatures0.xml: <SignedInfo><CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xml-c14n-20010315"/><SignatureMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#rsa-sha1"/> [...deleted...] <Reference Type="http://uri.etsi.org/01903#SignedProperties" URI="#SignedPropertiesElem_0" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#"> <Transforms xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#"> <Transform Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xml-c14n-20010315"/> </Transforms> <DigestMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#sha256"/> <DigestValue>kOlNXyBs6oSP9hbh+4niZMNQ9OsOCzYhkSYYG4YdHQU=</DigestValue> </Reference></SignedInfo> From what I understand, this refers to a SignedPropertiesElem_0 element in the same file. I am trying to determine exactly what it refers to - what piece of code should be selected and used later on for canonicalization and then calculating a digest value. Is it this: <SignedProperties Id="SignedPropertiesElem_0"> <SignedSignatureProperties> <SigningTime>2014-08-21T06:09:55Z</SigningTime> <SigningCertificate> <Cert> <CertDigest> <DigestMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#sha256" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#"/> <DigestValue xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#">JQ0kZvd0mtXQPA/RTuYV9iuc346tznvN9MoAd/0jNyM=</DigestValue> </CertDigest> <IssuerSerial> <X509IssuerName xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#">CN=Nacionalinis sertifikavimo centras (IssuingCA-,OU=Nacionalinis sertifikavimo centras (NSC),O=Gyventoju registro tarnyba prie LR VRM - i.k. 188756767,C=LT</X509IssuerName> <X509SerialNumber xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#">1315010063538360283821765366094690</X509SerialNumber> </IssuerSerial> </Cert> </SigningCertificate> <SignaturePolicyIdentifier> <SignaturePolicyImplied/> </SignaturePolicyIdentifier> </SignedSignatureProperties> </SignedProperties> Or this: <SignedSignatureProperties> <SigningTime>2014-08-21T06:09:55Z</SigningTime> <SigningCertificate> <Cert> <CertDigest> <DigestMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#sha256" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#"/> <DigestValue xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#">JQ0kZvd0mtXQPA/RTuYV9iuc346tznvN9MoAd/0jNyM=</DigestValue> </CertDigest> <IssuerSerial> <X509IssuerName xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#">CN=Nacionalinis sertifikavimo centras (IssuingCA-,OU=Nacionalinis sertifikavimo centras (NSC),O=Gyventoju registro tarnyba prie LR VRM - i.k. 188756767,C=LT</X509IssuerName> <X509SerialNumber xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#">1315010063538360283821765366094690</X509SerialNumber> </IssuerSerial> </Cert> </SigningCertificate> <SignaturePolicyIdentifier> <SignaturePolicyImplied/> </SignaturePolicyIdentifier> </SignedSignatureProperties> Or this: <SigningTime>2014-08-21T06:09:55Z</SigningTime> <SigningCertificate> <Cert> <CertDigest> <DigestMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#sha256" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#"/> <DigestValue xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#">JQ0kZvd0mtXQPA/RTuYV9iuc346tznvN9MoAd/0jNyM=</DigestValue> </CertDigest> <IssuerSerial> <X509IssuerName xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#">CN=Nacionalinis sertifikavimo centras (IssuingCA-,OU=Nacionalinis sertifikavimo centras (NSC),O=Gyventoju registro tarnyba prie LR VRM - i.k. 188756767,C=LT</X509IssuerName> <X509SerialNumber xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#">1315010063538360283821765366094690</X509SerialNumber> </IssuerSerial> </Cert> </SigningCertificate> <SignaturePolicyIdentifier> <SignaturePolicyImplied/> </SignaturePolicyIdentifier> Or some other part of it? I tried the first one, then letting it through a StylusStudio canonicalization OR http://www.soapclient.com/xmlcanon.html (both seem to return identical results), which results in this: <SignedProperties Id="SignedPropertiesElem_0"> <SignedSignatureProperties> <SigningTime>2014-08-21T06:09:55Z</SigningTime> <SigningCertificate> <Cert> <CertDigest> <DigestMethod xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#" Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#sha256"></DigestMethod> <DigestValue xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#">JQ0kZvd0mtXQPA/RTuYV9iuc346tznvN9MoAd/0jNyM=</DigestValue> </CertDigest> <IssuerSerial> <X509IssuerName xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#">CN=Nacionalinis sertifikavimo centras (IssuingCA-,OU=Nacionalinis sertifikavimo centras (NSC),O=Gyventoju registro tarnyba prie LR VRM - i.k. 188756767,C=LT</X509IssuerName> <X509SerialNumber xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#">1315010063538360283821765366094690</X509SerialNumber> </IssuerSerial> </Cert> </SigningCertificate> <SignaturePolicyIdentifier> <SignaturePolicyImplied></SignaturePolicyImplied> </SignaturePolicyIdentifier> </SignedSignatureProperties> </SignedProperties> and then calculating the digest value using these tools: http://www.webutils.pl/index.php?idx=sha1 http://hash.online-convert.com/sha256-generator http://www.freeformatter.com/message-digest.html#ad-output They all returned the same result, but that result is different from the one in the xml file: kOlNXyBs6oSP9hbh+4niZMNQ9OsOCzYhkSYYG4YdHQU=. What am I doing wrong? What part of the xml document should I copy and paste into the canonicalizer and then into digest calculator? I've spent several days trying different things and looking for answers and haven't got anything... I am sure I missed something, therefore I am asking for your help.
  13. In the AppML tutorial a sample application with Northwind.mdb is given for download. In the model section an xml document provides a connection to the database with a select statement such as Select * from Products. However, from time to time, we need to provide a select statement that includes some parameters for the where clause, for example: Select * from Products where CategoryID = @CategoryID and SupplierID=@SupplierID. I would appreciate it if someone can advise, and provide an example, on how to handle the input parameters of @CategoryID and @SuppierID, in the xml as well as in the html pages. Often, the input parameters can be chosen from a dropdown list such as dropdown_Categories and dropdown_Suppliers. In such cases, how do we code these in the related html pages? Thanks and regards
  14. Hi, I've just built a basic web site, but I now realise (by going through the process) that I need to understand other languages & processes in order to make the site streamlined & fully functional. Because I've only learnt html & css (on a basic level) my understanding of php, sql, js, xml, etc is very poor. I therefor need some advice on what the best mechanisms are for inputting data, storing it & displaying it on the web, possibly with some type of rss feed too. The basic process the site is doing, can be described as follows: 1. Users enter data using an online form. 2. Data is stored on a database & manually verified. 3. Certain info from the database is automatically displayed on the site (but not all) in a friendly viewable format. 4. Every time the site is updated a feed is created (like an rss or blog). The first two processes I have achieved, but I am exploring ways of achieving the 3rd & 4th processes. Any advice on what methods or languages would be best to use would be greatly appreciated. I'm happy to learn any coding required. The data set can be stored in various formats (xlsx, csv, ods, tsv, etc), its really a question of the best way to interpret it & automatically display it that I am exploring. Along with creating the feed. Thanks for any advice. Old Guy.
  15. Hello and thank you to anyone and everyone that responds. I am very new to XML and have done some of the tutorials, but I am having trouble getting the information to pull. The XML file is automatically updated by a website and I would like to pull information off of it to put on my own website. First off, do I need to re-load the XML file on my site first? Someone said that I was going to have to do this but I am not sure how. I feel as though this could be the error that I am facing. http://gamebattles.majorleaguegaming.com/xboxone/call-of-duty-advanced-warfare/team/never-hide-gaming/stats.xml This is the code that I am trying to use. If I can get one thing to actually pull, then I can figure the rest out. I have been using the Tryit Editor so far to test everything before populating my site. <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>table, th, td { border: 1px solid black; border-collapse:collapse;}th, td { padding: 5px;}</style></head><body><script>if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); }else {// code for IE6, IE5 xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); }xmlhttp.open("GET","gamebattles.majorleaguegaming.com/xboxone/call-of-duty-ghosts/team/never-hide/stats.xml",false);xmlhttp.send();xmlDoc=xmlhttp.responseXML; document.write("<table><tr><th>Team</th><th>Result</th></tr>");var x=xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("recentMatches");for (i=0;i<x.length;i++) { document.write("<tr><td>"); document.write(x[i].getElementsByTagName("name")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue); document.write("</td><td>"); document.write(x[i].getElementsByTagName("result")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue); document.write("</td></tr>"); }document.write("</table>");</script></body></html> Sorry that this is so long and drawn out, but thank you very much in advance.
  16. Hello Everyone, 'm developing software Customer Management System in C# windows application based on XML Database. In my database near by 1,00,000 entries. i have a trouble in retrieving 1,00,000 entries. its take more time to show the data. let me know the fast retrieving solutions as soon as possible. Its My Coding (Retrieving) XElement xelement1 = XElement.Load(ZXmlDetails.Path + @"Noti_Payment.hash"); var detailss1 = (from nm in xelement1.Elements("Details") orderby (String)nm.Element("IBillNo") select nm); if (detailss1.Count() > 0) { foreach (var xEle1 in detailss1.Distinct()) { int x = PaymentLoop.Rows.Add(); PaymentLoop.Rows[x].Cells[0].Value = xEle1.Element("IBillNo").Value.ToString(); PaymentLoop.Rows[x].Cells[1].Value = xEle1.Element("CName").Value.ToString() + " -- " + xEle1.Element("CPhoneNo").Value.ToString(); PaymentLoop.Rows[x].Cells[2].Value = xEle1.Element("NetTotal").Value.ToString(); PaymentLoop.Rows[x].Cells[3].Value = Convert.ToDouble(xEle1.Element("NetTotal").Value.ToString()) - Convert.ToDouble(xEle1.Element("Payment").Value.ToString()); } } Thanks & Regards
  17. Chi è disposto ad aiutarmi per sostenere un esame di XML ? C'è anche un progettino da implementare in Java. Prego chiamarmi al 3400513727
  18. Hello, this might be the most stupid thing a man can ask here, but i haven't used javascript and xml for couple of years and i have forgotten everything. for example, Lets say i have a XML document called "phones.xml" in this document, i have this information: <phones> <galaxy_s4> <galaxy_s4_price>300 Eur</galaxy_s4_price> <galaxy_s4_price_per_month>12 Eur</galaxy_s4_price_per_month> </galaxy_s4> <lg_g2> <lg_g2_price>300 Eur</lg_g2_price> <lg_g2_price_per_month>12 Eur</lg_g2_price_per_month> </lg_g2> <htc_one> <htc_one_price>300 Eur</htc_one_price> <htc_one_price_per_month>12 Eur</htc_one_price_per_month> </htc_one> <meizu_mx4> <meizu_mx4_price>300 Eur</meizu_mx4_price> <meizu_mx4_price_per_month>12 Eur</meizu_mx4_price_per_month> </meizu_mx4></phones> now, i want to display the price and price_per_month in my text just for the galaxy s4, but i don't want to put this information as a table, that shows all prices. i want just to print out for galaxy s4. I want to use this information in my text. now, i tried to make an HTML document, that would show the XML information, but it doesnt work. <head></head><body><script>if (window.XMLHttpRequest){ xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); }else{ xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); }xmlhttp.open("GET","phones.xml",false); xmlhttp.send(); xmlDoc=xmlhttp.responseXML;var galaxy_s4 = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("galaxy_s4");var galaxy_s4_price = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("galaxy_s4_price")[0];var galaxy_s4_ppm = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("galaxy_s4_price_per_month")[0];document.write('for our latest, offer, the galaxy s4 costs only ');document.write(galaxy_s4_price);document.write(' and the price per month is ');document.write(galaxy_s4_ppm);</script></body> when i try to run this code, instead of showing the price, it just prints out "undefined". how can i make the code to run and show my my information?
  19. Hi guys I have been experimenting with Google Maps API and I have been able to create 2 different Maps that do what I want 1 map to do. I have a map with pins that I retrieved from a SQL database and another map that has weather layers using KML. Whenever I try to merge these two maps together both the weather layer and the pins fail to load. I think it has something to do with the function that initializes the maps. In lm.html I always used the initialize function to load the body but in the index.html the template uses a load body function. I think this is what causes the errors I am getting. The file index.html has my pins. You will need the config and xml files . It really just uses the tutorial file here https://developers.google.com/maps/articles/phpsqlajax_v3. This file lm.html is just a maps with my KML weather layers. How can I add weather layers to index.html? config.php index.html lm.html maps_xml.php
  20. Dear all. I am planning to embed a google map into a PHP script. The script retrieves data from a MySQL DB into the map. All sources I have come across so far demand the use of XML as an intermediary between MySQL and the map. There is the possibility of writing the map page as a PHP file and outputting JS for markers to be created in the map, but this is claimed to be more problematic method. Is there an easier way to achieve the above without XML or JS?
  21. Dear Experts,I'm trying to parse an odd XML file that looks like this:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd"><plist version="1.0"><dict><key>Major Version</key><integer>1</integer><key>Minor Version</key><integer>1</integer><key>Application Version</key><string>9.2.1</string><key>Features</key><integer>5</integer><key>Show Content Ratings</key><true/><key>Library Persistent ID</key><string>9210E514389C76D3</string><key>Tracks</key><dict><key>732</key><dict><key>Track ID</key><integer>732</integer><key>Name</key><string>Tears All Over Town</string><key>Artist</key><string>A Girl Called Eddy</string><key>Album Artist</key><string>A Girl Called Eddy</string>...</dict><key>760</key><dict><key>Track ID</key><integer>760</integer><key>Name</key><string>The Nightingale</string><key>Artist</key><string>Angelo Badalamenti</string><key>Album</key><string>Twin Peaks</string><key>Genre</key><string>Soundtrack</string><key>Kind</key><string>MPEG audio file</string><key>Size</key><integer>7109800</integer><key>Total Time</key><integer>296150</integer><key>Disc Number</key><integer>1</integer><key>Disc Count</key><integer>1</integer><key>Track Number</key><integer>4</integer><key>Track Count</key><integer>11</integer><key>Year</key><integer>1990</integer><key>Date Modified</key><date>2006-01-04T06:51:56Z</date><key>Date Added</key><date>2009-04-02T02:04:11Z</date><key>Bit Rate</key><integer>192</integer><key>Sample Rate</key><integer>44100</integer><key>Play Count</key><integer>4</integer><key>Play Date</key><integer>3493240930</integer><key>Play Date UTC</key><date>2014-09-11T05:42:10Z</date><key>Sort Name</key><string>Nightingale</string><key>Persistent ID</key><string>9B002DC50111B620</string><key>Track Type</key><string>File</string><key>File Folder Count</key><integer>4</integer><key>Library Folder Count</key><integer>1</integer></dict><key>762</key>...Every field in the Itunes format has <key> for the fieldname, and the <datatype> surrounding the value.This looks a lot different from the xml format that I saw in this tutorial.http://www.stat.purdue.edu/~mdw/490M/STAT490Mday29.txt<CD><TITLE>Picture book</TITLE><ARTIST>Simply Red</ARTIST><COUNTRY>EU</COUNTRY><COMPANY>Elektra</COMPANY><PRICE>7.20</PRICE><YEAR>1985</YEAR></CD>First I experimented using grep on cygwin. But I don't know how to get a specific set of three lines out of the grouping with grep.With R, I was trying to parse the file, until I looked and saw that the format was different from all the examples.This post made it look easy:How can I export my iTunes library information to a spreadsheet?https://www.quora.com/How-can-I-export-my-iTunes-library-information-to-a-spreadsheetBut it completely failed. The xml doc got imported into Open Office as a document. Not a spreadsheet.For each CD, I want to extract the Artist, Album, and Composer (if it's there)Questions:Is there a name for this type of XML file?What would be the best tool and way to parse the info from the file?grep on cygwinRPythonJavaXQuerysomething else???Thanks a lot!
  22. Hi guys, I try to build an xml document with php. Creating, saving and sending works fine. Just couldnt figure out how to insert a variable to my php-code, which creates the xml. <?php$xml = new DOMDocument("1.0", "utf-8";$root = $xml->createElement("ABC");$xml->appendChild($root);$var1 = $xml->createElement("Town");$var1Text = $xml->createTextNode('$townname');$var1->appendChild($varText);$BCD = $xml->createElement("Data");$BCD->appendChild($var1);$root->appendChild($BCD);$xml->formatOutput = true;echo "<xmp>". $xml->saveXML() ."</xmp>";$xml->save("energieausweis.xml") or die("Error");?> Instead of using a fix "createTextNode" I wanna use a variable. Something like "createVariableNode" (I know that this doesnt exist). Hope you guys understand me. I get a variable from a form, lets say $townname, which can be Vancouver or Paris. This variable shall be written in my xml. Depending on the selection from the form, my xml shall contain Vancouver or Paris and not just the text "$townname". Thanks a lot for your help!
  23. Below is the XML : How to replace the nodes in XML based on attribute using xslt. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><DST><CDGCreateTree><DST><currentJobName>PQContactComplete</currentJobName><AWD><case><transaction><UIID>Test</UIID></transaction></case><case><transaction><UIID>Testsample</UIID></transaction></case></AWD></DST></CDGCreateTree><newNode><transaction relate="Y" id="1"/></newNode></DST> 1)In above xml total 2 cases which is having individual transactions2)newNode node contains another transaction with ID(id = "1") 3)My requirement is like i want to replace first case transaction with newNode transaction which is generated basedon first case transaction only, That is the reason why i am looking into remove unnecessary data. 4)For every operation newNode contains only one transaction. Result should be: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><DST><CDGCreateTree><DST><currentJobName>PQContactComplete</currentJobName><AWD><case><transaction relate="Y" id="1"/></case><case><transaction><UIID>Testsample</UIID></transaction></case></AWD></DST></CDGCreateTree></DST> In future I may get another transaction with id under newNode node below is the xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><DST><CDGCreateTree><DST><currentJobName>PQContactComplete</currentJobName><AWD><case><transaction relate="Y" id="1"/></case><case><transaction><UIID>Testsample</UIID></transaction></case></AWD></DST></CDGCreateTree><newNode><transaction relate="Y" id="2"/></newNode></DST> This time I should replace second case transaction with newNode transaction(becasue first case transaction already replaced with newNode transaction and it contains id value)like that I want continue the process. Finally Expected result: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><DST><CDGCreateTree><DST><currentJobName>PQContactComplete</currentJobName><AWD><case><transaction relate="Y" id="1"/></case><case><transaction relate="Y" id="2"/></case></AWD></DST></CDGCreateTree></DST> I have used below xslt, but it's not helped me, Can any one please suggest me or correct me. <?xml version="1.0"?><xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" version = "1.0"> <xsl:template match="@* | node()"><xsl:copy><xsl:apply-templates select="@* | node()" /></xsl:copy></xsl:template> <xsl:variable name="targetNode" select="//newNode/transaction"/> <xsl:template match="(//transaction[ancestor::*[name() = "CDGCreateTree"]][not(@id)])[1]"><xsl:copy-of select="$targetNode"/></xsl:template></xsl:stylesheet> Explaination of Above XSL: (//transaction[ancestor::*[name() = 'CDGCreateTree']][not(@id)])[1] this statement is defines about case transaction which is not having id and first transaction replace with (//newNode/transaction) New transaction. In future if i get any newNode transaction it should be replace accordingly to above xsl,i thought it will work as per the statemnt but some thing is missed please suggest me.
  24. Hi i am new to XSD, need some help i have a XML as <Feature> <Mobile value="true" group="Samsung_India,Nokia_Finland,Sony_Japan"/> </Feature> i am validating Mobile tag without "group" attribute as <xsd:element name="Feature"> <xsd:complexType> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name="Mobile" type="Boolean"/> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:complexType> My query is to also validate "group" in Mobile tag which has String values with underscore and seperated by commas. and group values are fixed. Want to validate group values and it should validate pattern of values. if someboby give invalid values then it should not validate. Thanks
  25. On my blog,there's a social sharing widget at the right looking something like this:- and there's a hover effect on the images of social media sites but I can't find any way to add links on this images in such a way that when anyone clicks on it ,is redirected to the desired link and the hover effect will remain existing
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