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  1. Hi everyone, I'm making a personal website to promote my multimedia works. I had a question that is in the image, so I really appreciate your help. So I also send my source code and I really appreciate your help with source code to help you with this question, please. index.html <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="pt"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <title>complete responsive personal portfolio website design tutorial</title> <!-- font awesome cdn link --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/font-awesome/5.15.3/css/all.min.css"> <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.4.1.min.js"></script> <!-- custom css file link --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css"> <link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Raleway:200,100,400" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> </head> <body> <!--This is the weather and datetime bar--> <!--How to put that as the weather image? (see the image weather image)?--> <!--How to fix the space between the twoo edges of the weather and datetime bar (see the image layout)--> <section class="header" id="header" style="padding:0; display:flex; min-height: 0;"> <div class="datetime" > <p id="date" style="margin-top:40px;">Sábado, 11 de setembro de 2021</p> <p id="time" style="margin-top:40px;">10:08:58</p> </div> <div class="weather"><p><a class="weatherwidget-io" href="https://forecast7.com/pt/41d69n8d83/viana-do-castelo/" data-label_1="VIANA DO CASTELO" data-label_2="" data-icons="Climacons Animated" data-days="5" data-theme="sky" >VIANA DO CASTELO</a> <script> !function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);js.id=id;js.src='https://weatherwidget.io/js/widget.min.js';fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,'script','weatherwidget-io-js'); </script></p> </div> </section> <!-- header section starts --> <header> <div id="menu" class="fas fa-bars"></div> <nav class="navbar"> <a href="#home">home</a> <a href="#about">about</a> <a href="#services">services</a> <a href="#portfolio">portfolio</a> <a href="#blog">blog</a> <a href="#contact">contact</a> </nav> <div id="theme-toggler" class="fas fa-moon"></div> </header> <!-- header section ends --> <!-- home section starts --> <section class="home" id="home"> <div class="image"> <img src="images/foto ze.jpg" alt=""> </div> <div class="content"> <h1>Chamo-me José Moreira sou <span class="txt-rotate" data-period="2000" data-rotate='[ "Design Gráfico.", "Fotográfo.", "Web developer.",]'></span> </h1> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Optio doloribus ullam at commodi sit, excepturi dicta minus cumque rerum quod nisi sapiente accusantium, accusamus a atque totam adipisci. Quas, error?</p> <a href="#about" class="btn">about me</a> </div> </section> <!-- home section ends --> <section class="about" id="about"> <h1 class="heading"> about <span>me</span> </h1> <div class="row"> <div class="box"> <h3 class="title">coding skills</h3> <div class="progress"> <h3> html <span>95%</span> </h3> <div class="bar"><span></span></div> </div> <div class="progress"> <h3> css <span>80%</span> </h3> <div class="bar"><span></span></div> </div> <div class="progress"> <h3> js <span>65%</span> </h3> <div class="bar"><span></span></div> </div> <div class="progress"> <h3> sass <span>75%</span> </h3> <div class="bar"><span></span></div> </div> </div> <div class="box"> <h3 class="title">professional skills</h3> <div class="progress"> <h3> web design <span>98%</span> </h3> <div class="bar"><span></span></div> </div> <div class="progress"> <h3> web development <span>67%</span> </h3> <div class="bar"><span></span></div> </div> <div class="progress"> <h3> graphic design <span>75%</span> </h3> <div class="bar"><span></span></div> </div> <div class="progress"> <h3> seo marketing <span>60%</span> </h3> <div class="bar"><span></span></div> </div> </div> <div class="box"> <h3 class="title">experience</h3> <div class="exp-box"> <h3>front end development</h3> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Mollitia consequatur impedit dolor vel aperiam assumenda consequuntur quibusdam. Illo, dolorum nihil!</p> </div> <div class="exp-box"> <h3>front end development</h3> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Mollitia consequatur impedit dolor vel aperiam assumenda consequuntur quibusdam. Illo, dolorum nihil!</p> </div> <div class="exp-box"> <h3>front end development</h3> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Mollitia consequatur impedit dolor vel aperiam assumenda consequuntur quibusdam. Illo, dolorum nihil!</p> </div> </div> <div class="box"> <h3 class="title">education</h3> <div class="exp-box"> <h3>mumbai university</h3> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Mollitia consequatur impedit dolor vel aperiam assumenda consequuntur quibusdam. Illo, dolorum nihil!</p> </div> <div class="exp-box"> <h3>mumbai university</h3> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Mollitia consequatur impedit dolor vel aperiam assumenda consequuntur quibusdam. Illo, dolorum nihil!</p> </div> <div class="exp-box"> <h3>mumbai university</h3> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Mollitia consequatur impedit dolor vel aperiam assumenda consequuntur quibusdam. Illo, dolorum nihil!</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="download"> <a href="#" class="btn"> download CV </a> </div> </section> <!-- service section starts --> <section class="services" id="services"> <h1 class="heading"> <span>my</span> services </h1> <div class="box-container"> <div class="box"> <span class="number">1</span> <img src="images/s1.png" alt=""> <h3>seo marketing</h3> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Expedita harum consectetur quae eligendi saepe vitae ut animi in fuga dolorem.</p> </div> <div class="box"> <span class="number">2</span> <img src="images/s2.png" alt=""> <h3>graphic design</h3> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Expedita harum consectetur quae eligendi saepe vitae ut animi in fuga dolorem.</p> </div> <div class="box"> <span class="number">3</span> <img src="images/s3.png" alt=""> <h3>digital marketing</h3> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Expedita harum consectetur quae eligendi saepe vitae ut animi in fuga dolorem.</p> </div> <div class="box"> <span class="number">4</span> <img src="images/s4.png" alt=""> <h3>data analysis</h3> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Expedita harum consectetur quae eligendi saepe vitae ut animi in fuga dolorem.</p> </div> <div class="box"> <span class="number">5</span> <img src="images/s5.png" alt=""> <h3>web development</h3> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Expedita harum consectetur quae eligendi saepe vitae ut animi in fuga dolorem.</p> </div> <div class="box"> <span class="number">6</span> <img src="images/s6.png" alt=""> <h3>web design</h3> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Expedita harum consectetur quae eligendi saepe vitae ut animi in fuga dolorem.</p> </div> </div> </section> <!-- service section ends --> <!-- portfolio section starts --> <section class="portfolio" id="portfolio"> <h1 class="heading"> <span>my</span> portfolio </h1> <div class="button-container"> <div class="btn" data-filter="all">all</div> <div class="btn" data-filter="design">design</div> <div class="btn" data-filter="code">code</div> <div class="btn" data-filter="website">website</div> <div class="btn" data-filter="brand">brand</div> </div> <div class="image-container"> <div class="box design"> <img src="images/img1.jpg" alt=""> <div class="info"> <h3>PROJECT TITLE</h3> </div> </div> <div class="box design"> <img src="images/img2.jpg" alt=""> <div class="info"> <h3>PROJECT TITLE</h3> </div> </div> <div class="box design"> <img src="images/img3.jpg" alt=""> <div class="info"> <h3>PROJECT TITLE</h3> </div> </div> <div class="box code"> <img src="images/img4.jpg" alt=""> <div class="info"> <h3>PROJECT TITLE</h3> </div> </div> <div class="box code"> <img src="images/img5.jpg" alt=""> <div class="info"> <h3>PROJECT TITLE</h3> </div> </div> <div class="box website"> <img src="images/img6.jpg" alt=""> <div class="info"> <h3>PROJECT TITLE</h3> </div> </div> <div class="box brand"> <img src="images/img7.jpg" alt=""> <div class="info"> <h3>PROJECT TITLE</h3> </div> </div> <div class="box brand"> <img src="images/img8.jpg" alt=""> <div class="info"> <h3>PROJECT TITLE</h3> </div> </div> <div class="box brand"> <img src="images/img9.jpg" alt=""> <div class="info"> <h3>PROJECT TITLE</h3> </div> </div> </div> </section> <!-- portfolio section ends --> <!-- blog section start --> <section class="blog" id="blog"> <h1 class="heading"> <span>my</span> blogs </h1> <div class="box-container"> <div class="box"> <img src="images/blog1.jpg" alt=""> <div class="content"> <h3 class="info"> <i class="fas fa-user"></i> by, admin <i class="fas fa-calendar"></i> 1st may, 2021 </h3> <a href="#" class="title"> blog title goes here </a> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Laborum in molestias deleniti fugit excepturi atque animi harum distinctio et.</p> <a href="#" class="btn">read more</a> </div> </div> <div class="box"> <img src="images/blog2.jpg" alt=""> <div class="content"> <h3 class="info"> <i class="fas fa-user"></i> by, admin <i class="fas fa-calendar"></i> 1st may, 2021 </h3> <a href="#" class="title"> blog title goes here </a> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Laborum in molestias deleniti fugit excepturi atque animi harum distinctio et.</p> <a href="#" class="btn">read more</a> </div> </div> <div class="box"> <img src="images/blog3.jpg" alt=""> <div class="content"> <h3 class="info"> <i class="fas fa-user"></i> by, admin <i class="fas fa-calendar"></i> 1st may, 2021 </h3> <a href="#" class="title"> blog title goes here </a> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Laborum in molestias deleniti fugit excepturi atque animi harum distinctio et.</p> <a href="#" class="btn">read more</a> </div> </div> <div class="box"> <img src="images/blog4.jpg" alt=""> <div class="content"> <h3 class="info"> <i class="fas fa-user"></i> by, admin <i class="fas fa-calendar"></i> 1st may, 2021 </h3> <a href="#" class="title"> blog title goes here </a> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Laborum in molestias deleniti fugit excepturi atque animi harum distinctio et.</p> <a href="#" class="btn">read more</a> </div> </div> <div class="box"> <img src="images/blog5.jpg" alt=""> <div class="content"> <h3 class="info"> <i class="fas fa-user"></i> by, admin <i class="fas fa-calendar"></i> 1st may, 2021 </h3> <a href="#" class="title"> blog title goes here </a> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Laborum in molestias deleniti fugit excepturi atque animi harum distinctio et.</p> <a href="#" class="btn">read more</a> </div> </div> <div class="box"> <img src="images/blog6.jpg" alt=""> <div class="content"> <h3 class="info"> <i class="fas fa-user"></i> by, admin <i class="fas fa-calendar"></i> 1st may, 2021 </h3> <a href="#" class="title"> blog title goes here </a> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Laborum in molestias deleniti fugit excepturi atque animi harum distinctio et.</p> <a href="#" class="btn">read more</a> </div> </div> </div> </section> <!-- blog section ends --> <!-- contact section starts --> <section class="contact" id="contact"> <h1 class="heading"> contact <span>me</span> </h1> <div class="box-container"> <div class="box"> <i class="fas fa-phone"></i> <h3>my number</h3> <p>+123-456-7890</p> </div> <div class="box"> <i class="fas fa-envelope"></i> <h3>my email</h3> <p>example@gmail.com</p> </div> <div class="box"> <i class="fas fa-map-marker-alt"></i> <h3>my address</h3> <p>mumbai, india - 400104</p> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <form action=""> <div class="inputBox"> <input type="text" placeholder="name"> <input type="email" placeholder="email"> </div> <input type="text" placeholder="subject"> <textarea name="" id="" cols="30" rows="10" placeholder="message"></textarea> <button class="btn"> send message </button> </form> <iframe class="map" src="https://www.google.com/maps/embed?pb=!1m18!1m12!1m3!1d30153.788252261566!2d72.82321484621745!3d19.141690214227783!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x3be7b63aceef0c69%3A0x2aa80cf2287dfa3b!2sJogeshwari%20West%2C%20Mumbai%2C%20Maharashtra%20400047!5e0!3m2!1sen!2sin!4v1617786516134!5m2!1sen!2sin" allowfullscreen="" loading="lazy"></iframe> </div> </section> <!-- contact section ends --> <div id="td_container"> <div class="flex"> <div class="button-wrapper"> <i class="fa fa-play play button" id="play" onclick=" toggleplayback(this); 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align-items: center; justify-content: center; flex-wrap: wrap; } .about .row .box{ flex:1 1 40rem; background-color: var(--primary-bg-color); border-radius: .5rem; box-shadow: 0 .5rem 1rem rgba(0,0,0,.1); padding:.5rem 1.5rem; margin:1.5rem; } .about .row .box .title{ color:var(--primary-text-color); font-size: 2.5rem; padding:1rem 0; } .about .row .box .progress{ padding:1rem 0; } .about .row .box .progress h3{ font-size: 1.7rem; color:var(--secondary-text-color); display: flex; justify-content: space-between; } .about .row .box .progress .bar{ height: 2.5rem; border-radius: .5rem; border:.2rem solid var(--main-color); padding:.5rem; margin:1rem 0; } .about .row .box .progress .bar span{ height: 100%; border-radius: .3rem; background-color: var(--main-color); display: block; } .about .row .box:nth-child(1) .progress:nth-child(2) .bar span{ width: 95%; } .about .row .box:nth-child(1) .progress:nth-child(3) .bar span{ width: 80%; } .about .row .box:nth-child(1) .progress:nth-child(4) .bar span{ width: 65%; } .about .row .box:nth-child(1) .progress:nth-child(5) .bar span{ width: 75%; } .about .row .box:nth-child(2) .progress:nth-child(2) .bar span{ width: 98%; } .about .row .box:nth-child(2) .progress:nth-child(3) .bar span{ width: 67%; } .about .row .box:nth-child(2) .progress:nth-child(4) .bar span{ width: 75%; } .about .row .box:nth-child(2) .progress:nth-child(5) .bar span{ width: 60%; } .about .row .box .exp-box{ padding:0 1.8rem; margin-top: 1rem; margin-bottom: 2rem; border-left: .2rem solid var(--main-color); position: relative; } .about .row .box .exp-box h3{ color:var(--main-color); font-size: 2rem; } .about .row .box .exp-box p{ color:var(--secondary-text-color); font-size: 1.5rem; padding:1rem 0; } .about .row .box .exp-box::before{ content:''; position: absolute; top:0; left: -1rem; border-radius: 50%; height: 2rem; width: 2rem; background: var(--main-color); } .about .download{ background:var(--primary-bg-color); border-radius: .5rem; text-align: center; box-shadow: 0 .5rem 1rem rgba(0,0,0,.1); padding:2rem; padding-bottom: 3rem; margin:1rem; } .services .box-container{ display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; flex-wrap: wrap; } .services .box-container .box{ background:var(--primary-bg-color); border-radius: .5rem; box-shadow: 0 .5rem 1rem rgba(0,0,0,.1); margin:1rem; padding:1rem; width:35rem; text-align: center; position: relative; z-index: 0; } .services .box-container .box .number{ position: absolute; top:1.5rem; left: 2rem; font-size: 2.5rem; color:var(--primary-text-color); } .services .box-container .box img{ height:7rem; width:7rem; margin:1rem; } .services .box-container .box h3{ font-size: 2rem; color:var(--main-color); } .services .box-container .box p{ font-size: 1.5rem; color:var(--secondary-text-color); padding:1rem; } .services .box-container .box::before{ content: ''; position: absolute; top:0; left: 0; height: 100%; width: 100%; background:var(--main-color); z-index: -1; clip-path: circle(25% at 0 0); opacity: .1; transition: .3s; } .services .box-container .box:hover::before{ clip-path: circle(100%); 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background: #f1f1f1; position: absolute; margin-left: -6px; margin-top: -3px; cursor: pointer; outline: none; } #content { display:none; width:150px !important; color:#4cc8f4 !important; font-size:0.9rem; } #artist { width:100% !important; margin-top:10%; } #show { width:100% !important; margin-top:5%; } .now-playing-label { color:#fff; } /*Radio Staion ends*/ .footer{ background-color:orange; color: #bbb; height: auto; } .container{ padding: 2rem 1rem; } .footer ul{ font-size: normal; list-style: none; } .footer a{ color:red; text-decoration: none; } /*Margins and padding Classes*/ .my-1{margin-top: 1rem; margin-bottom: 1rem;} /*Flex Proprieties*/ .d-flex-r{ display: flex; flex-direction: row; flex-wrap: wrap; } .justify-content-center{ justify-content:center; } .justify-content-space-around{ justify-content:space-around; } .footer i{color: white;} .footer .copyright i {margin-left: 1rem;} .footer i.fab, .footer i.fas{font-size: 1.25rem;transition: 0.3s ease;} .footer i.fab:hover{color:white important;} .footer i.fas { border-radius: 50%; border:1px solid white; margin-top: 1rem; margin-bottom: 1rem; padding: 12px 15px; #theme-toggler{ position: fixed; top:8.5rem; right:2rem; z-index: 998; height: 5rem; width:5rem; line-height: 5rem; text-align: center; font-size: 2rem; background:var(--main-color); color:#fff; cursor: pointer; border-radius: 5rem; } #theme-toggler.fa-sun{ transform:rotate(-180deg); } .home .content { font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif; padding: 3em 2em; font-size: 18px; background: #222; color: #aaa } .home .content h1{ font-weight: 200; margin: 0.4em 0; } .home .content h1 { font-size: 3.5em; } /* media queries */ @media (max-width:991px){ html{ font-size: 55%; } section{ padding:1rem; padding: 0 3%; } } @media (max-width:768px){ .home .image img{ height: auto; width: 100%; } } @media (max-width:400px){ html{ font-size: 50%; } .services .box-container .box{ width: 100%; } .portfolio .image-container .box{ width:100%; } .blog .box-container .box{ width:100%; } .contact .row form .inputBox input{ width:100%; } } script.js $(document).ready(function(){ $('#menu').click(function(){ $(this).toggleClass('fa-times'); $('.navbar').toggleClass('nav-toggle'); }); $(window).on('scroll load',function(){ $('#menu').removeClass('fa-times'); $('.navbar').removeClass('nav-toggle'); }); $('.portfolio .button-container .btn').click(function(){ let filter = $(this).attr('data-filter'); if(filter == 'all'){ $('.portfolio .image-container .box').show('400') }else{ $('.portfolio .image-container .box').not('.'+filter).hide('200'); $('.portfolio .image-container .box').filter('.'+filter).show('400'); } }); $('#theme-toggler').click(function(){ $(this).toggleClass('fa-sun'); $('body').toggleClass('dark-theme'); }); // smooth scrolling $('a[href*="#"]').on('click',function(e){ e.preventDefault(); $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop : $($(this).attr('href')).offset().top, }, 500, 'linear' ); }); }); function setDate() { const now = new Date(); const mm = now.getMonth(); const dd = now.getDate(); const yyyy = now.getFullYear(); const secs = now.getSeconds(); const mins = now.getMinutes(); const hrs = now.getHours(); const monthName = [ 'January','February','March','April', 'May','June','July','August','September', 'October','November','December' ]; if (hrs > 12) { hours.innerHTML = hrs - 12; } else { hours.innerHTML = hrs; } if (secs < 10) { seconds.innerHTML = '0' + secs; } else { seconds.innerHTML = secs; } if (mins < 10) { minutes.innerHTML = '0' + mins; } else { minutes.innerHTML = mins; } month.innerHTML = monthName[mm]; day.innerHTML = dd; year.innerHTML = yyyy; } setInterval(setDate,1000); window.onload = setInterval(clock,1000); function clock() { var d = new Date(); var date = d.getDate(); var month = d.getMonth(); var montharr =["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"]; month=montharr[month]; var year = d.getFullYear(); var day = d.getDay(); var dayarr =["Sun","Mon","Tues","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat"]; day=dayarr[day]; var hour =d.getHours(); var min = d.getMinutes(); var sec = d.getSeconds(); hour = updateTime(hour); min = updateTime(min); sec = updateTime(sec); document.getElementById("date").innerHTML=day+" "+date+" "+month+" "+year; document.getElementById("time").innerHTML=hour+":"+min+":"+sec; } function updateTime(k) { if (k < 10) { return "0" + k; } else { return k; } } var TxtRotate = function(el, toRotate, period) { this.toRotate = toRotate; this.el = el; this.loopNum = 0; this.period = parseInt(period, 10) || 2000; this.txt = ''; this.tick(); this.isDeleting = false; }; TxtRotate.prototype.tick = function() { var i = this.loopNum % this.toRotate.length; var fullTxt = this.toRotate[i]; if (this.isDeleting) { this.txt = fullTxt.substring(0, this.txt.length - 1); } else { this.txt = fullTxt.substring(0, this.txt.length + 1); } this.el.innerHTML = '<span class="wrap">'+this.txt+'</span>'; var that = this; var delta = 300 - Math.random() * 100; if (this.isDeleting) { delta /= 2; } if (!this.isDeleting && this.txt === fullTxt) { delta = this.period; this.isDeleting = true; } else if (this.isDeleting && this.txt === '') { this.isDeleting = false; this.loopNum++; delta = 500; } setTimeout(function() { that.tick(); }, delta); }; window.onload = function() { var elements = document.getElementsByClassName('txt-rotate'); for (var i=0; i<elements.length; i++) { var toRotate = elements[i].getAttribute('data-rotate'); var period = elements[i].getAttribute('data-period'); if (toRotate) { new TxtRotate(elements[i], JSON.parse(toRotate), period); } } // INJECT CSS var css = document.createElement("style"); css.type = "text/css"; css.innerHTML = ".txt-rotate > .wrap { border-right: 0.08em solid #666 }"; document.body.appendChild(css); }; I also upload my source code via codepen: https://codepen.io/Quencyjones79/pen/gOXZaEG
  2. Thanks Funce and dsonesuk ; Just wanted you to know that I greatly appreciate you expert help on my project . I am working on an authoring tool , see here: http://vmars.us/w3schools-Examples/ShortStory-WheatFields-VanGogh-SCRIPT.htmlAlmost done ; just have to figure out how to : 1) duplicate this structure onButtonClick : <div class="mydiv" > <div class="mydivheader"></div> <textarea class="copyFrom" rows="4" cols="12"> </textarea> </div> Clone causes probs (with contenteditable) upon re-opening page after a save-webpage-complete . 2) Currently this doesn't display the whole image correctly : body { font-family: Comic Sans MS; background: url(WheatFields-VanGogh.jpg) ; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: 100% , 100% ; } Then I think I am finished In the mean time I'll probably be back for help . Thanks again
  3. Hello, I have a report looking at courses for my college. Each course can have multiple attributes (which I return with a sub query for each stating 'Y' or 'N' if they are associated with said attribute). My end user is requesting an additional column which states if they are associated with multiple attributes - so the column will return 'Y' if they have multiple attributes, or a 'N' if they only have one attribute. I am requesting assistance in coding the 'Multiple' column, as I am returning a Y or N for each attribute by using sub queries, and not quite sure how to compare the sub queries together to return a value if they have multiple attributes (meaning more than one of the sub queries will return a 'Y'). Thank you.
  4. W3Schools should feature this support in order to reach more people. So what do you think about this?
  5. etsted

    live support

    is there a website where i can get live php support?
  6. In the image attached below, in the (3) light blue content assist box, on the left there are 5 Firefox browser icons. What do they mean? Seemingly they mean those methods are only supported in Firefox. But of what versions? And if a certain element is supported in both Firefox and Chrome, but not IE, how will it show (as there is only 1 column space for 1 icon)? (image from http://www.jetbrains.com/phpstorm/webhelp/familiarize-yourself-with-phpstorm-editor.html) On the other hand, in Aptana, there are different columns of browser icons, showing levels of support by light up or not. (image from http://aptana.com/products/studio3) In addition, in the description area, detailed browser versions of support is also shown. (image from my test of Eclipse + Aptana plugin) If one asks why dont i just use Aptana, and forget about PHPStorm? As there are some significant drawbacks while coding JS in Aptana, and some says Aptana browser version support is not worth trusting. That's why I am looking for different IDEs. In conclusion, how to understand browser icons in PHPStorm content assist?
  7. hello all from w3s again... i have seemed the PHP word ''Define''. now my questio is. if i have 2 files in my root, and 3 files in a folder called include, and one of those inside include folder is called main_design.php. and called by 2 functions like so inside all the other files inside root...: function stdhead($title = "",$css_file = ""){$stdhead_start = "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN' 'http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd'><html xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'><head><meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html'; charset=iso-8859-1' /><link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='styles/".$css_file.".css'/><link rel='shortcut icon' href='fav_icon.ico' /><title>".$title."</title></head><body><table class='banner_table' align='center' cellpadding='0'><tr><td><a href='index.php'><img src='styles/images/banners/banner.png' width='1000' height='140' alt='SS_2012' /></a></td></tr></table> <table class='menu_table' border='0' align='center'><tr><td class='navigation'><a href='index.php'>HOME</a></td><td class='navigation'><a href='browse.php'>TORRENTS</a></td><td class='navigation'><a href='index.php'>REQUESTS</a></td><td class='navigation'><a href='index.php'>BECOME UPLOADER</a></td><td class='navigation'><a href='index.php'>CHAT</a></td><td class='navigation'><a href='index.php'>FORUM</a></td><td class='navigation'><a href='index.php'>GUIDES</a></td><td class='navigation'><a href='index.php'>BONUS</a></td><td class='navigation'><a href='index.php'>RULES</a></td><td class='navigation'><a href='index.php'>FAQ</a></td><td class='navigation'><a href='index.php'>LINKS</a></td><td class='navigation'><a href='index.php'>SUPPORT</a></td></tr></table> <table class='main_table' align='center'><tr><td>";return $stdhead_start;}//stdhead ends... function stdfooter(){$stdfoot_start ="</td></tr></table> <table class='foot_table' align='center'> <tr> <td>Speed-Scene © 2012 -> Revision 01</td> </tr> </table> </body> </html>";return $stdfoot_start;}//stdfooter ends... and root files ect; <?phprequire_once("include/bittorrent.php");echo stdhead("Home","1");?>This is the Index Page!...<?phpecho stdfooter();?> now my question is, that if i have an another file inside include called config.php. and wish to make a define inside there... and after that, call it on one of the root files, so it would go inside the include folder, and then i just need to write the name of the file i need to have ect... how do i do this?... thanks in advance!
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