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Found 6 results

  1. Hi folks, Would love to get some assistance with some basic XSLT coding for a template/choose or transform. I have the following XSLT coding which is used to essentially transform (replace) the subject line of an email which is generated by the system. This small section of text allows me to put in the company name to be used in the "Value of select" and this I can kind of follow. XSLT Template/Code <xsl:template match="@* | node()"> <xsl:copy> <xsl:apply-templates select="@* | node()"/> </xsl:copy> </xsl:template> <xsl:template match="//*[local-name() = 'ReportHeader']/*[local-name() = 'Note']"> <Note> <xsl:attribute name="author">email</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="entryDateTime"><xsl:value-of select="./@entryDateTime"/></xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="languageID">en-US</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="status">Open</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="type">SubjectLine</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="use">External</xsl:attribute> <xsl:value-of select="concat('Company 1000 - ',.)"/> </Note> </xsl:template> This is the section of the XML that the above template is modifying <Note author="user id" entryDateTime="2018-02-15T22:46:13Z" languageID="en-US" status="Open" type="SubjectLine" use="External">Acknowledgement for 219-00</Note> When testing the output it successfully changes the above to the following <Note author="email" entryDateTime="2018-02-15T22:46:13Z" languageID="en-US" status="Open" type="SubjectLine" use="External">Company 1000 - Acknowledgement for 219-00</Note> (This is the section of the XML code that refers to the "Report Header" and has the accounting entity in the document ID) <ReportHeader> <DocumentID> <ID accountingEntity="1000" variationID="1012">Acknowledgement_219-00</ID> </DocumentID> In some instances we have multiple accounting entities and what I would love to be able to do is have some XSLT code to "choose" between the various Accounting Entities and apply the above template (with different names for each accounting entities).Or at the min is there a way of saying when accounting entity = value choose "template a" which for example would be Company 1000 or choose "template b" and the value would be Company 2000 (for example) What would be the best way to edit/write this to be able to have, essentially, a different Company name in the subject line that corresponds to the relative Accounting Entity ID? Thanks in advance, Steve
  2. Hi w3 Community i want to learn how to replicate this effect on the main screen of this website https://overv.io/ The traget(booklets) starts off somewhere fixed and translate/rotates towards 0 once it's reached it's original location, scrolling further down won't change any location scrolling back up with move the items back towards the location it stated. Here's something which i think it should look like.. window.onscroll = function() {var speed = 1; //this should be adapted to the height of divvar startdeg = 130; //var startx = 300;var starty =-300;var scroll = $(window).scrollTop(); //using scrolling as variablevar deg = (startdeg - scroll) / speed;var translatex = startx - scroll/ speed;var translatey = starty - scroll/ speed;//Here should be some conditioner or maybe a do-while loop to stop transforming once it reached it's original location?$(".logo").css({"transform": "translate("translatex+"px,"translatey+"px) rotate("+deg+"deg)",}); }; https://jsfiddle.net/aavelyn/ktccxr6j/1/ PS: I'm fairly basic with javascript,jquery though i can fully understand the code presented. Thanks a lot!!
  3. My animation uses keyframes, starts on hover and has a long duration. When I move the mouse out while the animation is still running it stops instantly. I need the interrupted animation returns to it's original values gradually. (Like 'transform' does). @keyframes KF_Problem { 100% {transform:scale(2);} }.Problem:hover { animation:KF_Problem 3s; }.Problem { transform:scale(1); transition:3s;}.All_OK:hover { transform:scale(2); transition:3s;}.All_OK { transform:scale(1); transition:3s;} 1) How can I do that? 2) Why does Firefox "do the work" automatically and all other browsers don't? Just try the simplified code with Firefox and with all other modern browsers to see the difference...
  4. Hi, I have a page on which I have a div inside a div. <div name="divWrapper" id = "divWrapper" style="overflow:auto;height:90vh;width:98vw" > <div style="-ms-transform-origin:0 0;-webkit-transform-origin:0 0;-moz-transform-origin: 0 0;overflow:visible;" name="divMap" id="divMap"> <img and ... imagemap tags> The result I'm looking for is an image is in the window, with scollbars around it. I have a script that's run when the user clicks a button and zooms the inner div to make the image bigger or smaller. I have an imagemap for the image, and I found that just resizing the image didn't resize the map, so the coordinates would be off. But if I put the whole thing in a div and resized THAT, it would work. Here's the script that "zooms" the inner div (curScale is set to 1 earlier in the *.js page): function zoomDiv(elementID,change) { var d = document.getElementById(elementID); var newScale; if (change == 0) { newScale = 1; } else { newScale = curScale * change; } var s = "scale(" + newScale + "," + newScale + ")"; d.style.transform = s; d.style.webkitTransform = s; d.style.MozTransform = s; d.style.msTransform = s; curScale = newScale; d.style.width = d.style.width * curScale; d.style.height = d.style.height * curScale;} I'm sure there are better ways to do what I'm trying to do with a lot of this, but it's kind of a slapped togethr page and I'm really interesting in fixing this... Without the transform-origin tags, if I resize the div by making it smaller (zooming "out"), the left side of the div moves to the right, almost as if it's trying to right-justify itself on the page (or in the outer div). If I increase the size back to the original, it doesn't move back to the left. WITH the transform-origin tags, it sticks to the top-left, but is ugly when I make it really small; I'd rather it be centered. So, how can I have a div that when I use transform to shrink or grow its contents, stays at a fixed % of the visible window, and is centered. I cannot use jquery because this is run locally on a workstation (a mac, with web sharing enabled) which may or may not have internet access and from what I have read, all that jquery code links to their site somehow. Thanks, Jeff
  5. I have a situation that is well over my head. I need to take a flat layout and transform it into a hierarchical layout. (See attachments) I actually have a prototype XSLT that uses named templates and having one template call the other to create somewhat of the hierarchy. Currently, the structures are repeating. I need to know how not to have them repeat. I also can't get my head around how to find and extract the complete content at the correct place. I would have posted my XSLT, but, I may be headed in completely the wrong direction. What I'd like is to get proper guidance on how to do it. I suspect I'll have to learn about muenchian grouping, but still have no idea how to proceed. I'm also limited to XSLT 1.0. SampleCustomerSalesHierarchical.xml SampleCustomerSalesFlat.xml
  6. Just see and enjoy it. http://jsfiddle.net/composite/6zr2q/embedded/result/ HOW TO: just click anywhere to show or hide and enjoy aero effects. BROWSERS: Firefox (All versions exclude blur effects but looks good like windows 8.) Chrome 19 and above. Safari 6 and above (sorry windows safari users.). Opera 15 and above (Only affect by webkit). Sorry for IE users. IE All version include 11. I'm finding figure out for IE looks like Firefox. TECH: Effects by CSS3 Only. Javascript is just for toggle class. that's all. transition used for show and hide animation. transform used for show and hide effect. filter:blur used for blurred window effect.
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