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Posts posted by Patriot

  1. http://briansplace.allhyper.com/testindex.html is the site.I am trying to put a clock in the header at the end of some text, I got the code for the clock from W3Schools A clock created with a timing event.If i veiw the file that i put this in it works, if i put my code in W3Schools tryme editor it works, if I open the page like you normaly go to a website the clock does not show up (no errors show eathier).the code is long or i would paste it here, its just as easy to go to the page and view source.I have just done some more exploring and found that it works on a diferent free serviceWORKS HEREDOESN'T WORK HEREand all i did was copy paste the entire code from one place to another, now i am really confused.
  2. You mean after is says site created by...it stretches to the bottom???That is because you used tables. All columns in a row will be the same height.You can stop this by taking the background-color and border off of the left column, putting another table in he left column then formatting the new table with background-color and border.Any questions, just ask.

    this is the stylesheet part that seperates the divisions
    div.main {z-index: 0;width:100%;height:100%;border:2px solid black;background-color:#D2B48C;color:#000000;}div.navigation {z-index: 1;width:23%;height:100%;float:left;border-right:2px solid black;padding:1px;background-color:transparent;color:#000000;}div.content {z-index: 2;margin-left:23%;padding:50px;background-color:transparent;color:#000000;}

    and this is the navigation

    document.write("<p class='header'>Brians Place</p>");document.write("<p><img src=''alt=''width=160 height=160></p>");document.write("<hr>");document.write("<p class='subheader'><a href=''>Home</a></p>");document.write("<hr>");document.write("<p class='subheader'>Blank</p>");document.write("<a href=''target='_blank'>Blank</a><br>");document.write("<a href=''target='_blank'>Blank</a><br>");document.write("<a href=''target='_blank'>Blank</a><br>");document.write("<a href=''target='_blank'>Blank</a><br>");document.write("<hr>");document.write("<p class='subheader'>Blank</p>");document.write("<a href=''target='_blank'>Blank</a><br>");document.write("<a href=''target='_blank'>Blank</a><br>");document.write("<a href=''target='_blank'>Blank</a><br>");document.write("<a href=''target='_blank'>Blank</a><br>");document.write("<hr>");document.write("<p class='subheader'>Blank</p>");document.write("<a href=''target='_blank'>Blank</a><br>");document.write("<a href=''target='_blank'>Blank</a><br>");document.write("<a href=''target='_blank'>Blank</a><br>");document.write("<a href=''target='_blank'>Blank</a><br>");document.write("<hr>");document.write("<center><address>Site created by</address><a href='mailto:Brian5@email.com'>Brian5@email.com</a></center><br>");

    i only have a table inside the content div?

  3. the link is in my signature, it says current testing siteand the layout is external stylesheet.cssi think the problem might be the height:100% in the navigation side, not sure though

  4. when i add more to the content side, the navigation moves down with it and makes the nav look bad (has lots of extra space at the bottom.i would like the nav to be whatever size it need to be for what i have on it and then just stop. and i want the nav to be whatever sizes it needs to be for what it has in it then just stop.i think this is a positioning question thats why i put it here ??

  5. i am trying to call an external js from a document.write, for example

    var monName = new Array ("January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December");var now = new Date;if(now.getDate() == 25 && monName[now.getMonth()] == "December"){document.write ("i would like an external js here");}else if(now.getDate() == 1 && monName[now.getMonth()] == "January"){document.write ("i would like an external js here");}else{document.write("i would like an external js here");}</script>

    im sure there is a way to do this i just havent figured it out yet, if anybody knows how to do this i would really appreciate it alot.

  6. well that was easy the tags thin that shows up is right in the top part of the page, if yo go to the page and right click and view source,LOOK FOR</script<!-- and this link you put on the page where you want the above code to work , it must be contained in the <body>tags<!-- <A HREF="java script:makeLink()">Bookmark Us</A>>that tags isn't supposed to be in the script, other than that the images roll-over fine for me and I use IE, the site looks great. :)

  7. i don't know much about javascript, but if im not mistaken isn't it all case sensitive?instead of

    case "c":nq="[CODE]"+srange.text+"[/code ]"; break;[/code]

    shouldn't it be

    [code]case "c":nq="[code]"+srange.text+"[/code ]"; break;[/code]

    not sure if that will help, or if it matters.

  8. well this is the code i use for the year and it puts 2005

    var d = new Date()document.write(d.getYear())

    and this is the code i use for the day, date, month, year, time.

    <script type="text/javascript">var d=new Date()var weekday=new Array(7)weekday[0]="Sunday,"weekday[1]="Monday,"weekday[2]="Tuesday,"weekday[3]="Wednesday,"weekday[4]="Thursday,"weekday[5]="Friday,"weekday[6]="Saturday,"document.write("Today it is " + weekday[d.getDay()])document.write(" ")var b=new Date()var month=new Array(12)month[0]="January"month[1]="February"month[2]="March"month[3]="April"month[4]="May"month[5]="June"month[6]="July"month[7]="August"month[8]="September"month[9]="October"month[10]="November"month[11]="December"document.write("" + month[b.getMonth()])document.write(" ")var c = new Date()document.write(c.getDate())document.write ("<b>, </b>")var d = new Date()document.write(d.getYear())document.write(" the time is ")var e = new Date()document.write(e.getHours())var f = new Date()document.write ("<b>:</b>")document.write(f.getMinutes())</script>

    hope this helps

  9. before i forget http://briansplace.allhyper.com/ thats the link to the new thing im trying out, and having a problem with.Q) why is the border-right of the navigation not connecting with the bottom?Q) why wont the text in the content center?Q) and the biggest is why did everything line up perfect offline using notepad, and as soon as i put it online it went all goofy and i had to fix a bunch of stuff?

  10. i found a list of freesites tried signing up for a few of them and something isnt working riht. briansplace.allhyper.com when you go here it comes up with a index page thing that im not used to seeing, if you add index after the link then my message comes up but you cant click on the link.

  11. Yes this is the best tool i have found and it is written in a way that i dont get bored often, and if i happen to at anytime i just leave and come back another time.i started with the html for dummies books, it was awsome and easy to understand but i outgrew that very quickly and then realized that all the big boys played here at w3schools, so slowly but surely im trying to step it up a little and join in the fun and frustration of web development.

  12. Well I added myself to the map, (don't I feel special?) The page had an error on it so I couldn't see any maps, I am curious if there are any Florida people on here.and as I stated before, (and again im sorry to those of you not lucky enough)The USA is the ONLY country.

  13. Full name: BrianAlternative name(s): PatriotBirth date(dd/mm/yyyy): 78Gender: MaleCountry of residance: USA the only countrySmoking/Drinking/Drugs: do what you wantInterest: anything computer relatedPets: Dog-Black LabAdditional comments: I been doing this same website for alot of years now, it has been moved about 3 times and might be moving again, fcpages seems to be down alot lately. my site started out as wysiwyg and then into html, i am proud to say it has again evloved somewhat and has html, css, and javascript included in the code, there isnt alot of content but if you check the source you will see that there are alot of different things that i have written/copied/changed to get what i got. the site is basically just multiple codes of different types to test out new things i learn and also to try new ideas.my email address is brian5@email.com and my website link is below, feel free to comment on anything, (just be helpfull with comments) my email address is on the site and i also have a little forum going for people that may want to leave there comments for others to read.

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  14. the code above is awsome you can actually use it for at least a few different things that i hae been messing with.i used it in a header on a test page so that the header displays the time and date, and if it is say christmas day it will say merry christmas instead of the time and date, or new years will say happy new years instead.i also messed with it in the body and have a all the time content part and then a christmas part and new years part, the page i am testing with isnt online or i would give you a link so you can see what i did/am doing with it.

    <html><head><style type="text/css">div.container {	width:100%;	margin:0px;	border:2px solid black;	line-height:150%;}div.left {	float:left;	width:23%;	margin:0;	border-right:2px solid black;	padding:1px;}div.content {	margin-left:23%;	padding:50px;}.test1 {position: absolute; top: 200px;     left: 250px;   background-color: red;   color:black; font-size:100%; width:310;}.test2 {position: absolute; top: 200px;     right: 50px;   background-color: white; color:black; font-size:100%; width:310;}.test3 {position: absolute; bottom: 0px; left: 250px;      background-color: blue;  color:black; font-size:100%; width:310;}.test4 {position: absolute; bottom: 0px;  right: 50px;     background-color: green; color:black; font-size:100%; width:310;}<div class="1header"><script type="text/javascript">var dayName = new Array ("Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday");var monName = new Array ("January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December");var now = new Date;if(now.getDate() == 25 && monName[now.getMonth()] == "December"){document.write ("Merry Christmas");}else if(now.getDate() == 1 && monName[now.getMonth()] == "January"){document.write ("Happy New Year");}else{var d=new Date()var weekday=new Array(7)weekday[0]="Sunday,"weekday[1]="Monday,"weekday[2]="Tuesday,"weekday[3]="Wednesday,"weekday[4]="Thursday,"weekday[5]="Friday,"weekday[6]="Saturday,"document.write("Today it is " + weekday[d.getDay()])document.write(" ")var b=new Date()var month=new Array(12)month[0]="January"month[1]="February"month[2]="March"month[3]="April"month[4]="May"month[5]="June"month[6]="July"month[7]="August"month[8]="September"month[9]="October"month[10]="November"month[11]="December"document.write("" + month[b.getMonth()])document.write(" ")var c = new Date()document.write(c.getDate())document.write ("<b>, </b>")var d = new Date()document.write(d.getYear())document.write(" the time is ")var e = new Date()document.write(e.getHours())var f = new Date()document.write ("<b>:</b>")document.write(f.getMinutes())}</script></div><div class="content"><p class=welcome><script type="text/javascript">var d = new Date()var time = d.getHours()if (time<11){document.write("<b>Good morning,</b>")}else if (time>12 && time<17){document.write("<b>Good afternoon,</b>")}else if (time>17 && time<24){document.write("<b>Good evening,</b>")}else{document.write("<b>Hello World!</b>")}</script></p><br><script type="text/javascript">var dayName = new Array ("Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday");var monName = new Array ("January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December");var now = new Date;if(now.getDate() == 25 && monName[now.getMonth()] == "December"){document.write ("<p class=cd><b>Merry Christmas</p><br>");}else if(now.getDate() == 1 && monName[now.getMonth()] == "January"){document.write ("<p class=nyd><b>Happy New Year</p><br>");}else{document.write ("<p class=test1><table><tr><td><img src='c:/WINDOWS/Desktop/100_0880.JPG'    alt='' width=160 height=160></td><td>This is our new house<br>we moved in on<br>00-00-00.</td></tr></table>");document.write ("<p class=test2><table><tr><td><img src='c:/WINDOWS/Desktop/100_0876.JPG'    alt='' width=160 height=160></td><td>This is Bradley<br>he is a purebred<br>Labrador Retreiver.</td></tr></table>");document.write ("<p class=test3><table><tr><td><img src='c:/WINDOWS/Desktop/6-23-05 007.JPG' alt='' width=160 height=160></td><td>This is a picture of Corey at his beret ceramony in<br>Fort Knox, Kentucky.</td></tr></table>");document.write ("<p class=test4><table><tr><td><img src='c:/WINDOWS/Desktop/100_0880.JPG'    alt='' width=160 height=160></td><td>This is our new house<br>we moved in on<br>00-00-00.</td></tr></table>");}</script></div></body></html>

    this is just little parts of what im messing with, i write everything the long way, so if i posted the entire code it would take more space than allowed.

  15. Here is how you would check for Christmas
    var dayName = new Array ("Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday");var monName = new Array ("January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December");var now = new Date;if(now.getDate() == 25 && monName[now.getMonth()] == "December"){    alert('Merry Christmas');}

    thanks for the help i new it could be done, i got it added in with the rest of the script and it works great. as soon as i finish up the basics on the page i will put a link up so everybody can see it. what im trying to do is make it so say on christmas instead of showing the normal site contents it will put up a christmas colored page with christmas type ###### on it, or the header all year might say hello and on my birthday it will say happy birthday to me, it is a cool idea you gotta admit :) really i was reading the tutorials and came up with the idea and just been playing with it since, all the stuff on my site is random ideas that i came across while reading the tutorials and i have just been trying to get them to do different things, maybe i will try to put an actual site with some real content one of these days, but untill i do .....................click the link below
  16. i want to make a small script so that on a certain day of a certain month and possibly a certain year down the road when you load the page it might say happy birthday, or merry christmas, or whatever else you could think of, happy anniversary.i messed with the time one and think i got that figured out, so now im messing with the dayexample:if the day is the 25th of December, i want it to output merry christmas wherever i put the script.and if the day is anything else i would just want it to say whatever.

  17. :)
    I moved this thread from here:http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=1129since it was hijacking Chaosdruid original thread.Ok, as mentioned in the above post, you can see that mani_ (in the fourth post) offers a way to create your menu in javascript, then call the javascript from each page.  There are other methods call Server Side Includes (SSI) that you should look into as well:i.e. http://www.w3schools.com/php/php_includes.aspYou're second  question is answered with the second point I make in response to your first question, look up Server Side Includes:http://www.w3schools.com/php/php_includes.aspThis should get you on the right track.:)

    I use fcpages.com for my freesite, they dont support hardly anything other than basic html, css, javascript and things of that nature unless you upgrade to the next level. This is only a hobby to keep me busy and out of trouble when im not working so im not interested in paying for it. (thats why i got a freesite) I will look into the ssi and see if they allow it on freesites.ok next thing, i read the all the files on javascript and messed with all the examples on w3schools website but couldnt find what i was looking for. I was told you can put like a whole page in one document.write wen i do tis is gets messed up for some reason.Q:how could I? or should I even? put everything in one doc.write*if i can, please give me a short exampl with a bunch of different tags*if i shouldnt put everything in one disregard the previousby the way, your answers are very easy to understand and your examples are even better.Thank you very much
  18. both of the ideas are pretty cool, i messed with one of them for a while jus to see and they are very easy to customize.*my question is how can i make a menu/navigation side in an external html so that i can write the menu one time but use it on multiple pages?if you look at my site now it has a js file that is called to multiple pages but people keep asking me why i do it that way, and the reason is so the i only have to write it once and can use it multiple times.*is it possible to make a html and call it the way you do a js file?i know how to write html pretty good and am very comfortable with it, so if there is a way then i wouldnt have to mess with stuff that i dont know.

  19. The <h5> tag is nested incorrectly in this example.  And I am not clear why you're using javascript to output a simple <table>.  There doesn't seem to be a point to it - can you elaborate why one would use this method? :)

    well i think you or somebody asked me this question allready but, im using the javascript so that i can call that same bottom link to multiple pages, without having to change multiple pages when the links change, (if there is another way let me know) and how is the <h5> supposed to be in that caode i posted?
  20. ok well I am a fan of the   as much as the next person but in a table wouldnt it just be easier to do something like:<table border='0' cellpadding='5' align='center'>as the cell padding will put spaces in for youi have a javascript for the kind of links your talking about

    document.write("<table border='0' cellpadding='5' align='center'>");document.write("<h5>");document.write("<tr>");document.write("<td><a href='http://briansplace.fcpages.com'>Back to Main Page</a></td>");document.write("<td><a href='http://briansplace.fcpages.com/raceskills.html'>Race/Skills List</a></td>");document.write("<td><a href='http://briansplace.fcpages.com/patriotpub.html'>Dragonball Evolution Member Pics</a></td>");document.write("</tr><tr>");document.write("<td><a href='http://www.geocities.com/toalinree/'target='_blank'>Dragonball Evolution Website</a></td>");document.write("<td><a href='http://jail-bait.net/dbe/'target='_blank'>Dragonball Evolution Forum</a></td>");document.write("<td><a href='http://pub36.bravenet.com/forum/3074625174'target='_blank'>Comments about this site</a></td>");document.write("</tr>");document.write("</tr></table>");document.write("<center>Send your pictures to <i>Brian5@email.com</i></center>");document.write("</h5>");

    and it works greatand yes i know there is an easier way to write a javascript without making so many write.documents but it never works for me if i add more than 1 maybe 2 things in each :)

  21. I am probably one of those people that may ask a similar question, or one that can be answered on the website. I have read all of the Tutorials for html, xhtml, css, and javascript, up until the javascript i was understanding much of what was written and the examples are great you can change them all and see what happens, then just click the link again and be back at the begining I played with those for a long time until something clicked one day and i moved on to the next section, javascript on the otherhand is very difficult for me to understand but everybody says use it for this/that the other thing so i went to a forum but they arent there anymore, so im here now and halve allready recieved alot of great help and i read all the other posts for the subjects that i ask questions on and have even used some new idea and am just trying to figure out how to put them to good use on my (bitty site).Anyway i got off what i was gonna say.asome people need things explained 3 different ways to understand things, alot of the people here are awsome at site building while others (raises hand) are still in all reality Newbies, bear with us as we are trying to learn what you allready know :)

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  22. You know, you can just use divs and CSS...

    yeah stay away from tables unless you reall need to. Just use div's and alin them where you want them, my site isnt the greatest for content but i got rid of the frames and have 2 columns like you want. Navigation on the left and content on the right, then you can use tables inside the content if you want to seperate different things, and everything is on the www.w3schools.com site
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