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Posts posted by Morsusy2k

  1. Hehe,that got me confused xDNvm,okay so i did some experiments and i tried to make font color change also on rollover/hover/mouseenter but its kinda buggy,also i know its possible to make colors fade in/out too but i have no idea how to add that...well this is the far as i got:

    $('#item1').hover(function() {  $('#bg').fadeOut('fast', function() {		$("#bg").attr('src',"image1.jpg");		$("#bg").fadeIn();  }); $('#item1').mouseenter(function() {  $("#item1").css("color","blue");});  $('#item1').mouseleave(function() {  $("#item1").css("color","black");});});

    First few times you hover it it wont change :S

  2. Works like a charm :PHere is the final code if someone is interested :P

    $(document).ready(function(){$('#item1').hover(function() {  $('#bg').fadeOut('fast', function() {		$("#bg").attr('src',"image1.jpg");		$("#bg").fadeIn();  } );} );  $('#item2').hover(function() {  $('#bg').fadeOut('fast', function() {		$("#bg").attr('src',"image2.jpg");		$("#bg").fadeIn();  } );} );$('#item3').hover(function() {  $('#bg').fadeOut('fast', function() {		$("#bg").attr('src',"image3.jpg");		$("#bg").fadeIn();  } );} );$('#item4').hover(function() {  $('#bg').fadeOut('fast', function() {		$("#bg").attr('src',"image4.jpg");		$("#bg").fadeIn();  } );} );$('#item5').hover(function() {  $('#bg').fadeOut('fast', function() {		$("#bg").attr('src',"image5.jpg");		$("#bg").fadeIn();  } );} );$("#item1, #item2, #item3, #item4, #item5").mouseleave(function(){  $('#bg').fadeOut('fast', function() {		$("#bg").attr('src',"1.jpg");		$("#bg").fadeIn();});});});

    Thank you everyone :)

  3. Foxy,you're right..It works now! :)Im doing some experiments,can you give me a hint on making it fadein/out?Something like this:

    $('#item1').hover(function(){  $("#bg").fadeOut();  $("#bg").attr('src',"image1.jpg")  $("#bg").fadeIn();   });

  4. Well..the title says it allI wanna build a navigation bar witch will change images in separate div,like here:http://aquaplan.rs/Lets just start with one button and one image..I tried lots of different stuff online and i couldn't find anything :SSo this is where i stoped:

    $(document).ready(function(){$('button').click(function(){  $("#bg").attr('src',"image1.jpg");   }};}};

    This only makes the page to blink,i don't know why...help? :PThanks :)

  5. So this should be the solution,but it isn't. It still slides up even if my mouse is on #panel...

    <script>$(document).ready(function(){  $("#flip").mouseenter(function(){    $("#panel").slideDown("fast");  });  $("#flip,#panel").mouseleave(function(){    $("#panel").slideUp("fast");});});</script>

  6. I'm trying to make some kind of menu. I used codes from jQuery slide and events examples,but i'm stuck with this.If you run this php you get a menu that falls down but never goes up.

    <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><script src="jquery.js"></script><script>$(document).ready(function(){  $("#flip").mouseenter(function(){    $("#panel").slideDown("fast");  });});  $("#flip,#panel").mouseleave(function(){    $("#panel").slideUp("fast");});</script><style type="text/css">#flip{padding:5px;font-size: 20px;text-align:left;background-color:#fff;border:0px;width:150px;}#panel{padding:5px;font-size: 15px;text-align:left;background-color:#fff;border:0px;width:150px;}#panel{width:150px;display:none;}</style></head><body><div id="flip">AAAAAAAAAA</div><div id="panel">Hello world!<br>Hello world!<br>Hello world!</div></body></html>

    This aint working also...If someone rollsover with mouse he cant pick any of items below (Any of "Hello world!"s) because it closes....I know i'm missing something stupid,but help :)

    <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><script src="jquery.js"></script><script>$(document).ready(function(){  $("#flip").hover(function(){    $("#panel").slideDown("fast");  });});  $("#flip,#panel").mouseleave(function(){    $("#panel").slideUp("fast");});</script><style type="text/css">#flip{padding:5px;font-size: 20px;text-align:left;background-color:#fff;border:0px;width:150px;}#panel{padding:5px;font-size: 15px;text-align:left;background-color:#fff;border:0px;width:150px;}#panel{width:150px;display:none;}</style></head><body><div id="flip">AAAAAAAAAA</div><div id="panel">Hello world!<br>Hello world!<br>Hello world!</div></body></html>

    Thanks :)

  7. Hello,I'm new here,so lets say something about me..I'm from Serbia i'm 19 years old,still going to high school,next year i'll be going to college i hope so (programming college).I have done a lot of websites,at the moment i'm running my schools website,worked for a marketing company... I started programming when I was 9. (Believe it or not :P) I'm very good at programming Pascal,ActionScript2 and php+css+mySql. I know a lot of other langs but not so well so i will not mention them..I want to learn jQuery (java script),I saw you have some pretty good tutorials about that (thats what brought me here).Also I would like to learn Python.

  8. That website does not have anything 3d at all,its all good AS. Its not hard to make but you'll need a lot of time.About 3d importing you can always use Swift3D v6 (or any other version) for making 3D objects,that program is compatible with Flash and you can share files between them. Eg. Image from flash to Swift,animate it in 3d and import it back to Flash...

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