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  1. DAY1990

    [CSS] Little Help

    For some reason when I choose Validate by URl it says unable to contact target server and if I upload my css it shows only one warning about background color being the same as color. I will try checking again later. Maybe its because of Wardpress... Anyways thanks for quick reply.
  2. DAY1990

    [CSS] Little Help

    Please visit this page, as you can see I got problems with content and side menu positioning. Before it was all messed up but then I used margin:0px auto; and my header and footer centered but content and menu didn't. Any ideas how can I fix it ? Thank you. Help would be highly appreciated.
  3. This might help. Enjoy !
  4. This is kind of Off Topic but for FTP I prefer using Far Manager. Some of you might not like it but once you get used to it you can manage files on your pc and your server in seconds. For example it takes me about 2 clicks to upload saved php file. Here is the web site. Give it a try Far Manager.
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