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Everything posted by donking13

  1. donking13

    qoute form

    thanks for the reply guys, I got it to work now. but the now I want it to go with html and css. but for some reason I can't implement the css because I can't call out the class/id. <?php $page = $_POST["pages"];$purpose = $_POST["purpose"];$hostDom = 2;$qoute;$myID = "total"; function myPage(){global $page,$qoute; if($page <= 5){$qoute = $qoute + 3000;}else{$qoute = $qoute + 4000;}} function myPurpose(){global $purpose,$qoute; if($purpose == 5){$qoute = $qoute + 3500;}else{ $qoute = $qoute + 0; } } function myhostDom(){global $hostDom,$qoute; if($hostDom == 1){$qoute = $qoute + 1000;} else if($hostDom == 2){$qoute = $qoute + 3000;} } myPage();myPurpose();myhostDom();echo "<html>";echo '<style type="text/css">';include '/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/php//total.css';echo '</style>';echo "<div id= $myID > total of $qoute </div>"; ?>
  2. donking13

    qoute form

    hi good day, I want to build a qoute form for my website. so far the php work without the html, but when i integrated the code. I didn't work, I just want to test it before I completely finish everything. I'm new to php but I have 1 year experience with html and css. below is the html part <html><head></head><body><form action="connect.php" method="get">Domain Name: <input type="text" name="1stText" value=""> Tip: www.websitealfred.com or websitealfred<br/><br/>How many pages: <input type="number" name="pages" value="text"><br/><br/>Purpose of the website: <br/><BLOCKQUOTE> <input type="checkbox" name="purpose" value="1"> Blog<br/><input type="checkbox" name="purpose" value="2"> Business<br/><input type="checkbox" name="purpose" value="3"> Community<br/><input type="checkbox" name="purpose" value="4"> Portfolio<br/><input type="checkbox" name="purpose" value="5"> Ecommerce<br/> </BLOCKQUOTE><br/><br/>Category of the website: <br/> <BLOCKQUOTE><select name="categories"> <option Value="1">Gaming</option> <option Value="2">Sports</option> <option Value="3">Food/Restaurant</option> <option Value="4">Health Care</option> <option Value="5">Events/Parties</option> <option Value="6">Clothing/Shopping/Apparel</option> <option Value="7">Travel</option> <option Value="8">Cars</option> <option Value="9">Movies</option> <option Value="10">School/Learning</option> </select></BLOCKQUOTE> <br/><br/> <input type="submit" value="Submit"></body></html> here is the php part <?php$page = $_GET("pages");$purpose = $_GET("purpose");$hostDom = 2;$qoute; function myPage(){global $page,$qoute; if($page <= 5) { $qoute = $qoute + 3000; } } function myPurpose(){global $purpose,$qoute; if($purpose == 4) { $qoute = $qoute + 3500; } } function myhostDom(){global $hostDom,$qoute; if($hostDom == 1) { $qoute = $qoute + 1000; } else if($hostDom == 2) { $qoute = $qoute + 3000; } } myPage();myPurpose();myhostDom();echo $qoute;?> it's not showing anything, ignore the $hostdom and myhostDom. I just want to see if the myPage and myPurpose works. Thanks you for your time.
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