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Posts posted by george

  1. var url = "GetMess.php";		var params = "?mainarea="+mainarea+"&subarea="+subarea+"&message="+message;		xmlHttp.onreadystatechange=stateChanged;		xmlHttp.open("POST",url,true);		xmlHttp.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");		xmlHttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Length", params.length);		xmlHttp.send(params)

    I keep getting a 401 error, even though the php file exists in the same directory as the javascript that referrs to it. The javascript may be called from one of many files, but they all lie at the same directory level from the root. So I have <root>/scripts/<filename, php & js> and <root>/modules/<directories>/<filenames, all html>Why might I not be able to see my file? Have tried the entire URL, ../GetMess.php, and ../../GetMess.php - same error every time. 401. Sigh!IIS 6 server with internet guest having full rights to directories and allow scripts and executibles set to on. - george

  2. but if you are streaming media...
    I will be, but I thought the client side app that renders the streaming content takes care of that. (real player, quick time, etc..)On the app I have been working on here, in the "full screen" mode, the page has a button that takes the user back to normal, in my case, back inside an iFrame. And it all works now! :) Yeah!I do have another issue with streaming media . . synchronicity with a powerpoint presentation. I have seen this done by putting something (a que) in the stream that can be picked up by a javascript, which then loads the next ppt slide (which was actually a ppt slide saved as a gif). It works. But now that we have our own equipment for recording, how do we insert that que durring the recording? (it's always something totallychibi) Anyway, thanks for you assistance with this one.
  3. glad to help georgebut as jesh says,if you have made a call to the window.open option,you have brought up a new window full-screened,with toolbars invisible and sized to fullscreenif alt-tab, you will see that when in full screen mode,you would actually have the previous windowand this new full screen windowits not actually possible to make your current browser go full screen as the F11 function doesso the full screen window is a double of your original windownot a big deal for stills and textbut if you are streaming media, you might need to check that double streaming is not too intensive on the serverespecially if the number of people using it increases
  4. Ah, but is it a browser in full screen mode or is it a browser in windowed mode with toolbars invisible and sized to fit the entire screen?
    There is no border around the content, and the content fills the screen. This is what I wanted.
  5. I don't know that I've personally ever seen a website that is able to change my browser so that the window is in fullscreen mode. I'm not sure it's possible.
    :) Yes yes, it is possible. :) What I have is a navagation page with an iFrame. The content page in the iFrame has a button to go full screen, totally full screen, no window trappings what-so-ever. Then there is a button on the full screen to go back to the navagation page with that same page again in the iFrame, except now the button reads 'Go to Full Screen'. And it all works!! Now I can go take a long walk in the snow. Life is good. - George
  6. Can I send a keypress through JS, and so emulate the F11 key in windows IE, which toggels full screen on and off? This page will only be viewed using IE, and I know the ASCII key code for F11 is 122. How can I get a button on my page to push the client's F11 key?

  7. use 0 for no and 1 for yes insteadie. status=0
    I made that change, but got the same results. Here is what works and what does not work with the window.open() function on my browser:
    window.open(document.URL,		//works"_blank", 			//workschannelmode=1, 		// unkdirectories=0, 		//worksfullscreen=1, 		//does not worklocation=0, 		//unkmenubar=0, 		//worksresizable=0,		//works 					status=0, 			//workstitlebar=0, 		//does not worktoolbar=0 );		//works

  8. I want to place a button on my page that will reopn the current document in full screen mode. To accomplish this I have used:

    <button name='viewmode' id='viewmode' value='Full Screen' onclick='window.open(document.URL,"_blank", channelmode="yes", directories="no", fullscreen="yes", location="no", menubar="no", resizable="no", status="no", titlebar="no", toolbar="no" );' />

    What I get is the old document opened in a new window, but not full screen. Parts of the function work. My new window does not have the address bar or a status bar, as requested. But no full screen. In addition to that, the window that had the button now says 'page can not be displayed'. I may be taking the wrong approach here, or misusing some open() parameters. Any help sure would be appreciated. ThanksGeorge

  9. Hi Jesh, My i and j are the increment variables of two nested for loops.

    Where does the variable i come from? Does i + j (i.e. numb) ever equate to a number that is larger than x.elements.length? If so, that might be the cause of your problem.
    I resolved the problem by giving a value of zero to all field elements that do not have a value. I thought I would be accomplishing the same thing with the isNaN function, but apparently this function alone will not work.
  10. :) I have a form with 180 fields in it. When five fields in a row (processed by for clause) all have numbers in them, then I can present my total with the document ... innerHTML clause. But as soon as one of the form's fields is blank, it stops working.
    for (j=0; j<5; j++) {		numb = parseInt(i) + parseInt(j);		if (!isNaN(x.elements[numb].value)) { 			week1 +=  parseInt(x.elements[numb].value); 		} 	}	document.getElementById("myTable").rows[1].cells[6].innerHTML = parseInt(week1);

    I thought I would be trapping this problem with if isNaN(value), but apparently not.

  11. Is there a third character used where I use quotes now? I have this problem string

    	echo '<script>setTimeout("window.history.go('../index.html')",500); </script>';

    which the parcer sometimes gets, and sometimes not. Why do I this bit of code? I need to return the user to a page depending on their access level. The echo is with another like it in an "if" statement.

  12. could be something simple; do you have "session_start();" before anything is printed to the page ?
    I had session_start(); as the first line of every page, then tried commenting it out, I get the same results. !?!First file is index.php, it includes a header.inc, goes back to the index, which presents and processes the login. If login is OK, I process the following
    ini_set('session.auto_start',1);ini_set('session.cache_limiter', 'private');ini_set('session.use_trans_sid',1);ini_set ('session.use_cookies', 1);session_start();

    The auto start could be why commenting out sessions on other pages had no effect. So I just set auto start off, and put back in a session_start for every page. Same effect. :)

  13. The following is some very simple code:

    echo "<br />" . $_SESSION['emp_id'] . "<br />"; 	 if (!isset($_SESSION['selected_emp_id'])) { 		$_SESSION['selected_emp_id'] = $_SESSION['emp_id']; 	  }echo $_SESSION['selected_emp_id'];

    So why do a get nothing returned for the first echo and the number I am looking for returned for my second echo! I then when I do an SQL search for the second echo, which returned the value it should have had, the record returned is one with no value in the field I was searching for. :) I suspect the answer lies with data types. They should all be numbers. Initially


  14. Hi Scott, I wish I could find the answer. My counter, in a header file, restarts incrementing every time I login anew to my web app. But subsequent calls to the header.inc within the web app keep incrementing all day, such that I have two counts going on, both called and incremented by the same function in my header.inc. I can not get my head around this sessions stuff. And the simple getting-started-with-sessions stuff does not help. And now I am starting to get cashed files, such that I can not see the current state of my data. I suppose it is time to go and delete all the sessions records from my server, delete all my cookies from my client, and start over. I found out that part of my problem was relying on PHP web pages, where one spoke to version 4 and earlier, and the other to above 4, but the 4 and below pages not telling me thaqt they were good only for 4 and below. The PHP manual does spell out which commands are supported for which version - I think. Good luck.

  15. I have a form which prior to loading get data from datasource. The fields with data are disabled. The user inputs data in new fields, and then clicks submit. All the old data is lost. It behaves as though a disabled field is automatically rendered null. I have tried to fashion a submit button that would call a JS function first to enable all the fields. This did not work. Then I sought to create my own submit button, but couldn't find the DOM method to submit. Is there some work around to this? I want the data that was pulled for a record, and displayed in a disabled field, to be returned to the record upon submit. Help!! :)

  16. Wow Zachary, what was the point of that? I mean.. god. Well, I give you a 0/45 in that case. Because you tried to fix his and STILL mispelled a word. You figure it out.
    If only thoes who are perfect are authorized to point out the blunders of others, then none of us would ever out grow their blunders. Yes/No ?
    • Like 1
  17. Thanks for replying JSG.

    Try adding this to the top of your page, before you do anything with the session:ini_set('session.cache_limiter', 'private');
    That had a good effect. I have a counter in my header file, just as a debugging tool. And it had continued to increment even after I had left the site. I had to shut down my browser to get it to restart it's count. But none of my other $_SESSION array elements can be retrieved after being set. The very first lines of my index file are :
    ini_set('session.cache_limiter', 'private');ini_set('session.use_trans_sid',1);ini_set ('session.use_cookies', 1);session_start();

    My index has an include which is the header file and it has a $_SESSION['counter'] that works fine. None of my other $_SESSION['vars'] are surviving the trip from one page to the next, but my counter does. I am at a loss. I don't even have a session start on that page. But I used session start on the includes that follow under my header include, and this does not change anything. Then tried commenting that out on every page. Still no maintaining state. I am learning a lot about sessions. Just not what I am doing wrong.

  18. Thanks

    You kind of want those so the user knows where to type
    I have two javascripts, one for on focus = cyan, the other for onblur = yellow. This works as a replacement for the text-box box and shows where the focus is for the user. I will try your suggestions today. Thanks
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