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Everything posted by wraybm1

  1. Ok... with your help I got it to work... but now how the heck do I get the IE7 stylesheet to "move my div back 'round"???? I've read that there is something with the margin "auto" setting not being recognized in IE7. What's the dillio?
  2. Hey the relative paths don't work... not even in the regular (uncommented) style link. And I still (after many hours of guess and check) haven't seen an ounce of evidence that these conditional comments even work.isn't there a way to do this with javascript? ... I don't have much faith in these conditional comments.
  3. Sorry... yeah it's at http://www.ccicenter.org/new_site/wordpress/
  4. No the conditional comments don't seem to be working. I change things and nothing happens. IE still seems to be responding to the main stylesheet. Help.
  5. Wow that is awesome, I have never heard of that before. I learn something new every day. Stay tuned for my real problem... fixing these damned <divs>
  6. Ok, I understand all the latter stuff...(i.e. style sheets must be different etc...) I don't understand however what the code that you gave me is... why it needs to be inside comments... and where it should go. I put it in the header right. But I tried changing the background in the IE style sheet and it didn't work. Let me know what is wrong. Sorry... I've got some things very clear but other are obfuscated.
  7. I inserted that code in my header, minus the comment markers, and uploaded it. I tried fooling around with the IE specific style sheets and it doesn't appear to have taken effect.I'm not really sure what sort of code that is that you gave me, it turns up pink in dreamweaver. Anyway I'm using wordpress and the original style sheet is being brought in with a call to a function. Can I just overwrite that with a straight up URL of my original?
  8. Page at http://www.ccicenter.org/new_site/wordpress/weblog/In Firefox and Opera this page is fine, but in IE 7 the footer <div> is slid to the right almost all the way.And in IE 6 the corner ribbon <div> sits ontop of the scrollbar.What is going on? Have the natural laws of the universe turned their backs on us? Or have I screwed up?Please Help.
  9. I just downloaded IE 7 this morning... and the image overlap happened for me before I did... and now with IE 7 the footer is off to the right about 400 pixels. Spooky stuff.
  10. I am having a similar problem with my footer. I want it to stay in the center (as it does in FF and Opera) it slides to the right in IE. I have it set to tex-align: center; already. I'm not sure why it's doing this. Please help. Page at: http://www.ccicenter.org/new_site/wordpress/weblog/CSS at: http://www.ccicenter.org/new_site/wordpres...theme/style.css
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