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Posts posted by jtikcuf

  1. All I can tell from the error messages is that jQuery and something called WIDGETBOX are not defined. Sounds like you're having a problem loading jQuery. Check your browser's developer console to make sure that there are no 404s or other error messages.

    can you tell me a lil more how does something like this gets fixed- nothing was touched! Did you go to the web site?

  2. <div class="grid_3 bg_plus alpha"> <a href="HTML/images/assets/wb/033.JPG" rel="pf_item" class="work_image" title="Whataburger"> <img src="HTML/images/assets/1.jpg" alt="" /> </a> <h3>Whataburger</h3> <p>Curabitur et velit nisl. Donec semper egestas blandit. Etiam ultrices dolor fermentum elit laoreet vitae hendrerit tortor vulputate.</p> </div>



    <a href="HTML/images/assets/wb" rel="pf_item" class="work_image" title="Whataburger"> ( THIS IS WHERE I HAVE ALL THE PICS I WANT TO SHOW NOTHING HAPPENS)

  3. ok i guess this is a better explanation on what i want to do

    Is there a way to make each thumbnail tile in the portfolio open a separate series of images?


    Right now, when I click on on of the thumbnails, it opens up a window that lets me view click through all 32 images (instead of just the one for the thumbnail).

    I want to make it so that each thumbnail launches a single image (or 5 or 6), but only the images that pertain to that thumbnail.

    The user would have to close out to get an expanded view on another topic.


    Is there a way to alter the code for that?

  4. <div class="portfolio"> <div class="grid_3 bg_plus alpha"> <a href="HTML/images/assets/wb/033.JPG" rel="pf_item" class="work_image" title="Whataburger"> <img src="HTML/images/assets/1.jpg" alt="" /> </a> <h3>Whataburger</h3> <p>Curabitur et velit nisl. Donec semper egestas blandit. Etiam ultrices dolor fermentum elit laoreet vitae hendrerit tortor vulputate.</p> </div>


    What i want to know how can i put all the pictures from whataburger to show when u click on whataburger, (portfolio first left click on it so you can see what i mean) thxs

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