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  1. OH MY GOD!!!!!It works... I can't believe this... This is awesome!!!!!Thank you very much....can't believe this.. it works... :D:D:D:DThank you very much, Patrick!!!!
  2. Hi! I'm using the following script to clone some fields on a PHP form soh that the users can add more links.Everything works great, but there is this one thing that I don't know how to do it because I'm really a starter in JS.On my <select>, I have <options> that has to be enumerated.. like Link 1, Link 2, Link 3 and I don't know how to do it...The code I'm using is the following: <script language="javascript">var counter = -1;function moreFields(X){counter++;var newFields = document.getElementById('readroot' + X).cloneNode(true);newFields.id = '';newFields.style.display = 'block';var newField = newFields.childNodes;for (var i=0;i<newField.length;i++){var theName = newField[i].nameif (theName)newField[i].name = theName + '[' + counter + ']';}var insertHere = document.getElementById('writeroot' + X);insertHere.parentNode.insertBefore(newFields,insertHere);}</script><input type="button" value="+ E-mails" onClick="moreFields(2)"><div id="readroot2" style="display:none;" > Texto: <select name='texto[]' class='field' onchange='email_text(this)'> <option value='Email 1' selected='selected'>E-mail 1</option> <option value='Link 1'>Link 1</option> <option>Other</option></select> E-mail/Link: <input name="email" type="text" id="email" value="" size="20" /></div><div id="writeroot2"></div> I hope someone can help!!.. PLZZZZZ!!!!!!
  3. i'm working on some other page right now, but I'll try it today and will post if it solved it.Won't try it now because I don't want to lose my line of thought on the other page....Thank you very much for the help Lulzim!!!!Will post back soon to confirm if it worked.
  4. Hi!I'm trying to make this form for an auto-poster for vBulletin...I kind of got what I want but there is still one piece out...Got it to show the drop-down box on the if..else working..basically what it does is when one goes to the postador.php, he/she gets the first drop-down menu... and then he selects the action and the action is sent to the URL.. the page reloads and because the action is on the URL, the second drop-down menu appears and the first doesn't.But here is the thing.. I want that when the person selects the category on the second menu, that the category is added to the URL instead of replacing the action..eg.: postador.php?do=add&cat=wallpapers <form action="postador.php" method="get"><?php$do = $_GET["do"];if(!isset($do)) {echo "<select name='do'> <option value=''>Choose an action:</option> <option value='add'>Add</option> <option value='edit'>Edit</option> </select>"; }elseif(isset($do)) {echo "<select name='cat'> <option value=''>Choose a category:</option> <option value='wallpapers'>Wallpapers</option> <option value='screensavers'>Screesavers</option> </select>"; }?><br /><br /> <input type="button" value="Back" onClick="history.go(-1)"> <input id="submit" type="submit" value="Go!"/></form> The code I got so far substitutes the "postador.php?do=add" for the "postador.php?cat=wallpapers" and I want it to stay as "postador.php?do=add&cat=wallpapers".I surely hope someone can help me with these...didn't try google because I don't know what to look for.. Hope someone here can help.Thanks a lot!
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