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Everything posted by khaledjaan

  1. after understanding : <h1>there two types of elements :</h1><ul><li>Block-level elements:</li><ul><li>starting new line (div)</li></ul><li>inline elements:</li><ul><li>without starting new line (span)</li></ul></ul><hr><hr><p>use div to change the color (Block-level: start new line)</p><h2>I am learning <div style="color:blue;">HTML</div></h2><br><br><p>use span to change the color (inline: do not start new line)</p><h2>I am learning <span style="color:blue;">HTML</span></h2>
  2. I really thank you for your help it is clear now
  3. can you write the tags please in order to compare
  4. 1- A block-level element is an element that creates large blocks of content like paragraphs or page divisions. They start new lines of text when you use them, and can contain other blocks as well as inline elements and text or data. 2- An inline element is an element that define text or data in the document like STRONG makes the enclosed text strongly emphasized and Q says the enclosed text is a quotation. They don't start new lines when you use them what does start new lines / don't start new line means?can you give me example? your help would be appreciate it
  5. Thank you . another question pleasewhile I am learning HTML I face many tags and I can't memorize them all even I practicedwhat is the best way to learn HTML ? and should I keep all tags in my mind ?what do you mean by make templates for content management systems? again thank you for your help
  6. hi everyone I am wondering , why should we learn HTML , whereas there are many app (WYSIWYG) easier than HTML to create webpages can anyone explain to me
  7. smart and like to learn many thing one at time :D

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