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  1. Suppose I have a HTML with a form and inside it an input = "text"Suppose I want if user input 3 into the text and press submit button, then another text on the same page will show the value of Output = input value x 4 +2ie if input = 3, label will show 3x4+2 = 14 instantly. What should be the code ?Thanks
  2. Why the HTML5 audio player cannot reply on mobile browsers?I put <audio control> on page when I browse it using mobile broswer it can be played ONCE, but on press the play button again it does not play again.... I tried both iphone and Android it behaves the same.This is killing me, please help anyone has similar experience before ? Afterwards, I installed many browsers on Android like Dophin, Opera, Skyfire, they all behave the same can play once only... help...
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