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Posts posted by aND|e

  1. hi! newbie question again!i've been making a simple site for my boyfriend and me, half the page is his, half is mine. everything's going fine with firefox but when i decided to view it with ie, there's this white border in between the 2 <div> (this doesnt happen in firefox!). what's wrong with it? im still starting to learn html and a little css so im kinda shy to show the site but if it'll help, you can see it at http://www.ryjin.com

    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"><html><head><title>and tonight..you revolve around me..</title><style type="text/css"><!--html,body{overflow: scroll;}#left{padding: 5px;color: #c0c0c0;position: absolute;top: 0px;left: 0px;width: 50%;height: 100%;background-color: black;}#right{padding: 5px;color: #5F5A59;position: absolute;top: 0px;right: 0px;width: 50%;height: 100%;background-color: #FAAFBE;}IMG{border: 0px;position: absolute;}--></style></head></html>

    here's part of the code..hope someone can help me. thanks again!

  2. hi! can anyone help me with this please? :) i've read in an html/css book that the font needs to be embedded on the page so visitors who doesnt have the font can still view it. does anyone know how to do this? i'd really appreciate it. thanks a lot!

  3. haha..ok i'll give it a try..actually its not the background for the whole page..i just want a paragraph to have a background (instead of using a color, i want to use an image). i'm still a little embarrassed since im just doing basic stuff. i just started learning about a couple of weeks ago :) as soon as i have everything organized ill start giving the link when i ask for help..haha! so basically i just want a background for my text, not the whole page :)

  4. hmm..i think it worked but the image was so small i had to check twice if it was the image or just dirt on my screen. haha! what if i just want it on 1 paragraph on my page Jonas? Correct me if I'm wrong but the code you posted will make every paragraph on my page have the same text background image, is that right? and how do i position the image and paragraph on the page? thanks a bunch!

  5. Mimika help! I can't understand what the book says on what to do about changing the text's background. its says type background: then type transparent or color, where colors is a color name or hex color. and if i want, i can also use an image by typing url (image.gif) instead. in this case i want to use an image. can you tell me what's the exact css code for this? i'd really appreciate it!

  6. i've tried to use images to label links and i have one teeny tiny problem..around the image, there's like a thin blue border which turns to purple after you've clicked the image. just like with normal text links. i've scanned thru html and css tutorials but all i found was how to change the colors if i was using text for the links and not images.is there any way for me to change or remove that "border" around the image? thanks!

  7. i've tried to use images to label links and i have one teeny tiny problem..around the image, there's like a thin blue border which turns to purple after you've clicked the image. just like with normal text links. i've scanned thru html and css tutorials but all i found was how to change the colors if i was using text for the links and not images. is there any way for me to change or remove that "border" around the image? thanks!

  8. add the body margin:0 in stylesheet.

    hi again mani_!i tried searching for body margin but all i can find are the margins for paragraph. ill try searching some more but if you happen to have the code i'd really appreciate it :) thanks again so much!Jonas gave me this html code and i want it to appear like this but the code you gave me will make it so much easier because of the div left and right. hope you can help me again :)<html><head><title>Untitled</title><style type="text/css"><!--body {background-color: pink;}div#left {width: 50%; /* will make the div half the total width of your page. */height: 100%;position: absolute;top: 0px;left: 0px; /* sticks your div in the top-left corner of your page. */background-color: black;}--></style></head><body><div id="left"><font color="#2B60DE"> Menu content, or whatever you want...</div></body></html>
  9. hi jonas! i kinda need help with something (again!) or anyone's help :) mani_ gave me this code in css forum and i think it's going to eb easier for me to use this since there's a left and right div but since im really new to css and just know a little html, i want it to come out like jonas's suggestion. this one doesnt fill the whole page. hope you guys can edit the code or somthing or at least tell me what i need to do to fill up the page with the background. thanks!<html><head><style type="text/css">.left{position:relative;float:left;z-index:-10;width:50%;height:600px;background-color:black;}.right{position:relative;float:right;z-index:-10;width:50%;height:600px;background-color:pink;}</style><body><div><div class="left"> </div><div class="right"></div></div></body></html>

  10. Here is the code.
    <html><head><style type="text/css">.left{position:relative;float:left;z-index:-10;width:50%;height:600px;background-color:black;}.right{position:relative;float:right;z-index:-10;width:50%;height:600px;background-color:pink;}</style><body><div><div class="left"> </div><div class="right"></div></div></body></html>

    Put the left contents in left div and the right contents in right div.

    thanks mani_!!! :)
  11. I know about thouse funktions :Dwhy i make img with 1024x860 is cause its world standard atm  :( there are accualy ppl who dont have money to buy screens that supports bigger then 1024x860. just to concider them cause they can be customer for your company or a page visitor. :( and yes about the over flow i have a plan for that :)Well i can agree that div tags can be a solution but iam maybe an old fasion guy (even for my age hehe) thats why i use frames hehe  :)Edit 2---------aND|e well thouse 3 funktions we brought up works old or new  :) hope learning CSS will help you alot and that you like it ^^

    thanks Mimika! I hope I get the hang of it soon..it gets really frustrating sometimes :blink:
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