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Everything posted by Noobc0re

  1. Half right, all I need is for there to be a doctype declaration. If there is none, it does not work properly. But with one, it does.
  2. This is resolved now.
  3. I don't care if my doctype is a fluffy bunny as long as it performs as I want it to. My problem is getting rid of the chinese letters, and not that html4 is not a valid doctype.
  4. I know it is, but it was the only one that worked properly for all three(chrome, firefox and IE) browsers.
  5. If you go to omsamer.se/gielain you'll see a site that looks messed up with a lot asian characters. Can't tell if it is japanese, chinese or from somewhere else, that is probably not even relevant. If run from the folders on my computer, this site looks normal, so why does it mess up so bad online?
  6. Noobc0re


    Setting the doctype to html4 solved that issue.
  7. Noobc0re


    Apparently if you go into IE while viewing the site and press f12 you get the check on stuff thing. there you see the document-mode is on "insufficient code", if you change that to IE 8 or 9 standards, that problem fixes it self. But it gets the same odd buttons that firefox has. I would explain it using proper language, but my IE is in swedish so I have to guess the translations. I'm guessing this is the doctype problem. Is there a way to tell IE to view the site in IE9 standard mode?
  8. Noobc0re


    No, that was just something I put in while trying to solve the issue. Even when I put px in it barely changes anything.
  9. Noobc0re


    The html: [size=4]<html>[/size]<head><title>Gielain</title><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/index.css"></head><Body><div id=envelop><div id=headerbox><img src="pic/header.png" alt="header"></div><div id=menybox><ul class="meny"><li><a href="index.html" class="b1"></a></li><li><a href="omoss.html" class="b2"></a></li><li><a href="oversattning.html" class="b3"></a></li><li><a href="tolkning.html" class="b4"></a></li><li><a href="kontakt.html" class="b5"></a></li></ul></div><div id=textbox><img src="pic/Suorva_feb08-249_01.jpg" alt="sourva"><br><div class="t1"><h1>Jorgaleapmi ja dulkon </h1><p>Jorgalan davvisámegiela ja ruoŧagiela gaskkas muhto maid iežá gielaide go mus lea ovttasbargu iežá jorgaleddjiiguin.<br>Lean auktoriserejuvvon dulka davvisámegiela ja ruoŧagiela gaskkas Ruoŧas. Lean maid hárjanan dulkot dárogielas ja eaŋgalasgillii/eaŋgalasgielas.</p></div><div class="t2"><h1>Översättning och tolkning</h1><p>Översättningar till och från nordsamiska och svenska men även till ett antal andra språk. Auktoriserad tolk i nordsamiska - svenska, men har även erfarenhet av att tolka från norska och engelska.</p></div></div><div id=botbox><img src="pic/bot.png" alt="bot"></div></div></body>[size=4]</html>[/size] The CSS [size=4]@charset "utf-8";[/size]/* CSS Document */ * {margin: 0; padding: 0;} html {font-size:125%;} body {font-size:50%;} body {background-color:#ffffff;font-size:0.9em;color:#000000; font-family:"Minion Pro", Century, serif;margin: 10 0 10 0px;}#envelop {width:1000px; margin:auto;}#menybox {width:1000px;height:50px;font-size:1.5em;margin: 10 0 10 0px}#textbox {background-color:#505050;width:1000px;float:left;margin-top:0 px;background-image: url(../pic/textbg.png);margin: 10 0 50 0px;background-size: 100% 100%; background-origin: border; padding: 0 0 0 0px}#headerbox {width:1000px;height:165px; background: url(../pic/);}#botbox {width:1000px;height:100;} .meny li {float:left;margin:0 0px} .t1 {width:450px;float:left;background-image: url(../pic/textbg.png);background-size: 100% 100%; background-origin: border; padding: 10 10 10 20px;border-style:solid; border-width:2px;background-color:#ffffff;margin: 0 5 0 5;}.t2 {width:450px;float:right;margin-top:0 px;background-image: url(../pic/textbg.png);background-size: 100%; background-origin: border; padding: 10 10 10 20px;border-style:solid; border-width:2px;background-color:#ffffff;margin: 0 5 0 5;} .t3 {width:450px;float:left;background-image: url(../pic/textbg.png);margin:25 0px;background-size: 100% 100%; background-origin: border; padding: 10 10 10 20px;border-style:solid; border-width:2px; clear:both;background-color:#ffffff;} a {}a:link {text-decoration:none;}a:visited {}a:hover {color:#ffffff;font-weight:bold;}a:active {color:#ff0000;text-decoration:none} img {margin-bottom:10px} p {margin-bottom:30px}p.link {margin-bottom:40px} h1 {font-size:1.92em;margin-bottom:30px} /* button 1 */a.b1 {display: block; width: 145px; height: 50px; background-image: url(../pic/button/buttons2.png);background-position: 0 0px; margin: 0 auto;}a.b1:link {}a.b1:visited {}a.b1:hover {background-position: 0 -50px;}a.b1:active {background-position: 0 -100px;} /* button 2 */a.b2 {display: block; width: 150px; height: 50px; background-image: url(../pic/button/buttons2.png);background-position: -140 0px; margin: 0 auto;}a.b2:link {}a.b2:visited {}a.b2:hover {background-position: -140 -50px;}a.b2:active {background-position: 0 -100px;} /* Button 3 */a.b3 {display: block; width: 300px; height: 50px; background-image: url(../pic/button/buttons2.png);background-position: -295 0px; margin: 0 auto;}a.b3:link {}a.b3:visited {}a.b3:hover {background-position: -295 -50px;}a.b3:active {background-position: 0 -100px;} /* Button 4 */a.b4 {display: block; width: 200px; height: 50px; background-image: url(../pic/button/buttons2.png);background-position: -595 0px; margin: 0 auto;}a.b4:link {}a.b4:visited {}a.b4:hover {background-position: -595 -50px;}a.b4:active {background-position: 0 -100px;} /* Button 5 */a.b5 {display: block; width: 200px; height: 50px; background-image: url(../pic/button/buttons2.png);background-position: -800 0px; margin: 0 auto;}a.b5:link {}a.b5:visited {}a.b5:hover {background-position: -800 -50px;}a.b5:active {background-position: 0 -100px;}[size=4]}[/size]
  10. Noobc0re


    I have one enveloping div at 1000 px Inside that I have one div left aligned at 450px and another 450px div aligned to the right. Chrome has only a little space inbetween them, while IE has a massive one. I tried increasing the sizes for them to look right on IE, but then they got too big on chrome so they stacked up on one another.
  11. Noobc0re


    How are you supposed to make anything in html/css if all the different browsers decide to read everything differently?
  12. Noobc0re


    There are no relevant elements that have default margins in play. The three browsers just read them so differently. Chrome has the divs bigger than IE has them.
  13. Noobc0re


    How do I know which doctype to use for my site not to look stupid in IE? The problem I have currently is that it does not center the site and the gap between two divs is too big and the buttons look all strange. EDIT: apparently Firefox is also having issues with it. It is centered, but the buttons are all strange.
  14. Hi, I had build up a website using html/css, got finished about 2 weeks ago. I was going to check on it today, using chrome, to make sure everything was as it should. And it looked ruined. I have made no changes to the code, but it is like chrome stopped reading my css document. Internet explorer can read it correctly. Does anyone know what this could be? Edit: I tried another website I've made and that one still works as should. So why has chrome started to ignore the new only? Edit again: fixed it, the problem was that I had 'ISO-8859-10' as the charset and something regarding it must've changed. I changed to utf-8 and it worked.
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