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Everything posted by waynenoel

  1. OK, thanx guys. I will do that. It is what I've been planning on. I'll let you know how far I get. :0)'=Wayne
  2. -Umm..... Ok you got me there. I meant that I use GoLive and Dreamweaver with ease in the Layout view mode. And I only putter around in source(html) mode when I have trouble getting the effect I want.But so, really I would only hope to have a "strong" claimable grasp on html and css by two weeks end. I just wondered if you thought I could get through it enough to dig into some php/js.. ? BTW thanx for the feedback, it helps.
  3. Great! Thank yall. That's what I thought. So, I have another question, and it's OK if you think the question is too individual specific.I have two weeks off right now. And I am hoping to be able to get as much done training wise for HTML/CSS/PHP/JavaScript, and in that order of importance for now.If I spend at least 8 hours per day doing nothing but study, do you think I could get as far as PHP or JavaScript? I am a good WYSIWYG develper, pretty quick learner etc...I'm asking this because there is a beginning web developer job openning in a couple weeks where the only requirement is knowing HTML, but the guy said the other three are desired. So I'm wondering if I could perhaps gain a large enough grasp to honestly say I'm ready for it then. And I'm serious about saying at LEAST 8 hours per day -6 days per week -for the next two weeks...
  4. Hello. I am just getting started learning language and I don't know where to start. It seems like the first things I should know well are HTML, CSS, PHP, and JavaScript... right? If so, should I study one at a time, or mix them, which comes first, etc... :0) Thanks,Wayne
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